I'm currently using CASCExplorer on the WoD Beta but I can't find the login screen files in the Interface > Glues > Models folder (it has the new one though in the client). Are these hidden or something?
Quote from: "Joxus"I'm currently using CASCExplorer on the WoD Beta but I can't find the login screen files in the Interface > Glues > Models folder (it has the new one though in the client). Are these hidden or something?Hello, unless you create a listfile with the names of the files they will not appear, simple as that.
number of skin files depends on the m2 file. a green model does not mean that skin files are missing. it seems like you did not extract all textures.
Quote from: "schlumpf"number of skin files depends on the m2 file. a green model does not mean that skin files are missing. it seems like you did not extract all textures.I recommend checking the m2 file and compare to the filelist and make sure all the textures are there if not add the missing ones to the filelist.
Edit m2 with 010.010 is a very powerful tool.
Alright, it's zoomed out now but that also showed the particles that were messed up coming out of the portal, how do I fix particles? I remember AnthonysToolbox having a particle script and I even had it on my PC but I can't find it atm. No clue how to manually fix it to work for WOTLK.The problem with the particles is that the energy-ish light coming out of the portal has straight lines on the edges similar to a lot of high-particle mounts converted to 3.3.5a like the Fire Hawks. There are too many particles coming out anyway.
Quote from: "Joxus"Alright, it's zoomed out now but that also showed the particles that were messed up coming out of the portal, how do I fix particles? I remember AnthonysToolbox having a particle script and I even had it on my PC but I can't find it atm. No clue how to manually fix it to work for WOTLK.The problem with the particles is that the energy-ish light coming out of the portal has straight lines on the edges similar to a lot of high-particle mounts converted to 3.3.5a like the Fire Hawks. There are too many particles coming out anyway.That doesn't fix the particles it just removes them which you can do by hand the script was just for mas removal.Would be better just to fix the particles they look pretty nice, I just fixed all the particles for the GoblinHotRod on 3.3.5a fully working.
Quote from: "phantomx"Quote from: "Joxus"Alright, it's zoomed out now but that also showed the particles that were messed up coming out of the portal, how do I fix particles? I remember AnthonysToolbox having a particle script and I even had it on my PC but I can't find it atm. No clue how to manually fix it to work for WOTLK.The problem with the particles is that the energy-ish light coming out of the portal has straight lines on the edges similar to a lot of high-particle mounts converted to 3.3.5a like the Fire Hawks. There are too many particles coming out anyway.That doesn't fix the particles it just removes them which you can do by hand the script was just for mas removal.Would be better just to fix the particles they look pretty nice, I just fixed all the particles for the GoblinHotRod on 3.3.5a fully working.It doesn't have any particle emitters it seems, the nParticleEmitters is 0 and the ofsParticleEmitters is 0h. Earlier I somehow could expand a struct called struct Particle but I don't see it anymore, not sure what I did to show it. But what would this problem be then? http://imgur.com/pZbl54f as you can see it has straight lines on right of the portal visual and in the sky on the left.
That looks likely to be a renderflag issue.