Greetings from TopWOW.
I thought i would give some insight into our concepts regarding the guild systems. So here you have it xD
This is likely to be heavily refined over time and is an early draft.
- The Basics
Firstly, we will be having a guild tier system using Tier 1 to tier 5. 1 being the initial tier and 5 being the highest possible tier a guild can acquire. In order for our whole system to work, we will be capping the guild player count to only 40. (You will see why later.. It just wouldn't work otherwise) In order for your guild to 'tier up' you need to gain 'guild experience' and in our first release, the way to gain 'guild experience' will be from our new battleground system. It will use the same maps as before, but instead of joining with random players you can only join the queue if you are in a raid filled with guildies. It will then match you against another guild of similar tier/guild experience and you will undertake the battleground scenario as usual. You will gain guild experience rather than honor which will automatically be added to your guild's bank of experience. Then, upon reaching certain thresholds you will tier up accordingly. Simples.
Guild tiers/experience will appear on our website so you can tune in and find out who is dominating the realm!
- Guild Tier Rewards
Guild tier 1 - You do not recieve any perks as all guilds start off as tier 5
Guild tier 2 - All guildies of a tier 2 rank or higher will be able to equip the tabard of comradeship which gives +5% stamina!
Guild tier 3 - A tier 3 guild will be allowed to purchase an instanced settlement (hangout zone)
Guild tier 4 - A tier 4 guild will be allowed to purchase an instanced fort (used in guild siege warfare) and will receive a passive buff (visible by others)
of 2x gold drop and x2 rep rate
Guild tier 5 - A tier 5 guild will be allowed to purchase an instanced fort (used in guild siege warfare) and will receive a passive buff (visible by others) of x2 gold drop, x2 drop rate and x5 rep rate
- Guild Castle Warfare System
Tier 4 and above guilds will be able to purchase an instanced fort with a large amount of gold and mats. These forts can provide huge assets to a guild- be careful though they can also bring a lot of warefare to your doorstep! When you receive your fort, it will have an outer defensive wall and gate which can be opened or closed by the guild master. These can be destroyed by enemy siege.. You will also receive patrolling guards outside your fort walls and inside too. You will be able to upgrade your fort by building the following buildings within the walls: An engineer workshop, a blacksmith, a leatherwork workshop, an alchemy depo, an enchanters depo and a jewelcrafting workshop. These buildings will provide the following perks:
Engineer workshop: Allows defensive vehicles built to defend on the outer castle walls.
Blacksmith - Free gulidie repairs + Guards weapons upgraded
Leatherwork workshop - Reinforce guards armor
Alchemy depo- allows the construction of placable traps of oil to hinder movement and gas to poison enemies
Enchanting - Enchants the gate and walls increasing their hp
Jewlcrafting - Upgrade the fort decor with jewls increasing moral (guild buff)
All of these buildings will cost gold and materials to make and require the corrosponding max level professionist to intiate the build. Example, a blacksmith must be built by a max level blacksmithy guildie.
If the castle attacking guild win, they win a large amount of guild experience and gold. If they loose they loose a large amount of experience and gold.
If the castle defending guild win, they win a large amount of guild experience and gold. If they loose they loose a enormous amount of experience and gold.
A castle can be attacked by a tier 2 or higher guild at any point from friday 18:00 GMT to sunday 23:00 GMT. The war will last for 2 hours between the attacking guild and defending guild and no other guilds may join in this time (obviously). The attacking guild must create a 10-30 man raid and take the portal to the target guild's fort to spawn there. The attacking guild will spawn in a cave in the instanced fort scenario where they will follow a path.. They will soon pass an npc called 'Defender's spy'. When the attacking guild have passed this hidden npc he will announce to the castle owning guild that they have intruders. Upon this, the defending guild will all rush to their castle to defend. The attacking guild will soon encounter a settlement when they exit the cave. They will have to kill the npc in there and kill a boss (He will be icc 10-man standard..) Once that is done, they can use the siege workshop in the settlement to build 1x siege engine and 2 catapults. For attackers to win, they must break through into the castle and then break through the inner gate and click the giant orb (Like in wintergrasp) Please see concept drawing below.. The numbered placeholders 1 to 8 signify where the building upgrades would go. (Excuse my shit drawing etc, its only rough.)