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Messages - Thoraric

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Modelling and Animation / Re: [REQUEST] cata Undercity wmo to LK
« on: June 05, 2016, 12:26:25 pm »
Yes, my blender didn't open the additions and got error.

Modelling and Animation / [REQUEST] cata Undercity wmo to LK
« on: June 04, 2016, 10:35:50 pm »
I wonder, if somebody could share with me a down ported cataclysm model to lich king, and i would like to work on that via blender! I need Undercity wmo around 206 to 215. Its only 9 wmo parts.

Edit:For Inspiring i will tell you the best warcraft joke what ever heard. "Yo mama is so fat, even frostmourne wasn't hungry!

Noggit / Re: kill shadows
« on: June 04, 2016, 07:53:34 pm »
It doesn't work for me? What could be the problem?

Noggit / Re: kill shadows
« on: May 24, 2016, 09:27:54 pm »
for me too please

Noggit / Re: Tallis to kill shadow, help
« on: May 24, 2016, 09:26:59 pm »
Isn't there a button for kill shadows or i have bad version of noggit?

Level Design / [QUESTION] [WotLk]  Custom continent adtborder bug
« on: May 24, 2016, 11:55:27 am »
I made a custom continent via riu zone masher and the border of ADT-s has darker shade, how can I remove it? And sometimes somewhere my custom continent is crashing in noggit, although its empty :/


Im working on a great release for you guys because of much help, I want to upload whole dalaran with detached parts each house, wall and tower without the ground. before i make all the stuff i wanted to test if it works and i did it well because i bumped into problem.

As you can see i detached in blender this bigger part of the city and i want to make further slices from this what you can see on the picture.

BUT i have a problem with interiors. In the picture from outside i cant see the interior and i see through the model when i try to go inside i crash to desktop.
How to solve this problem? I also include the blender picture.

Modelling and Animation / Re: [RELEASE] Easy Loginscreen
« on: May 20, 2016, 10:44:05 pm »
I don't know, I have the same problem :/

Level Design / Re: [WotLk] [QUESTION] Noggit-height jump
« on: May 20, 2016, 04:47:53 pm »
What am I doing wrong?

Level Design / Re: [WotLk] [QUESTION] [NOGGIT] edit blizzard maps
« on: May 20, 2016, 03:57:32 pm »
And if I crash in noggit and can't delete it because of WMO on the the adt tile?

Level Design / [WotLk] [QUESTION] [NOGGIT] edit blizzard maps
« on: May 20, 2016, 03:16:46 pm »
Everybody says that don't edit blizzard maps. Why don't? Or I can convert blizzard maps terrain to another custom ADT which wont be bugged?
How can i delete WMO-s from an ADT in 010 editor or any program?

Thank you, how do i know if he find out the problem?

To Split into little spieces wasn't enough, or what did you mean under make smaller groups?

Anybody ever met this error? how to solve it? It comes up when i try to export.

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