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Topics - Sprucey

Pages: [1]
Hey, a bit of a weird or possibly stupid question.

I've just been trying to add spells to a custom race, but the playercreateinfo_spell table is missing from the latest Trinity database (335.57).

I wondered how I'd go about adding spells without it, or if I'd need to revert to an earlier revision of the core and DB to do it. I noticed playercreateinfo_spell_custom was there, but it doesn't seem as complete, and I can't query anything into it.

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] Custom Entry/ModelID for Creatures
« on: September 26, 2014, 05:16:04 pm »
Hey guys,

I've been trying to create my own NPCs off the backs of the relatively old tutorials lay around. I've come fairly far on my own though hit a wall and not exactly sure what it is I'm missing.

I've created everything, made the changes to CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc and CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc to correctly call the .blp texture, set the display ID and model ID within them. I've also used HeidiSQL to edit Creature_Template, duplicated an NPC and changed entry, modelid1 and the strings.

In testing, I can use .npc set model and .npc set entry to change an existing NPC, and get the results I want - displaying the new model, changing the entry and displaying the proper name. However if I try to use .npc add the server throws an error:

Creature <Entry: 50000> has no model defined in table 'creature_template', can't load.

The model obviously works, in this case modelID 33000, because I can use GM commands to assign it. Adding this number to creature_template doesn't seem to allow it to spawn though.

Am I missing something? Do I need to include the modelid elsewhere in the database?


Hi guys!

I just started visiting and messing with my own patches only the other day, and gotten to a point where I'm relatively familiar, however I hit a snag when making and exporting my own models.

I'm following the process from the excellent tutorial, and can get my models in fine, however smoothing isn't being carried out properly, from what I assume is MirrorMachineQT, for whatever reason (I'm likely missing something, being new to this!)

I can get very simple smoothing exported by disabling MMQT's own and exporting the .obj from Blender with auto-smooth and the additional options ticked, and while that looks good in Blender, it comes through to the game smoothed, but without the auto-smoothing adjustments.

Is there anything special I have to do to get this working properly?


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