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Messages - ranivader

Pages: [1]
Level Design / Re: [Question][New map] Name in server.
« on: October 02, 2011, 08:57:31 pm »
Quote from: "Steff"
Just copy the DBCs to your server :)

And take care the the area IDs on the ADSs are set to the right Area IDs you have in your DBC.

That's already done and the problem continues. Here you have the DBCs, if someone wants to take a look, the IDs in the map.dbc are 800, 801 and 802.

Level Design / Re: [Question][New map] Name in server.
« on: October 02, 2011, 01:22:40 pm »
Quote from: "schlumpf"
The server needs the same data as the client, of course.
When setting up the server first, you extracted DBCs and maps. Do that again using the modified data.

So I need to extract again maps and DBCs with the new patch included in data folder? My patch is patch-X.MPQ, do I need to do a patch-esES-4.MPQ in the esES folder or only with patch-X in data folder? I don't know if only with that the problem will be solved.

Hi to everyone, first of all, I'm spanish so sorry for my posible bad english. I write this because I have a problem with the name in /who or guild when you're in a new map:

-Ok, I have made a new map, it has his map.dbc, his areatable.dbc and mapdifficulty.dbc too, all of these 3 dbc's edited. It seems that everything is right, I patch it, with the adt's and wdt well edited (or it seems so), and ingame the name of the zone (tierras heladas, frozen lands in english) is shown above the minimap, but in /who or in guild it is shown as "unknown" o there's no name directly.

I think it can be a dbc problem, it's the most probably, but I don't know, so if it is a dbc problem with map o areatable I'll be so happy if any of you show me how to edit it well, but I repeat that in first case it seems that is allright.

EDIT: I have already seen this topic (viewtopic.php?f=10&t=692) but I've done what the last person said, correctly I hope. And everything goes in the same way.

Thank you, bye.

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