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Messages - pseudoman14

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Welcome to Modcraft
« on: December 10, 2014, 02:12:00 pm »
Okay lets try this again.  I have a server up and running.  I know how to manipulate the database, but what I want to be able to do is manipulate all of the other elements, such as talent trees, spells, character models, factions, etc.  I don't know what I need to learn to manipulate those elements.  From what I understand I am going to need to learn some c++ to manipulate the DBC elements, but I am not sure exactly what that means.  What I am asking from you is, what exactly should I go and learn so that I can understand all of that?    A list of things would be most helpful.  Keep in mind that I am in no rush and want to learn all of the things I need to in order to do this properly.  So, in your opinion, what should I go and learn?

General / Re: Welcome to Modcraft
« on: December 10, 2014, 12:00:32 am »
I am not in a rush to do everything at once.  I simply want to know what would be the most useful skills to go and learn so that I am prepared to do what needs to be done on my server.  If that means taking a year doing a c++ course, then I am all about doing that.  I am not looking for instantaneous methods of making my server do what I want it to do, I am interested in learning the mechanics of it all so that when I want to do something I have the tools to do so.

Its like I didn't make clear what I was asking, sorry.  I am able to detail and make my car pretty right now, what I am asking you for is advice on what I should learn to work on the engine.  If you understand my metaphor.  I can't just dig into it without understanding how it works.  I am asking what I should go and learn (outside of Modcraft) that will be helpful.

General / Re: Welcome to Modcraft
« on: December 09, 2014, 12:59:41 am »
Hey Steff,
I have been playing WoW for years and liked it well enough until I was having money issues one year and couldn't subscribe any longer.  It was then that I discovered the private servers and began playing around on some of them; you know the ones WoWHeroes and the like.  I cam across one called CausticWoW one day.  It was a bit different but horribly underpopulated, so much so that the owner made it a point of greeting new people personally.
The owner of Caustic and I got to chatting about what it was I wanted to see in a private server and I bent his ear for two hours while sitting AFK on his server.  He loved some of my ideas and proposed that I become one of his Devs so that I could aid in the implementation of some of those ideas.
I loved being a dev, and soon found that I hated playing the game but loved creating new things.  Eventually I grew weary of Dev'ing for him and wanted to try it on my own, so I learned what I could from tutorials and made my own server.
I write this to you because simply manipulating a server database is just not enough for me.  I want to go deeper into my world/character/serverside manipulation, but I run into the roadblock of absolute ignorance.  I want to learn everything there is to know about WoW Emus.  My question is, where do i go and what do I have to learn?  I am not talking about a tutorial that will half go over my head, but a place I can learn C++ and everything else I am going to need to make my server exactly what I want it to be.  Who knows, I may be able to come back here and teach others once I have put in the time learning everything.  Can you point me in the right direction?

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