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Author Topic: "Connecting to game server"  (Read 641 times)


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"Connecting to game server"
« on: April 17, 2017, 02:54:27 pm »


I've been fighting my router for a long time and finally, it seems, have been able to forward all the right ports and host my server using no-ip. At first, I was having problems with people not being able to connect to me at all, but I fixed that by making my LAN IP static, and switching the "WAN connection" setting in port forwarding from "INTERNET_ADSL_IP" to "INTERNET_ADSL_PPP", whatever that means.

Now, people are able to log in with their account names and passwords, but not further than the server selection window, where they get the "Connecting to game server..." box either forever, or closing after a couple of seconds. I presume that means they can connect to my authserver, but not to worldserver, even though can see both ports 3724 and 8085.

Could it be because I'm not using bnetserver (and my worldserver says "Opening muxer thread from inproc://bnetmgr to tcp://" after loading)? If so, could I somehow not use bnetserver and still get it working?

I would appreciate any help!
or no.
At least I tried.