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Messages - mathex

Pages: [1] 2
Quote from: "schlumpf"
If you change that to 0,  (ReqValue < 0 ? 0 : ReqValue) > irand(skillValue - 25, skillValue + 37)) a few lines below will become 0 > irand(), which is always false. Better change the conditions or choose something else than 0, like a very high value.
Tried changing to a high level and even delete the code, nothing of that did work.

Quote from: "Kaev"
Not tested, but i think you search this: ... .cpp#L5165

That's what I just changed to 0. All around.

Hey I want to allow skinning on all mobs, no matter the mobs level and my skill level. I've tried setting it in the core (everywhere with SKILL_EFFECT_SKINNING), but that didn't work. is there anywhere in the client I have to edit this or am I just editing the core in the wrong places?

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] Updating MAX_RACES causes client crash
« on: February 23, 2015, 02:35:50 pm »
Quote from: "mathex"
Hello, I've tried adding four new races, but every time I change MAX_RACES it crashes my client. <- error happens when I press the Create New Character button.
Here's my Char <- a picture of my ChrRaces.dbc (I heard the crash could sometimes origin from here) <- This is my CharacterCreate.lua and here's where the error happens. When I change MAX_RACES to anything but 10, the client crashes. And at 10 it says "Please Update MAX_RACES" as you know..

I hope someone can help me fix this issue as it's been bothering me for a couple of hours now.

I managed to fix this problem by fixing my CharacterCreate.xml! Hope it will help some people in the future.

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] Updating MAX_RACES causes client crash
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:18:48 pm »
Hello, I've tried adding four new races, but every time I change MAX_RACES it crashes my client. <- error happens when I press the Create New Character button.
Here's my Char <- a picture of my ChrRaces.dbc (I heard the crash could sometimes origin from here) <- This is my CharacterCreate.lua and here's where the error happens. When I change MAX_RACES to anything but 10, the client crashes. And at 10 it says "Please Update MAX_RACES" as you know..

I hope someone can help me fix this issue as it's been bothering me for a couple of hours now.

Tutorials / Re: [TUTORIAL] Changing the Client build (for 3.3.5a)
« on: August 12, 2013, 05:02:16 pm »
Nice tutorial.

Okay, I have now succesfully created my custom class and it's basically done. I now just need some final advice. I have two problems.

1: The icon doesn't show up on the right when you're creating a class:

should be like:

Go to InterfaceTARGETINGFRAMEUI-Classes-Circles.blp and edit it ;)

2: I've created 2 custom spells, both derived from Arcane Mage spells (Arcane Blast and Arcane Barrage).
The problem consist of two things, one is that there is no global cooldown on the spells, secondly there's a cooldown on the Arcane Barrage but it isn't shown "counting down" like with all other spells with cooldowns. It works with the cooldown but it isn't shown.

Thank you for checking out my thread, help is very much appreciated. :-)

Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] Error creating a new class
« on: August 08, 2013, 07:46:47 pm »
Quote from: "Ascathos"
I dare say that your playercreateinfo_* is incomplete. ChrBaseInfo shouldn't be the only problem.

Yep, you're correct, Sir. Check the message above :) Thank you for helping! It's much appreciated.

Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] Error creating a new class
« on: August 08, 2013, 05:04:07 pm »
Quote from: "schlumpf"
CharBaseInfo is the one most likely triggering the error.
You may also want to have a look in GetPlayerInfo() of that objectMgr class.

Already checked the GetPlayerInfo function in the object manager. It seems to detect the max number of races and classes and if the players class or race is above that it returns null. The thing is my Class ID is 12 and the MAX_CLASSES is set to 13. So that's not really what's wrong (I assume). I'm going to try to make a new CharBaseInfo. It's very tricky to make that. But it seems to work client side? :O

Also as you see it's all good:

Maybe this will help you.

List of edited files:
ItemPrototype.h (added glyphs for the class)
Player.cpp (added dodge from agility and roll rules)
Statsystem.cpp (edited a lot of stat stuff)
ObjectMgr.cpp (edited BuildPlayerLevelInfo function)
SharedDefines.h (added class to enum classesm made max classes 13, added it to the classmask_playable, added quest sorts and added a spell family for the class)

Okay I got it all working, for future references, it's about population the playercreate tables correctly. Sorry about all the fuzz. Thanks for the help! :-)

Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] Error creating a new class
« on: August 08, 2013, 04:35:24 pm »
Quote from: "schlumpf"
As the error and code tells you: You need to put that class and race combination in the serverside dbc and db.

I already put the ChrClasses and all other files modified by me in the server's DBC folder, what I don't know is what to edit in the DB? I inserted a start location, spells and other stuff which was told in the tutorial but no more than that.

Do you have any idea?

The files which is changed is:
gt*.dbc files

DB Tables modified:

Miscellaneous / [SOLVED] Error creating a new class
« on: August 08, 2013, 03:50:05 pm »
So I've created a new class from scratch from using both of these tutorials:

I looked into the code and this is where it seems to crash (player.cpp line 942)
Code: [Select]
   PlayerInfo const* info = sObjectMgr->GetPlayerInfo(createInfo->Race, createInfo->Class);
    if (!info)
        TC_LOG_ERROR(LOG_FILTER_PLAYER, "Player::Create: Possible hacking-attempt: Account %u tried creating a character named '%s' with an invalid race/class pair (%u/%u) - refusing to do so.",
                GetSession()->GetAccountId(), m_name.c_str(), createInfo->Race, createInfo->Class);
return false;

I'm using TrinityCore.
The new class ID is 12.

And I've stumbled into a problem. After all my attempts I still get this little error:

Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] Changing the name of a class
« on: April 30, 2013, 09:07:04 pm »
No one? :-S

Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION]  About Custom Classes
« on: April 30, 2013, 09:06:31 pm »
I love that you update this with a solution when no other wants to give it or maybe don't have one. Thanks! :-)

Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] Changing the name of a class
« on: April 28, 2013, 09:33:15 pm »
Quote from: "Ascathos"
Quote from: "mathex"
Quote from: "Ascathos"
Quote from: "mathex"
Quote from: "schlumpf"

Well I've looked in that file but I can't find anything about "DEATHKNIGHT" or "Death Knight"

Do you mind pointing it out for me?
Look for the latest. Patch-xxXX-3.

My gluestrings is the one from patch 3, there's no value that defines the Death Knight names, I've looked at them all, even the ones that doesn't even has anything to do with Death Knights. Please, could you tell me what value to edit?
DEATHKNIGHT or CLASS_DEATHKNIGHT, something like that.

CLASS_DEATHKNIGHT contains the lore description of the class, as of for DEATHKNIGHT there's no such value.

Miscellaneous / Re: [QUESTION] Changing the name of a class
« on: April 28, 2013, 09:21:28 pm »
Quote from: "Ascathos"
Quote from: "mathex"
Quote from: "schlumpf"

Well I've looked in that file but I can't find anything about "DEATHKNIGHT" or "Death Knight"

Do you mind pointing it out for me?
Look for the latest. Patch-xxXX-3.

My gluestrings is the one from patch 3, there's no value that defines the Death Knight names, I've looked at them all, even the ones that doesn't even has anything to do with Death Knights. Please, could you tell me what value to edit?

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