What is this "unknow" model ? From an earlier patch ? From another game ?Show us your DBC Creaturemodeldata and Creaturedisplayinfo, so we could help you.Actually I can't really be helpful, with the facts you provided i'll go on a baddly converted m2 or a wrong path to your model in the dbc... Or both.btw, make a better title for your topic.
Is there any converter that you can recommend me?
I don't get it. You are trying to convert a zebra model from legion that is already in the wotlk client. Why?Posting those images is not usefull at all. Why don't you post images of the convertion process instead? We can't help you with the non-specific information you are providing. The converters work perfectly, you are doing something wrong.
1. When you want us to be able to get full size links to images, just just wimg instead of img tags.2. Your CreatureModelData.dbc seems to be correct (I'd create a new entry by using a copy of old zebra's model entry), BUT I'd never use such an high ID. Why the hell so high number - 301997? Compare it with Blizzard's IDs in that DBC. Use 4000 or something like that, this just begs for all kinds of random problems.3. Your CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc looks strange - there should be 4 fields for textures, not just 2 Oo. But maybe you have just hidden them.4. The same applies to displayID as to model ID. 301997 - why the fluff such a high number. You can use 5 digits.5. DBCs must be on both client and server side and there must be a row with creature's displayID in creature_model_info in world database, as it was said above. But I assume you know this and that you have done this, otherwise server wouldn't allow you to spawn that creature.