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Messages - BradH

Pages: [1]
Noggit / Re: [QUESTION] [WotLk] World Editing Issue
« on: March 29, 2016, 06:24:50 pm »
Thanks for your help! I've passed this on to our Noggiter and sent you a request on Skype. :) I'll post back here on the result!

Noggit / [QUESTION] [WotLk] World Editing Issue
« on: March 29, 2016, 02:45:36 am »

I'm part of the team at Project Chaos, a Roleplaying server which will follow the events of Warcraft III. To this end, we recently added a patch which includes the restored Quel'thalas. However, our Noggiters can't figure out how to get rid of these "bubbles" which appear on the roads of the now restored Deatholme.

Any advice on how to remove them is much appreciated.


Thanks, Brad.

Recruitment / Re: Custom Models
« on: October 30, 2015, 03:33:20 pm »
Quote from: "Skarn"
I can recommend you some people who can actually perform such kind of job. They are Alastor, Phucko1, PhantomX. flag78 and pretty much anyone who works with Blender m2i scripts.

I think Alastor is out of service.. and Phucko was actually the one who made the models we currently have, but didn't finish two or three of them! They were great models, but his circumstances meant he couldn't continue developing them. Anyway, I'll try to get in contact with the other two, thank you!

Recruitment / Custom Models
« on: October 29, 2015, 03:54:19 pm »
Hey there! I'm part of the staff team on a 3.3.5 WoW-Client RP server named Project Chaos.

We're in need of new high quality, custom made, Antonidas, Thrall and Admiral Proudmoore models. There could be more needed in the future. We will pay for your work. We also have a blend for a model already made, Anasterian. This needs to be completed.

If you are interested, please contact me on Skype: bradley.hilbert123.


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