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Topics - hinur

Pages: [1]
Noggit / Dev Question
« on: April 01, 2017, 09:58:00 pm »
I was wondering, with all the cool stuff added to noggit - would it be possible to have something like a custom brush system. Maybe a brush which looks like cliffs, making it faster to make maps and make it easier for people who cannot do alpha-maps (my computer is very old so cannot run Photoshop).  :)

Miscellaneous / How to change wow interface back to alpha.
« on: September 08, 2016, 09:20:23 pm »
I was wondering what I would need to do get get the character create screen to look something like this.

My mod i'm making for wow has no classes so I wouldn't be interested in a class bar, but is it possible now? (I would like it just to be humans and orcs though)

The title pretty much explains it. Does anyone know how I change the character creation background for a custom hero class? I want it to be like the death knights one, having a unique background. Can anyone help?

Level Design / [Help] [Request] Alphamaps...
« on: July 04, 2016, 10:02:08 pm »
Hey guys,

I've got a very... very big problem on my hands. You see I want to make a cool new map, I have made my continent, custom textures, sky-box, etc - but, their is a problem with alphamaps. I get how you can do them and they seem pretty easy but My computer is absolutely cr*p and When I open it up with my Photoshop it just crashes due to my compute not being able to handle the size of the file. I know this Is I think the biggest favor in the the entire world, but If anybody has any spare time I would be truly grateful if someone could make one for me. I've got an image below showing what im aiming for but cant do at the current time; The green Would use Elwynn forest or Hyjal, Yellow - westfall, and rock just hyjal or elwynn. I would really prefer to do it myself but I have no option at the current time (until next year when I get new computer)

Level Design / [Help] ADT ADDER offsetfix not working?!
« on: June 27, 2016, 08:20:38 pm »
Hey, I've been trying to get the offsetfix.exe program to work for ages now but it refuses to

Displaying the following error: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000012d)

Any help?

Level Design / [REQUEST] Western Plaguelands Alphamaps
« on: June 21, 2016, 09:47:38 pm »
I really need some alphamaps of mountains and ground from Western plaguelands for a new project I'm working on and was wondering if anyone had some due to me not having enough time on my hands to do it myself at the current time. I'd be truly grateful :)

Miscellaneous / Help - Alphamap trouble
« on: April 15, 2016, 06:55:12 pm »
Hey guys, I am trying to get my alphamaps working and I have managed to finish them. (I am following this tutorial ... -tutorial/ )
It says to use the save for web function But it is shaded out for me? Does anyone know why this is!? (Been trying to get it working for around 3 days now...)

Miscellaneous / [HELP] Garrisons
« on: February 09, 2016, 03:09:08 pm »
Hey guys,

Does anyone know how I could make a Garrison system (like in wod) for Wotlk. Any help would be much appreciated.

Level Design / [QUESTION] Sculpting Mountains in noggit
« on: December 29, 2015, 06:21:21 pm »
Hello modders,

I was exploring the new broken isles continent on the legion sandbox when I came across the hills and mountains in the zone stormheim. I thought these would be good for one of the zones I am making in noggit, 3 hours of trying later I still could not figure out how you do it. I was wondering if anyone could help my out on how I sculpt these mountains in noggit. Below are some pics of what I'm aiming for.


Development and Presentation / [WotLk] [Project] Wow Thalanor
« on: December 22, 2015, 10:36:31 pm »

Hello Modders,

I have recently started a new wow project, this is based on books what I wrote a long time ago. I will not be using anything to do with wow, apart from the core game files, its a new game.  so far I've created the lore, started work on world building and the website as well. Below shows what to be expected of the expansion:

The Map:

What will be expected in this expansion:
- Levels 1-30
- And new, in depth lore
- A new world of 7 massively large areas
- On release 5 dungeons and 1 raid
- Player housing
- And constant updated which will up the level cap and will add more zones, dungeons, raids, etc

What will be on the website:
- A bugtracker (send description of a bug and I'll fix it)
- A suggestions board (suggest what you want added and the best idea will be put into the game)
- A House of the month (House which looks the coolest will earn prices)

Until the next update, tell me what you think of it. Hopefully I will have some screenshots of the world and maybe a video.

Level Design / [WIP] World of Warcraft Thalanor expansion: Starwind valley
« on: December 18, 2015, 09:19:33 pm »
Hello modders!

This is just a post showing of a zone I am making for a custom expansion "World of Warcraft: Thalanor". It is the starting zone for the continent, the name is Starwind Valley. I was wondering if I could get any feedback on this because it's my first time continent making and texturing (I'm normally a coder). Below is some pics of the zone ingame:

Also, wondering if my expansion should start from level 1 in this zone, or go from 80-85, any feedback on that would also be much appreciated! :)

NOTE: Have not added ground effects yet.

EDIT: Finished poll, continent will start at level 1. Thanks for the support guys

Serverside Modding / [HELP] Player Housing
« on: December 15, 2015, 12:07:17 am »
Hey modders,

Wondering what i would need to do to get player housing working on my arcemu server, the idea is that you buy a house from a sign in my custom city, then if you have bought it you can teleport to that house. What I was thinking is that I would need to add a table like Playerhousing_housing into the database so that if anyone else buys the same plot it will say that you need to wait until he sells the plot first. But I have no idea on how you would do such a thing :(

Help would be much appreciated :)

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