To calculate your coordinates from your .Adt, follow these steps.
The formula, to calculate your coordinates is the following:
$Mapname_x_y = (X - 32) * 533 + 266
$Mapname_x_y = (Y - 32) * 533 + 266
For example we are using the (EK - 29_51 / Westfall) adt.
(Eastern Kingdoms, Westfall 29_51)
Insert the x and y coordinate into the formular.
$Mapname_29_51 = (29 - 32) * 533 + 266
$Mapname_29_51 = (51 - 32) * 533 + 266
$Mapname_29_51 = -3 * 533 + 266
$Mapname_29_51 = 19 * 533 + 266
$Mapname_29_51 = -1.599 + 266
$Mapname_29_51 = 10.127 + 266
$Mapname_29_51 = -1.333
$Mapname_29_51 = 10.393
Subsidiary the x coordinate gets the negativ value and y the positiv value. That means:
$Mapname_29_51 = -1.333 * (-1) ==> - + - = +
$Mapname_29_51 = 10.393 * (-1) ==> - + + = -
$Mapname_29_51 = 1.333
$Mapname_29_51 = -10.393
switch them and insert them into the go command. You've to change the z_height!
.go -10393 1333 z_height