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Topics - elarose

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Tutorials / [TUTORIAL] Graveyards For Custom Zones for Trinity.
« on: April 01, 2013, 02:27:29 pm »
This tutorial shall end in us having horde and alliance graveyard zones for our custom map.
Right lets get down to buisness.

Dbc editor. (I used 'mydbceditor')
Sql editor.  (I used heidi)
Noggit.       (You guessed it, I used noggit!)

I will assume that if your reading this you have, a custom map.  :P Else, get outta here and go make one!!!

Below I shall quickly brush upon making an zoneid, just incase you havent done so for your custom map, if you have then skip on down to 'Worldsafelocs.dbc'.

Your custom map will have its own map id, we shall be using this.

Also if your using a dbc editor that is zero based. Simply reduce the 'columns' in this Tutorial by 1.


1.In areatable.dbc we clone a line to a new entry. As you see I made mine 4999.
2.We put our custom map id into the 2nd column.
3.Then we change the 4th column to a unique id.(i went with 3899)
4.We name it what our zone shall be displayed as.
5.Save and done.


1.We have our custom map entry, we go to column 23 and type in our 'areatable.dbc' entry we just made.
2.Save and done.


1.We make a new line here and input our custom map ID into the 2nd column.  (Else being on this map and inviting another to group on the same map shall make our server crash!)
2.Save and done.


Paste your dbcs into your noggit dbfilesclient folder. Open your map, click on the areapaint tool and hit X.
If you managed the above steps correctly and have placed them into the dbfilesclient folder of noggit, your zone name should appear. It did? Great! Paint away. Finished? Awesome. Save it and put it into your patch and also server dbc folder.

If you did the above correct and go ingame to your custom map and type .gps it should be listing your zoneID.
It did? Incredible. Lets get down to the graveyard part.


Open Worldsafelocs.dbc and make two new entrys, with obvious names for horde/alliance.
Change the 2nd column to your custom map id.

Go ingame and move to where you want the alliance players to 'be ported to'(the graveyard location) when they hit 'release'.  

Type .gps.

Enter the X Y Z numbers into worldsafelocs.dbc of your alliance entry  Columns 3, 4, 5  (3=x 4=y 5=z)
Now repeat the above but for the horde graveyard.
Write down the two Id numbers of the worldsafelocs.dbc entrys you made.
Again put into your patch and server dbc folder.

Almost there! (quite simple isnt it)

Now open your database, expand the 'world' category, browse on down to 'game_graveyard_zone'
Make two new lines.
Enter into the first field your 'worldsafelocs.dbc entry ID's you made.
Enter into the second field the zone id you made.
Enter into the last field the faction you want to go there. 469=alliance 67=horde 0=both

The test!

Congratulations.  :)

Note:For dungeons/raids just make the worldsafelocs.dbc entry the mapid and coordinates you shall be ported to upon death.

Worldsafelocs.dbc is where you will be ported to.
Game_graveyard_zone' db category is simply hooking up the zone you die in, to the worldsafelocs.dbc entry of where you shall end up after you hit release, the same zone can have multiples.

Modelling and Animation / Karazhan beta.
« on: June 07, 2012, 09:39:44 pm »
Hello all. :)

Firstly I speak of the karazhan beta, which is in the 1.12 files along with a ton of old beta models. In wmo and m2 format of course. I have used wow beta models in 1.12 building before (although they are tiny and lots have no collision)

However today upon wanting to go checkout old alpha kara in 1.12 client, i ran old noggit 1.12 used the file info and load info to add it, but get a safemap load error. Specifically that model karazhan wmo.

I tried with tallis and switched an existing wmo name with this, still the same thing.

I have never really 'messed' with wmo's besides adding them in. I can see the model in modelviewer 0.4 for vanilla. :)  Ive never had any issues with adding any old models in the 1.12 files.

Though the original aq40 model crashes when your very far in.

Anyone have any clues as to why it would totally crash without loading? I think the failure here might be me, its been awhile since I have played with 1.12 noggit and all that.

Or maybe it is just a model that will not ever run in 1.12, though it seems odd as beta sw gates, the westfall models etc all go in and run fine.

Anyhow any heads up on this would be good out of 'learning' sake. Im not that far off checking out the 2003 alpha..ive teased myself long enough wanting to but 'keeping it for a rainy day' :P

Thanks everyone.

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