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Messages - Scytheria23

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That's a good question, Kobiesan.  

I'm slightly suspicious that Schlumf may be wrong about this one.  It seems odd to hard code something that would require localization (for example, in the Chinese client the loading tips are - of course - in Chinese, and in a substantially larger font).  There is, however, no difference between the US and CN client (at least, the wow.exe).  This seems to indicate that the font information for these tips is elsewhere.

Hi Folks,

Has anyone had any luck editing the loading screen tips?  I can change their content via the gametips dbc, and alter their colour with cff codes, but I cannot seem to find any frame or glue info regarding their font, on-screen position and size.  Ideally, I want to locate them centrally, make them larger and use a different font.

Any ideas?


Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] Random Character Names
« on: March 30, 2016, 02:37:41 am »
Well this has me stumped.

I'm trying to change the random names generated at character creation.  The obvious place to do this is namegen.dbc, which I've altered to fit what I'm doing.  It's a simple enough dbc - ID, Name, Race, Gender.

The result, strangely, bears little resemblance to what I put in it.  Neither does it resemble the original, so it's not defaulting to that.  What seems to happen is that the names I list are randomly mashed together to produce new variants.  There seems to be some sort of logic behind the mashing - names generally stick to English syntax and rules - but there are odd exceptions.

This seems to be done in the client somewhere, probably the wow executable, as I can't find anything in the server code that does this job.

Will experiment and let you know what I find!


EDIT:  OK, done some playing.  This is really complicated.  What happens is that the client somehow takes parts of the names in the dbc and splices them together.  It seems to apply some rules to prevent the doubling of letters and silly combinations, but these rules are not totally robust.  They seem to work on a vowel-consonant boundary system.  Generally, the front part of a name is spliced with the back part of another (but not always).  For example, if my dbc contained:


Conceivable output would be:


- anything but the original names in the list (this makes sense, as the Blizzard dbc contains many names of NPCs)

And, if it goes wrong:


My dbc contains about 2500 medieval names for both males and females.  Not surprisingly, some of the combinations this spits out are a bit stupid, but nine times out of ten they're ok.  I was really hoping it would just pick a name from the list and use it 'as is', but I can live with the occasional weirdo.

It's OK - hit my head on a wall and I remembered.  GlueParent.

Hi All,

The stupid thing is, I knew how to do this a few months ago.  Now, I can't recall what I tweaked.

Anyway, can anyone quickly recall what records the model scale and light levels used on character creation and login screens.  I can't recall if it's a dbc, a frame, a glue, part of Trinity Core, or what....  Annoyed with myself.


Work so far:

I won't go into a lot of details about the game itself in terms of how it will work.  Players will be of one class (thief) with three talent trees: Stealth, Subterfuge and Combat.  You'll be able to choose your play style with your talents, so if you want a footpad who doesn't fight at all, Stealth will be the way to go.  A lock-picking burglar will be more Subterfuge based, and a cutthroat or thug will want Combat.  The only aim of the game will be to steal stuff, and there will be no levels, no magic items, no super-powers.  All rooted in gritty realism.

Since humans are the only race, I wanted a lot more variety when it comes to character customization.  I was unhappy with the standard WoW human male model, which is oddly-proportioned and rather bulky for a thief.  As such, I've been working hard on some new models, adapted from the Blood Elf male and reskinned with WoD human skins.  It's been a long, tough job (days on end in Blender), but the results look good:

Edit ---->

Apologies for the loss of image links.  I'm still working hard on this, as and when time permits.  At present, I'm developing the interface, removing things that are no longer needed, revamping many aspects, coding the new systems.  I'm hoping to get a Youtube video out soon to show progress, but don't expect to see any gameplay examples yet.  What you will see is (most of) the new interface, how characters are created, how they choose their playstyle, etc.

My approach is to work the concept first - in other words, get the game doing the mechanical things correctly before I begin the actual world-building, models, sounds and textures (which is relatively routine in comparison).  It's painstaking work, but I think this approach is more likely to result in a success.  Many projects begin with an idea, and a lot of time goes into building lovely zones and making interesting new models, spells, etc.  Then the job of implementing them comes up and it all falls apart.  I'm using self control to resist the urge to do the fun bit, instead getting the tough stuff done first.  I also feel this is the best way to recruit help - rather than saying "Hey, here's a vague concept - want to make stuff for it?" I'll be able to say "Here's a working system - want to add to it?"

Hi All,

Following the demise of a WotLK project I was working on with a small team, I have decided to engage myself in a personal project that is being done mainly just to see if it's possible and to push myself hard in directions a little 'outside the box'.

Back in the day (maybe 15 years ago) I was a prominent figure in the fan-mission community for the Thief series of games from Looking Glass Studios.  If you've never played them, beg, borrow or (dare I say) steal copies of the trilogy - they're truly wonderful games which practically invented the stealthy, sneak-em-up genre.  The three games, The Dark Project, The Metal Age and Deadly Shadows (ignore the 2014 reboot), are set in a dark, dirty, medieval/steampunk city populated by thieves, guards, peasants, nobles, pagans, mages, necromancers, religious zealots and a secret society of 'Keepers' who preserve balance.  It's a rich, deep setting with a lot of lore which I've loved for a long time.  To this day, I play through the series on a regular basis.

I also play (and mod) WoW.

Now, for no particular reason, I have decided to fuse the two things together.  In other words, I am working on creating the city from the Thief series of games in the MMO environment of WoW.  This is a complete bottom-to-top reworking of virtually everything in WoW, which will simply be there as the client to drive what I produce.  It's almost an impossible task, but I have no time limit and like doing it.  I'm also not ashamed to butcher files from anywhere to get the job done.

This thread will be solely for me to 'blog' progress on this weird fusion project.  Hope you like what you see!


Bump because of today's edit to the first post.

Serverside Modding / [C++] [WotLk] Real Stealth...
« on: March 12, 2016, 01:58:14 am »
This is going to be tricky.  I'm not requesting it, but any ideas or assistance is vastly appreciated.  I've started this thread because (1) it may be of interest to others and (2) somebody here may have an insight or brainwave that helps.

What I want to do:

Change the mechanics of Stealth (the Rogue ability) so that its effectiveness is dependent on the level of light around the character or npc using it.  In effect, to make Stealth much less of a binary affair - currently the ability puts you in two modes, hidden or unhidden, with no grey area.  I want a grey area, in which a model's transparency and statistical visibility varies by surrounding light.  I'm aiming to do this for WotLK on a Trinity Core, but am open to shifting client or server if a simple solution exists elsewhere.


WoW, as far as I can tell, does not have any mechanisms for tracking the level of light falling on a model.  Certainly, the client must be passing information to the graphics hardware about this, but it's not information contained in parcels sent between the client and server.  The information is only sent from client to hardware.  Since client source code is (practically) unavailable, I will need to do something to the Trinity Core to make this work.

Vague Idea:

Add invisible (GM view only) gameobjects to maps wherever I want there to be light.  I'll call these 'LightMarkers' for simplicity.  These, of course, do not actually create light that players can see, but they simply mark light intensity.  Let's have a range of Lightmarkers (Lightmarker0, Lightmarker1, Lightmarker2 ... Lightmarker 10) for a good range of light levels ranging from 0 to 10.

For example, in-game there's a torch on a wall.  I want this to have a low light intensity, so I place an invisible Lightmarker3 on the same spot.  The players can't see it, but it's there all the same.

The position of a model relative to any nearby Lightmarkers is calculated, and some formula or other changes the intensities and the player's distance from the Lightmarkers into a figure that I'll call 'Exposure'.  Exposure ranges from 0 (complete darkness) to 1 (full, bright light).  Move closer to a Lightmarker, and Exposure increases.  Move away, it decreases.

The Stealth ability's code now gets re-worked to scale Stealth by the model's current Exposure.  I'm not sure yet, but I'm hoping this can be dynamic (e.g. if you enter Stealth in complete darkness and then move into bright light, your Stealth efficiency changes).


I'm not sure this system will work so well if Lightmarkers are, for example, behind something.  For example, if you are standing next to a wall, and there's a Lightmarker on the other side of it, your Exposure will increase... Maybe will need to give Lightmarkers a direction too?


As well as the above, I'd ideally like the armour/weapons a model is using and its actions to have a noticeable effect on Stealth.  Wear more armour, your Stealth decreases.   Draw a weapon, your Stealth Decreases.  Move, your Stealth decreases (based on your movement speed).  Etc.


Good question.  I'll be starting a 'What are you working on?' in a short while.  Thanks for reading!


Recruitment / [SOLVED] [WotLk] Help needed for minor character edit
« on: February 28, 2016, 11:25:11 pm »
Hi folks,

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I didn't want to put this in model editing (where there don't seem to be any other requests).  I'm hoping that one of you nice people with a little more experience of character model editing can help me with a minor edit.

Essentially, all I need is the removal of the ear and eyebrow submeshes from the WotLK blood elf models (male and female).  I can get as far as importing the original models into blender as M2i.  Removing the two meshes is easy (and I've also tried shrinking them and positioning them inside the torso so they can't be seen).  I can export, but have had no luck at all with M2Mod getting them back into M2 form.  I'm sure I've been doing something wrong, but can't fathom what.

Anyone with any insight into this, please do help!  Even better, if you know how to do this and have a few minutes spare, I'd be forever grateful if you could solve this for me.


Edit : SOLVED!  The ears and eyebrows are no more.  I was using the wrong version of M2Mod.  D'oh.

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] Make races/classes unavailable
« on: November 11, 2015, 08:28:15 am »
I'd suggest looking for a guide to CREATING new race/class combos (there are loads of these around).  All you want to do is the reverse, so these will point you to the files you need to modify.

Good questions, Morfium

- funny you ask, we are currently in the process of removing Resilience
- honor is still earned in BGs
- arena points no longer exist, neither does arena.  If it did return, it would end up being something like the Brawler's Guild.

- All instances and raids have been retuned and are completable by characters of the instance/raid level.  Ahn Qiraj , for example, can now be completed by a single level 60 character (it's bloody hard to do, but not impossible).
- drops are not class specific, but nearly all items have become unbound. A drop that one character finds useless can be mailed to any other of your characters. The new transmog system makes any item your character can wear have stats you want for your spec.  But...
- Class specs are much less relevant. Tanks are now 'dps with lots of health' and healers are 'dps with lots of self heals'.

- undead undead?  I like it... Will investigate.
- level cap remains 80.  It takes much longer to get to 80 though, with bottlenecks every 10 levels.  

Sorry about typos- using phone

Just a quick update:

Project has lost few months due to (1) people taking long holidays and (2) changes to the latest Trinity Core that resulted in us having to trawl through hundreds of thousands of our SQL scripts to make them compliant.

I think a few misconceptions exist about what we are doing.  For the most part, our core is exactly the same as any other 3.3.5 core - same quests, same mobs, same items, same instances - just tweaked to make pure solo play possible.  The gameplay and mechanics are relatively unchanged except where gameplay revolved around or required other players.

Many game features have been repurposed to do this. Auctioneers, for example, now buy/sell raw materials for crafting (at premium prices). Battlegrounds have become single player scenarios. Instance encounters that required different players to be in different places doing different things have been rewritten so a soloist can complete them.  

Our additional quest lines are exactly that - additional. They are only there to extend the endgame slightly.  They may not even ship with the first version unless we pull our fingers out.

Beta, when it happens, will simply be a case of people downloading a patch, playing it and letting us know what is wrong.  We will not be opening a server - the aim is to make wow a game that doesn't need one.


Modelling and Animation / Re: Blank WMO
« on: July 07, 2015, 12:28:14 am »
Many thanks for this information, Schlumpf.  I feel the issue is on the brink of resolution.

The offending MFBO information is, indeed, at the very end of the file and looks like this:


So, ok, I can now clearly see the three sets of numbers pertaining to the coordinates of the bounding planes.  I will try changing these to the max/min values you suggested. Unfortunately, I am about to head from Shanghai to the UK and won't be able to do this for another three weeks...

Once again, your patience and helpfulness is very much appreciated.

Modelling and Animation / Re: Blank WMO
« on: July 06, 2015, 01:55:23 pm »
I'm struggling to understand the WMO file structure to be honest.  I would prefer to use Noggit to remove the unwanted WMOs and M2s (a much cleaner method), but I'm also having trouble with some strange entry heights (on entering a modified map in-game, the camera defaults to a position high above the map and the character falls into infinity).  I know this is fixable (having read about similar issues being solved), but sadly, the ADT file structure is even less fathomable to me and unfortunately those who have marked their issues as solved have not specified how they solved them.

Does anyone know of a better guide to the ADT file structure?  I can see the 256 chunks clearly enough when I open one with a hex editor, but I've no idea what the rest means.

I'll keep plugging away and let you know of any progress.

Oh, and 'he' is a 'she'. :shock:

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