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Author Topic: [Question] Adding additional music?  (Read 983 times)


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[Question] Adding additional music?
« on: June 21, 2017, 10:02:12 pm »
Hope it's okay to post here, the tutorial sections seem dedicated specifically to WoD and WotLK, but I'm playing on a vanilla client.

I'm specifically wondering how to add music to the game, not simply replace it. I found Leeviathan's re-score mod that adds a ton of Cata music to the game and it got me wondering about making one for more in line with my own preferences. I got Ladik's MPQ editor to open MPQs, but I'm not sure if/what I need to edit in addition to just dropping new tracks into the MPQ. I noticed the re-score mod (from Leeviathan's merged mods) doesn't seem to follow the original file structure.

Could somebody point me to a tutorial or something specifically outlining how to add additional music via a patch?


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Re: [Question] Adding additional music?
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2017, 01:59:29 am »
Thanks! I'll probably be back with stupid questions (never modded WoW before) but for now I'm going ot read!


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Re: [Question] Adding additional music?
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2017, 03:58:36 pm »
Okay, I have this mostly figured out but I'm having trouble with the zone music in WoD. I'm trying to find out what files are used in which sets which are used in which zones in the WoD db files. The wiki has been basically no help here.

How do I find, for example, exactly which files are used for Zone-60-TJ-PathofGlory-GeneralWalk in ZoneMusic.dbc? I've searched SoundEntries.dbc for this and it's not there. Not that it matters, I can't seem to find any file paths in SoundEntries.dbc anyway. I tried looking at FileData.dbc because the wiki implies that's where filepaths are stored but I'm only seeing cinematic music and sound effects there.

What I want is to see which files make up zone music pieces and where they are used in Draenor zones. I'm trying to see what music is used where. Any help would be appreciated.