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Messages - Gamh

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Random / Re: Wiki Formatting
« on: July 15, 2016, 04:52:49 pm »
It's very nice of you to take the time to do this and discuss it!

Version Sections: agreed with Schlumpf, keep it simple and just precise the build it was taken from, or the expansion if we don't have that information. We should also avoid duplicate information with table + struct and stick with one. I tend to think structs just give the best layout for information (like int types give you explicit boundaries). If some people have trouble with reading structs, it's possible to write a short guide to the types commonly used in structs.

Categories: same, drop the build here, not useful enough to care and in some cases we aren't sure of the build anyway.

Miscellaneous / Re: BSP Tree (WMO)
« on: January 05, 2016, 01:36:59 pm »
Quote from: "abdalrahman9"
Does this mean the distance is based on the parent plane or am i just not understanding something?

No I think you're right, the fDist value is relative to the parent node, or maybe from (0, 0, 0). The wiki explains that better than me:

fDist is where split plane locates based on planetype, ex, you have a planetype 0 (YZ-plane) and fDist 15, so the split plane is located at offset ( 15, 0, 0 ) with Normal as ( 1, 0, 0 ), I think the offset is relative to current node's bounding box center. The BSP root ( ie. node 0 )'s bounding box is the WMO's boundingbox, then you subdivide it with plane and fdist, then you got two children with two bounding box, and so on. you got the whole BSP tree.

Also fun fact, despite being a float fDist is always an integer value.

Miscellaneous / Re: BSP Tree (WMO)
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:39:56 pm »
Quote from: "schlumpf"
As indicated with 1) and 4), I wouldn't even start with properly cutting but rather just do a one-node "tree" that has just a leaf node with all faces. It might work quite well.

I second that, especially if your model is small enough (a small house, a rock, etc). For bigger models, you will have problems at some point, I don't remember what the threshold is exactly, but collisions will start to misbehave.

If you really want to generate your own, here are BSP tree generators I coded a while ago with Tharo, if you can shift through the awful style : C++ and Python. They aren't perfect because they do not check if a triangle goes through a node without having vertices in it; it then has no collision. This can happen when there are "stretched triangles", with one vertex being far from the two others.

Modelling and Animation / Re: MDL/MDX to WMO tool?
« on: January 17, 2015, 11:35:06 pm »
Well you can always try, but that's like trying to nail down something with a screwdriver, eventually you may get something working, but more likely not. The screenshot you provided earlier screams imminent failure ;(

You should read some of the tutorials available to understand more in depth how formats are different and how they can be used. You won't get much things working without these basics.

Modelling and Animation / Re: MDL/MDX to WMO tool?
« on: January 17, 2015, 10:00:11 pm »
Quote from: "Ohai"
So you're saying switching my mdl/x to OBJ is bad, well is there an alternative then to switch it to 3DS or WMO somehow :p

Convert your MDL/X to OBJ if you need that at some point, but don't try to convert these OBJs as WMO as it will more than probably result in fucked up WMOs.

If you need to create a WMO, there's a nice up-to-date tutorial for that in the modelling section.
If you need to create a M2, there are probably tutorials as well.

As you don't seem to really grasp the differences between these formats, don't try to mix them ;)

Quote from: "Ohai"
You didnt understand I do want a WMO so you're saying WMOs have M2s inside but also what? MDX or MDL for those buildings and static models right?

Dude please, I barely understand what you're saying. MDX/L must be converted to M2s to be used in WoW if that's what you ask.

Quote from: "Ohai"
And about Noggit and M2s, I'm changing a 4.3.4 server is Noggit viable for that?

ADT (map format) changed between 3.3.5 (the version Noggit handles) and 4.3.4, so I guess not.

Quote from: "Ohai"
And second I plan to change 2 whole races bloodelf dranei their model, buildings, data everything to another race, even if I lets say decide to somehow replace each building in Noggit how could that be easier then just swapping the default xxxsmallhouse.wmo in the art.mpq?

Swapping is a DIRTY work-around, you should add new models and edit your maps. If you can't edit maps (as you're working on 4.3.4), then resort to swap models, but don't try to create WMOs from stuff that clearly is not meant to be a WMO in the first place.

Quote from: "Ohai"
That failed texure building up there is bloodelf_smallhouse02.wmo edited for satyr, in MDLIVS looks like this has 19 geosets

Once again, MDLVIS handles MDL, which is related to M2 but not WMO, so you're going to have a lot of problems like that if you insist on modifying WMOs with MDLVIS.

There is no editor for WMOs. Just create something in 3DS Max or Blender and use the converter or the plugins available.

Modelling and Animation / Re: MDL/MDX to WMO tool?
« on: January 17, 2015, 07:22:03 pm »
Quote from: "Ohai"
hey glad you replied i was using mirrormachine too, your aplication i belive right? well 1st it didnt recognize the OBJ that got out of Biturn, and then when I resaved it in blender OBJ again it started doing something but then popped up some error and crashed. just found some guys thread here about mirrormachine had the same error

Yes, but OBJ support is half-arsed so you have to provide OBJ files that already look like WMOs or else it will not work or crash. It won't work with every kind of OBJ files. You can find more instructions there, in the "OBJ support" section.

OBJ support is just there for people who have too much trouble with 3DS and was never intended to be the common way of converting files as it's a very destructive conversion.

Quote from: "Ohai"
And its not wrong actually I was following this Phuckos tutorial viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1441 until step 4 coz I dont need a m2, well the same works for WMOs only thing is now convert it back to wmo :p :)

EDIT: and I would need a WMO again so I pack it back into the MPQ, I just want to swap this one WMO with my custom model, and I havent put anything yet in the game ever. so I'm guessing it wont work at first I dont even know if its a problem if my custom model has more geosets, or more textures etc. dunno I guess you're more experienced could tell me in advance if that plan is failed. or madness :P or sparta :?: 8-)

Nah, you're heading for pure pain that way. M2s are for small, scalable or animated objects / characters. WMOs are for buildings and big static models. Do not use one format for the other's purpose. Just create a M2 and then edit your map with Noggit to delete the WMO and add your new M2.

Quote from: "Ohai"
WMOs contain MDXs or MDLs right? or maybe Im wrong but atleast thats what I grasped browsing the internet about this

Yes but that's not what you want. WMOs can contain M2s such as interior lamps or tables, stuff to furnish a place.

Modelling and Animation / Re: MDL/MDX to WMO tool?
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:45:07 pm »
Before this madness goes any further, what are you trying to achieve ?

MDLVIS is for modelling M2s, not WMOs. These two formats are completely different and only have in common the propriety of being 3D models. There is no reason at all to convert MDX to WMO.

So please tell us what you want to do because it probably is terribly wrong.

Resources and Tools / Re: [TOOL] 3ds/OBJ to WMO
« on: April 24, 2014, 11:46:59 am »
Quote from: "ferreon"
For people who can't run properly the tool. Put this dll file (provided from Gamh) in the mirrormachine.exe folder: [...]

Use this instead, the former domain name will expire soon :

Quote from: "AgeofCraft"
IFIXED: Any Windows Update ruined this tool  :|

Ah :/ sorry to hear that, sounds weird.

To anyone : this tool isn't maintained anymore, nor is the FBX version available on the same repo. I'm definitely moving to other projects (actually on other games), so I won't fix anything from now on. Sharp minds already found out that I'm too lazy to fix anything involving more than 3 loc anyway ;)

However if a file seems to cause problem, you can send it to me by PM or mail and I'll take a look when I can. But please, be sure to read the doc first, in the first post of this thread.

Resources and Tools / Re: [TOOL] Blender 2.5+ WMO import/export script
« on: April 08, 2014, 07:13:42 pm »
Can't test it, how you're supposed to install that plugin ? I don't know shit about Blender.

Anyway if you can make it work properly ( = with portals and 100% working BSP tree), you'll definetely save us all from the available shitty tools. Mail me if you want some help with the trees or w/e, but seeing the source I guess  you got them quite correctly.

Random / Re: every one put his real picture
« on: December 04, 2013, 11:49:38 pm »
Well if that pleases you, I'm the guy with an Emperor tshirt. Have fun.


Random / Re: Warlords of Draenor
« on: November 10, 2013, 12:42:29 pm »
Well, maybe that will actually motivates them, after 2 extensions with almost no true engine updates. I didn't know about the required client modification though, that sucks...

Random / Re: Warlords of Draenor
« on: November 10, 2013, 12:32:31 pm »
Quote from: "Allifeur"
I tried to put new dwarfs texture on an old one, and yet... this is kind of disappointing.  :roll:

Let's not talk about his head, he looks like a pervert  :lol:

Haha great !

IMHO the extension will be as disappointing as MoP and it didn't make me want try WoW again.
But the graphic updates are great, same Blizzard style, but way more polished, I like this. Maybe it will be time for the community to move to another base version than 3.3.5 ?

(Guys the female dwarves ! <3 The forsaken ! <3 )

Modelling and Animation / Re: [QUESTION] How do lights work?
« on: October 24, 2013, 10:58:06 am »
You need to know how to use the wiki to navigate in a .WMO file, what's a flag, what is little-endianness, etc, there are several tutorials for that out there.

- Open the WMO group of your indoor part.
- At the end of the file, append a chunk called MOCV (so "VCOM")
- It's size will be nVertex * 4 (because 4 is the size of a color entry and you have nVertex entries). You can find nVertex by dividing MOVT size by 12.
- Apply the colors you want in BGRA format (the neutral color is 7F 7F 7F FF or sth like that). Take example from Blizzard models which already contains a MOCV.
- In the MOGP.flags, toggle the MOCV flag on.

Modelling and Animation / Re: [QUESTION] How do lights work?
« on: October 22, 2013, 10:42:28 pm »
There is no real way to do this by now, if that's what you mean PainSavior.

It is possible to do the following to add lights, both indoor and outdoor I guess, with the help of the wiki link above :
- Open root WMO
- Increment nLight
- In MOLT, add a new light entry with your parameters
- Open the WMO group where you need a light
- In MOLR, add your light entry
- In both root WMO and group WMO, toggle the MOLR flag on.

But as said,
Quote from: "schlumpf"
Doing it by hand would be a horrible pain in the ass, though. I'd advice against that.
That's why there aren't explicit tutorials about this.

What you most probably want to do for "indoor lights" is using vertex colors, which are colors applied on each vertex of the model, used exclusively indoor in WoW. But nor OBJ or 3DS support vertex colors ; a good candidate is the FBX format, and I'm already working on this.

You can do all of this by hex, but it would be a whimsical time loss.

Resources and Tools / Re: [TOOL] 3ds/OBJ to WMO
« on: October 22, 2013, 01:19:03 am »
Unfortunately no, OBJ has no clue about lighting (but anyway, so does this converter).

Setting your WMO indoor is likely to crash as the converter can't generate portals from nothing, and portals are mandatory to link indoor to outdoor parts. I thought about a system for this.

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