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Author Topic: Certain ilvl 60 enchants can be used on ilvl 60 items but others cant?  (Read 524 times)


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The formal dangui has an item level of 60. The spell that 'scroll of enchant chest - exceptional mana' uses has a baselevel of 60 in the dbc indicating it can be put on items of ilvl 60 and up. The spell that 'scroll of enchant chest - super health' uses also has a baselevel of 60 in the dbc indicating the same. However, ONLY exceptional mana can be used on the formal dangui. Super health cannot be. I've raked through the dbc and db for a solution but I cannot find one. Does anyone have any clue why this is the case?

It appears that 'Scroll of Enchant Chest - Greater Defense' also works on the formal dangui. I'm getting the feeling there is a restriction scripted somewhere but I have no clue where it would be. Inside the tc solution? Another thing to note is that the formal dangui is a misc chest item (not plate, mail, leather, or cloth). I don't know if there's some odd interaction with the item types being done somewhere. But spell.dbc shows no indication of that.