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Tutorials / Re: [TUTORIAL] [TOOL] Extracting custom maps
« on: January 26, 2018, 05:16:47 am »
Sorry for replying on an old post.
I've followed this tutorial trying to set the name for my custom map on char selection, /who, etc..
Still not working, I couldn't use your modified map extractor cause it poops an error on worldserver execution (that's the problem at following such an old post xD):
WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
VMap support included. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1
VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
Map file './maps/' is from an incompatible map version (MAPS v1.3), MAPS v1.8 is expected. Please pull your source, recompile tools and recreate maps using the updated mapextractor, then replace your old map files with new files. If you still have problems search on forum for error TCE00018.
Unable to load critical files - server shutting down !!!

So I used the first method, and as you can see its not working:

There is something weird with the AreaID cause it's not showing when I .tele out of that zone: (Area: 0 (Unknown))

I'm pretty sure I set Areabit (4001) properly:

(Map.dbc and MapDifficulty.dbc):

Also, I had troubles making the minimapa show the name, I had to paint the Area ID with noggit to make it work.

Finally I tried to edit and save AreaTable.dnc with Taliiis as suggested and same result (I use WDBX Editor).

Anyone had the same problem with AreaID? am I missing something?

Again, sorry for necroposting.

(note: Loading screen/music is working properly)

EDIT: After posting I was checking my old replies on modcraft and I saw one on this post: related to custom graveyards saying "Awesome it also fix my custom map name" so I check the guide, and it seems that I forgot to edit Map.dbc column 23 adding your id from AreaTable.dbc (4988 in my case), now it works pefectly.
So if it's not working for you check this column cause you probably followed same guides as me and you didn't edit it.

I'm still curious cause this column isn't edited for any blizzlike map (set as 0), if anyone knows why share it please :<

Modelling and Animation / Re: [RELEASE] Easy Loginscreen
« on: July 06, 2017, 12:31:52 pm »
Okeee I know this thread is old, but hopefully I can solve some questions and figure out others.

After the whole night fighting with AccountLogin.lua, AccountLogin.xml, LoginScene.lua, Photoshop, and .blp, I've faced some of the problem that have been ask here. Now the sun is raising, I'm sleepy AF, but I've solved some of the problems:

  • "Green Screens/boxes" are caused because you convert to .blp an image (.png) whose dimensions isn't power of "2", as Mordred said in his previous guide: "use 1024x1024" or 2048x2048, or whatever that's power of 2. The client will resize the image properly (most of times, just trial and error).
  • Yes, you can add a .png with "transparency" (like a render), but I woundn't recommend use it as Background (   sceneData = { {10,"Custom/Login/LoginScreen/Default.blp"} }) cause it will bug the client every time you want to delete a model, hide a window, etc (only graphically).
  • As have been said in this thread you can add an image, via AccountLogin.xml, just copy the code and edit it. That's the better way to add an image with "transparency".
  • For those who are as noobs as me and have troubles adding the Background image (I did some hours ago), you have to convert the .png to .blp, and with an MPQ Editor (google it) add it to the  "locale-enGB.MPQ", probably you can create your own .MPQ patch but I couldnt make it work, so I've created a "Custom" folder inside "locale-enGB.MPQ" and I'm adding there all my files, then you just have to write the path (inside the .MPQ) and the file name (eg. Custom/Background.blp).
  • For music is pretty the same, add your files to the same folder inside the .MPQ file, they can be .mp3 or .wav format and add the path (again INSIDE the .MPQ file) to local login_music_path = "Custom/Login/LoginScreen/lovesend.mp3" (that's for me) and don't forget to add the time in seconds at the next row.
  • For models, the easiest way is to download WMV (3.3.5) and look there for the models, they have the same path that you have to use in LoginScene.lua.

What are my problems?\What I'm trying to solve?
  • The WOTLK login music still playing while mine is also doing, that's a bit annoying, I tried to find an "AmbienceMusic" option or something like that, I found this: PlayGlueAmbience("GlueScreenUndead", 4.0); on AccountLogin.lua, I tried deleting it, remplacing it, nothing works, the same song still playing. If someone knows the path of this sound it would help to know it so I could try to remplace the file.
  • How to pack everything inside a .MPQ and make it work with "wow.exe"

I'm totally newb at this so probably there are better and more efficient ways to achieve what I'm explaining, I just didnt know them (It would be nice if someone could make us known), and forgive me for my english, I'm not very fluent.

In some hours I'll try to modify buttons, I'll let you know how I'm doing.

Good luck with your modding guys.

Quote from: "Ascathos"
It does work. Make sure you use a more common DBC editor, for example MyDBCEditor. It should work properly. Also, it MUST be 0x00004400. It may print an error, but it should let you add that value. If necessary, duplicate another entry, delete everything until 0x0 and start adding other values. It does work. Make sure that:

You edit the column having all the hex values within it.
You add it as proper hex value (0x^^^^^^^^).
You put it into the correct dbc (Areatable.dbc, not map.dbc)
You add the files to your server AND your local files.

Okey, hex values didnt appear to me, because i was ussing taliis and dbceditor. With MyDBCEditor, i can change the hex values, and i did it, but it didnt let me put 0x00004400, it autoconverted the value to 0x4400 (like the other rows of that column).

Now in-game I have the fly-mount icon unlocked, but when i click on it: "You are in the wrong zone" : /
(when i try to teleport to my custom map on my flymount, it autodismount me)

Again excuse my english xD

Tutorials / Re: [TUTORIAL] Graveyards For Custom Zones for Trinity.
« on: April 25, 2013, 01:49:39 am »
Awesome, it works at the first attempt, really really thanks for this guide. ^^

(Also doing it I solved my "custom name map" problem XD)

Would it help if I upload the patch??

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] C++ Script in Trinity Core
« on: April 24, 2013, 04:03:50 am »
Thanks, i just find a C++ trinity guide :D
Ill try again.

Relly thanks u ^^

Serverside Modding / [SOLVED] C++ Script in Trinity Core
« on: April 23, 2013, 01:38:52 pm »
Will the following script of a "custom boss" work in trinity core?

Code: [Select]
Well, I cant past any code, and I cant past any link, it says that it contens spam O.o
then u have here the link with the code: xD

I just write it looking a guide, but i think that it's for ArcEmu :3

Done, still doesnt working :(

I tryed to do it and my first problem was in AreaTable.dbc, when i tryed to edit the column 5 with 0x00004400, my dbc editor crashed, then i wrote 00004400 and it worked.
Then i created the patch and put the .dbc the dbc folder, but it didnt work.
After I reedited Map.dbc, and looking around i thought that its the column 63 that must be edited instead 64, I tryed it, I remade the patch, and put the .dbc in the dbc server folder, but it still didnt working.

I just compiled my server (trinitycore) last week end.
I put my "custom" patch (patch-esES-n.MPQ) in wow/data/esES folder (spanish client).

Im really noob in the ?¿Modcrafting?¿, so I would apreciate any help.

(I must apologise for my low english level)

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