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Topics - mrxxx

Pages: [1]

Basically, i want to change the death knight "starting" gear that is equipped and shown in character creation screen to some other items, but i don't really know how to. I already checked GlueParent.lua, CharacterCreation.lua etc etc but all i found was how to change the background model. Is it "hardcoded" in model files like BloodElf.m2? I have no clue what files to edit.


I've looked all over the forums but couldn't find necessary information about this thing. Basically, all I wanna do is make a custom spell which applies a SPELL_AURA_ADD_PCT_MODIFIER effect to all spells and classes. I've tried putting 0 values in lines 123-125 but it didn't work. Can anyone enlighten me on how this works?
I saw from other spells that, f.e., Improved Blessing Of Might has a 0x2 value in this column. But where are all the spells' masks defined?

Miscellaneous / [WotLk] Client-side support for modified rating values
« on: February 09, 2017, 07:01:25 pm »

Recently I've made a little change on my server regarding combat rating values in StatSystem.cpp, i'm currently using trinity core source.
I've changed it so that, for example, 1 crit rating gives you 0.2% actual crit, instead of 1.6% @level 10. Everything works perfectly but the only downside is that I'm not sure how to patch it to show correct values when mouse-overing in char pane. I hope y'all can figure it out, thanks in advance!

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