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Author Topic: 03: Server setup  (Read 3314 times)

Mr. DK

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03: Server setup
« on: March 08, 2017, 01:30:23 pm »

Hello and welcome back. Today we will tackle a topic that is an obstacle for most modders. Setting up a Server.
To make things easy I created a package containing my WoD Server. It differs in small parts from the original WoD trinity core which should not affect you.
Though I recommend you compile yourself your own Server. You can find a link and some notes on that further down this post.

So let's start with things you will need:
Heidisql should not be a problem to install. Once you have finished installing goto your WoDModding Folder and open: "WoDModding\Projects\". Inside there extract my Server.

Installing Mysql
During MySQL Configuration, near the end of the installation process, create the user trinity with password trinity to match the trinity:trinity settings in the default server .conf files.
Make sure that this user is set to have the DB Admin role and with Host type localhost instead of the default <All Hosts (%)> because of the low security of the well known password "trinity".
You can also choose your own user and password to increase security but it's only really needed if you want the server to be public at some point.

Install OpenSSL
Just install from Link above.

Populating the database
Once you have finished installing mysql open your heidisql and create a new connection with the username and password from above.
Inside this Server you can find a folder called SQL. Open it and you will find an Sql file. In order for the Server to work you have to execute this file.
In later tutorials I will explain the database as we use it.

Server files
If you changed your username and password from trinity to something else you have to adjust the config files.
Open both with a text editor and adjust following lines:
Code: (worldserver.conf) [Select]
LoginDatabaseInfo     = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth6"
WorldDatabaseInfo     = ";3306;trinity;trinity;world6"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;characters6"
HotfixDatabaseInfo    = ";3306;trinity;trinity;hotfixes6"
The first trinity is the username the second is the password.

Also you have to change following line:
Code: (worldserver.conf) [Select]
Updates.EnableDatabases = 15 to Updates.EnableDatabases = 0
Code: (bnetserver.conf) [Select]
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth6"Repeat this for the other file.

Extracting the needed files
You have to extract some files from your client to make the server run. To do this copy the contents of the extraction folder within your server to your client folder.
There, simply execute extractor.bat and choose option 1. Wait for the extractor to finish and then copy the folder dbc and maps to your server folder.

Starting your server
Once you're done with the steps above you should be able to start both server executables.
Wait for them to load up and then go to your worldserver.exe.
Type in following 2 commands:
Code: [Select]
Command: bnetaccount create <user> <pass>
Example: bnetaccount create test@test test
Code: [Select]
Command: account set gmlevel <user#realm> 3 -1
Example: account set gmlevel 1#1 3 -1

The first command creates a new account. Make sure you have a username that contains a @. Make it look like an e-mail or it won't work.
The second command enables your gm status so you can use in game gm commands.
Once all this is done restart your server and try logging in. Make sure to use my executables in your WoD client. You should be able to log in game now.

Connecting your Client
In order to connect to your server you have to go to "C:\WoDModding\Clients\6.2.4\wtf\". Open it and change following line:
Code: [Select]
SET portal ""If you don't have this folder or file start your client once and close it again.

Doing it the right way
This tutorial simplifies a lot of the steps for you, but some mods require you to make serverside changes. This tutorial is meant for those who have trouble compiling code. That's why I highly recommend that you compile your own Server using the Trinity Core tutorial if you are capable of doing so. Make sure to get the right commit from the master branch or you will end up with a Legion server.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2018, 01:46:08 pm by Steff »
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