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Author Topic: [QUESTION] Different Race backgrounds on Char creation/selec  (Read 904 times)


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For the past couple of hours, I've been trying to make a race (Orc, ID 2) have a different character creation screen background, than it's character selection screen. I failed several times to do so.

I use the following code in GlueParent.lua to set a character creation background:
   if ( name == "Orc" or "ORC" ) then
      name = "Orc";

The code above signifies that ["Orc" or "ORC"] are representing which race to set the background for.
And [name = "Orc";] sets which background model to set for the race.

This is also within the same function which allows me to just say the UI Backgrounds name instead of "UI_...." :
   local nameupper = strupper(name);
    local path = "Interface\Glues\Models\UI_""\UI_"".m2";
   if ( model == CharacterCreate ) then

I believe this code isn't new to anyone here, but I'm providing as much info as possible, to recieve as much info as possible.

Now, what I'm trying to do is make the Orc race have 2 different backgrounds for 2 different occasions.
1 Background on the Character Creation screen, then a different background on the Character Selection Screen.

I tried the following code in GlueParent.lua, under the following function:

function SetBackgroundModel(model, name)

   if ( name == "Orc" or "ORC" and CharacterCreate_Finish(true)) then
      name = "Human";

The above didn't work, so I've tried the following:

   if ( name == "Orc" or "ORC" and CharacterCreate_Finish(true)) then

That didn't work either.

In total, I tried to use similar code on "OnShow" or similar functions.
Overall, I edited GlueParent.lua, CharacterSelect.lua and CharacterCreate.lua.
I didn't really get anywhere.

In conclusion, I'm asking for help from anyone here who can write a lua code for WoW 3.3.5 that can cause a race (Orc, ID: 2) to have 2 different backgrounds. 1 On the Character Creation screen, and one on Character Selection.

Thanks for everyone's time who read and will help. :)
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] Different Race backgrounds on Char creation/s
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2015, 07:44:09 am »
This is client modding, not serverside modding. :P
And this won't fix the problem, but maybe problems in the future:
Code: [Select]
if ( name == "Orc" or name == "ORC" and CharacterCreate_Finish(true)) then

You had name == "Orc" or "ORC" instead of name == "Orc" or name == "ORC".
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [QUESTION] Different Race backgrounds on Char creation/s
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2015, 09:01:54 am »
Quote from: "Kaev"
This is client modding, not serverside modding. :P
And this won't fix the problem, but maybe problems in the future:
Code: [Select]
if ( name == "Orc" or name == "ORC" and CharacterCreate_Finish(true)) then

You had name == "Orc" or "ORC" instead of name == "Orc" or name == "ORC".

Thanks for the heads up on that. :)

If anyone can help on this issue, thought, that would be great!
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »