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Author Topic: [QUESTION] [WotLk] Questions about duels, frame and level ??  (Read 517 times)


  • Registred Member
  • Polygonshifter
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Client: 3.3.5a
Core: Trinity Core

Hello everybody,

i have a few qustions about the duel system, the playerframe and the level display.

1. Playerframe
In player frame (I mean right click on your character portrait) there is a option names Player vs player (Activate / Deactivate), but i dont find the lua file which create this option. I want to hide the option, because i dont want that somebody can change the pvp status.

2. Is it possible to add a new option to this player portrait names "Cancel duel"?
If your character is in a duel, then the character can only finish the duel by leaving the area or die. I want to create a third option. The duel willl be cancel by clicking on this new option.

3. I set my realm to PVE and activate all interaction options between horde and alliance, but if i inspect a character from the other faction i only see "Level ??" and a skull. If the enemy characters level is under my level or at most 10 level above my level, then i see the level.
Does anyone know how i can modify this to see always the level from other characters?

Thank you for reading. I hope you can help me!
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »