This is a read only copy without any forum functionality of the old Modcraft forum.
If there is anything that you would like to have removed, message me on Discord via Kaev#5208.
Big thanks to Alastor for making this copy!

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Messages - nicklaspp1234

Pages: [1]
Recruitment / [WoW 3.3.5 LF Race+ClassDeveloper]
« on: July 21, 2016, 10:09:41 am »
Hello Modcraft, I am Nicklas from Malevolent-WoW, we are about to start developing our 255 server but as we have no idea how to do Custom Class'es and Races we need help (Allready tried using guides)

- For the classes we only need someone to help us do the shells (unless they realy feel like deepening with it :P) as we have a c++ Developer who can do the spells and a guy who can do the talents

- For the Races we probably need help with anything and everything

[As someone allready asked if we couldn't follow a guide.. Yes we can follow a guide but its not allways easy fx. we do have a amazing c++ developer for the spells and other "c++ stuff" but we need someone do to the class shells. Its not all easy.]

If your intrested You can contact me on skype if you'd rather on ac-web or here Im named the same on ac-web as here, Also you can just comment instead if you'd rather.
My Skype is: Nicklaskiller1234 I hope to See You soon

Serverside Modding / [WoW 3.3.5 LF Race+ClassDeveloper]
« on: July 18, 2016, 10:07:41 pm »
section changed cause of wrong section.

Pages: [1]