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Messages - mathex

Pages: 1 [2]
Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] Changing the name of a class
« on: April 28, 2013, 06:23:50 pm »
Quote from: "schlumpf"

Well I've looked in that file but I can't find anything about "DEATHKNIGHT" or "Death Knight"

Do you mind pointing it out for me?

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] Changing the name of a class
« on: April 28, 2013, 02:39:52 pm »
Hello Modcraft, I'm currently in the process of changing the name of my "custom class" which really is just an edit of the current Death Knight class. So what I ask is for you to help change the name, I've tried editing the name in the ChrClasses.dbc which currently looks like this:

Which works fine and all in-game but on the login screen and ingame it says the same thing:

Death knight. And that's what I'd like to change. So if anyone got any ideas please share them :-) Thanks for reading.

Tutorials / Re: [TUTORIAL] Add a new race
« on: April 23, 2013, 10:08:08 pm »
I've now tried to accomplish adding the goblin and fel orc race to my custom patch but every time I get to this point:

And I can't seem to figure what I did wrong, I double checked I did everything the guide said and still there's a mistake somewhere... If someone could help me it'd be very good, thank you :-)

Pastebins for my files:
CharacterCreate.lua =
CharacterCreate.xml =
GlueStrings.lua =

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] CharacterCreate.lua Problems
« on: April 20, 2013, 11:40:42 pm »
Okay I've come to the conclusion my problem was not importing the dbc files, after doing that I have a slightly diferent problem:

Now the error I get when I enter is this:

This is my coords:

So if anyone has a solution that'd be great! :-) Thank you all

Quote from: "Ascathos"

Thank you very much, Sir.

Hello, I've now followed this tutorial 100% and I get an error where it says that I need to re install WoW, I've narrowed it down to being whenever I edit an interface file. So I was wondering if any of you as mentioned above have a download link for a "unlocked" wow.exe or mind explaining how to do that? Thank you very much :-)

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] How to disable arena cap in cataclysm
« on: February 10, 2013, 06:13:51 pm »
Quote from: "Ascathos"
Quote from: "mathex"
Quote from: "Ascathos"
I am pretty sure this is a feature set within your DB. Also, we do not really modify cataclysm.
Okay, I'll take a look in the DB. Thank you. If possible do you know which table?
Seeing as you do not even state which emulator, no.
Sorry I totally forgot to mention that it is SkyFire.

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] How to disable arena cap in cataclysm
« on: February 10, 2013, 04:34:03 pm »
Quote from: "Ascathos"
I am pretty sure this is a feature set within your DB. Also, we do not really modify cataclysm.
Okay, I'll take a look in the DB. Thank you. If possible do you know which table?

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] How to disable arena cap in cataclysm
« on: February 10, 2013, 04:22:09 pm »
Hello I want to use the conquest panel under the honor function on my low level server but I get blocked by the message that I have to be level 70. I guess I have to make a custom patch, but which DBC file to edit and where?

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