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Messages - calabasa3

Pages: [1]
Ya tenia realizado muy similar realizado, pero con paciencia y esfuerzo logre aplicar "Zoom" y añadir mi propio estilo, estoy vendiendo esta interfaz XD
I need money XD

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] [WotLk] Creature Models for Wotlk
« on: August 24, 2018, 05:22:12 am »
I have a problem in the patch, cause wow error

[3] err=0 text=SFileReadFile - Tileset\Desolace\DesolaceSand01.blp - Data\Patch-T.MPQ
[2] err=0 text=ReadSectors/DecompressData failed
[1] err=0 text=ReadSectors/DecompressData failed
  • err=5 text=Win32 Read - Data\Patch-T.MPQ

Serverside Modding / Re: Trinity WLK - Limits on Factions?
« on: July 30, 2016, 06:57:51 am »

Hello such, I have some experienced in the subject of the "modding" I specialize more than anything in the interface and uh lucky enough to get the 3 models of the races easily clear the rest as "DBC" I generally hand I have basically been perfect the "Pandaren" and "Worgen" and "Goblin"

Basically Perfect.
"Blender" or other 3D editing program can not handle, you could learn but do not have time.

While summing up I was lucky to find in an Indonesian site the "M2" and together with the "Skin" and from there was born my endless struggle
convert these models in the races that are now must say eh learned a lot from that.

My problem is that the "Pandaren" Women, has no small tuft of hair that should change color.
then I based on the model that I have done.

I would like to know how to add or match that little tuft of hair that really is very bad for my Pandaren.
if you have any guidance or help, I will be very grateful.
Specifically I need like hanging Models "M2" I have for the "Blender" and make that small hole is formed in the hair as it should.

Here making my Pandaren.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [REQUEST] Worgen Racials to Wotlk
« on: March 05, 2015, 09:02:11 am »
Iam have fix the 2 racials of worgen my spells contain scripts and dbc
i dont know how upload images XD
but believ me XD

my spells persist of the dead, and its a switch

And Wild running...

Worgen Model modern, its transform in the old model and run to 100%

simple ^^

2 racials for LK

( No me entenderás porque no se ingles, y esto lo traducirás en Internet )

Modelling and Animation / [QUESTION] Problem with WORGEN CUSTOM
« on: June 14, 2013, 05:41:50 pm »
:D  Hi modcraft, I have a liltle problem with my Worgen custom and so...
the worgen, does not enter the interface...
however, within the game, fits perfectly
Hola a todo ModCraft, Tengo un pequeño problema con mi Huargen Custom y bueno...
el Huargen, no me quiere aparecer en la interface...
Sin Embargo, dentro de el juego aparece perfectamente

Maybe it is not well codified line 22 of the Worgen, the CharRaces, This Me Cause .... Wow Error
Talvez sea porque no eh codificado bien La linea 22 de el Huargen , en la CharRaces.dbc , Al hacerle click en la imagen del worgen Me salta Wow error...

Sin embargo

Change Skin of another character, and the model fits perfectly, just my neck jumps White
Cambio las Texturas y skin de otro personaje y me aparece como si fuera el Worgen, y se ve perfecto, Excepto que me Salta con el Cuello Blanco por no ser el Huargen original...

Please a ineed Help...

Modelling and Animation / Re: [SOLVED] [QUESTION] New race problem
« on: June 14, 2013, 05:41:02 pm »
:D  Hi modcraft, I have a liltle problem with my Worgen custom and so...
the worgen, does not enter the interface...
however, within the game, fits perfectly
Hola a todo ModCraft, Tengo un pequeño problema con mi Huargen Custom y bueno...
el Huargen, no me quiere aparecer en la interface...
Sin Embargo, dentro de el juego aparece perfectamente

Maybe it is not well codified line 22 of the Worgen, the CharRaces, This Me Cause .... Wow Error
Talvez sea porque no eh codificado bien La linea 22 de el Huargen , en la CharRaces.dbc , Al hacerle click en la imagen del worgen Me salta Wow error...

Sin embargo

Change Skin of another character, and the model fits perfectly, just my neck jumps White
Cambio las Texturas y skin de otro personaje y me aparece como si fuera el Worgen, y se ve perfecto, Excepto que me Salta con el Cuello Blanco por no ser el Huargen original...

Please a ineed Help...

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