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Author Topic: [Help] Legion model Retro-porting and broken animations  (Read 1723 times)


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[Help] Legion model Retro-porting and broken animations
« on: April 10, 2017, 09:25:53 pm »
So some of the models I port from legion into WoD have broken or stiff animations and I have no clue how to fix them. I don't see any .anim files that need to be added. I've run into this issue with various demons like the succubus and felhound as well as Genn Greymane and dryad. The idle animations work or partially work and then slide around when moved. Has anyone else run into this issue at all?


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Re: [Help] Legion model Retro-porting and broken animations
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2017, 10:56:23 am »
I got the same issue with genngreymane's model