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Author Topic: [HELP]Custom Map Crash  (Read 2709 times)


  • Registred Member
  • Polygonshifter
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[HELP]Custom Map Crash
« on: April 24, 2014, 01:33:16 pm »
Hello dear modcraft community,
Last night i edited my map and now today i want to work a lb on it i get this error on my 27-28 adt there are no wmos no m2´s i dont know what i can make to fix this i spent alot of time on this map. The other WMO´s work correctly only get this problem on 2 adts.

4587 - (World.cpp:243): [Debug] Loading world "Parasorm".
6033 - (Video.cpp:133): [Debug] resize(1360, 705);
14735 - (Model.cpp:88): [Debug] Unloading model "interfacegluesmodelsui_deathknightui_deathknight.m2".
14746 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 26, 25 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_26_25.adt") from disk.
14822 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 26,25.
14827 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 27, 25 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_27_25.adt") from disk.
14891 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 27,25.
14895 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 28, 25 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_28_25.adt") from disk.
14961 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 28,25.
14965 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 29, 25 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_29_25.adt") from disk.
15032 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 29,25.
15036 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 26, 26 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_26_26.adt") from disk.
15103 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 26,26.
15107 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 27, 26 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_27_26.adt") from disk.
15173 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 27,26.
15177 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 28, 26 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_28_26.adt") from disk.
15244 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 28,26.
15248 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 29, 26 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_29_26.adt") from disk.
15316 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 29,26.
15320 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 26, 27 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_26_27.adt") from disk.
15387 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 26,27.
15391 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 27, 27 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_27_27.adt") from disk.
15458 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 27,27.
15462 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 28, 27 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_28_27.adt") from disk.
15529 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 28,27.
15533 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 29, 27 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_29_27.adt") from disk.
15600 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 29,27.
15602 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 26, 28 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_26_28.adt") from disk.
15647 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 26,28.
15649 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 27, 28 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_27_28.adt") from disk.
15663 - (errorHandling.h:64): [Error] There was an exception of type "SIGABRT"
"Abnormal termination, such as instigated by the abort function. (Abort.)".
Please excuse the inconvenience. You may want to report this error including the log to the developers.

15665 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] OS-Version: 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1
15845 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 0022FA3C (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
15845 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 001D009C (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
15845 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 722F3254 (MSVCR110): (filename not available): abort
15845 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 002446C0 (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
15845 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 74DC966D (KERNELBASE): (filename not available): UnhandledExceptionFilter
15845 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 770F366D (ntdll): (filename not available): LdrSetAppCompatDllRedirectionCallback
15845 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 7709A8A1 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [HELP]Custom Map Crash
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2014, 08:43:30 pm »
Full log please.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


  • Registred Member
  • Polygonshifter
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Re: [HELP]Custom Map Crash
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2014, 10:47:08 pm »
2 - (Noggit.cpp:444): Noggit Studio - 3.166
4 - (Noggit.cpp:250): Using config file.
4 - (Noggit.cpp:453): Game path: C:WoWModdingClient335
4 - (Noggit.cpp:457): Project path: C:WoWModdingCraftpatch
4 - (Noggit.cpp:295): Locale: enUS
377 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/common.MPQ
567 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/common-2.MPQ
625 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/expansion.MPQ
696 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/lichking.MPQ
872 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/patch.MPQ
926 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/patch-2.MPQ
940 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/patch-3.MPQ
952 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/patch-4.MPQ
1058 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/patch-9.MPQ
1101 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/enUS/locale-enUS.MPQ
1103 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/enUS/expansion-locale-enUS.MPQ
1104 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/enUS/lichking-locale-enUS.MPQ
1123 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/enUS/patch-enUS.MPQ
1134 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/enUS/patch-enUS-2.MPQ
1138 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/enUS/patch-enUS-3.MPQ
1161 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientAreaTable.dbc"
1555 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientMap.dbc"
1976 - (MPQ.cpp:89): [Debug] Completed listfile loading.
1976 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLoadingScreens.dbc"
1978 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLight.dbc"
1979 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightParams.dbc"
1979 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightSkybox.dbc"
2006 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightIntBand.dbc"
2018 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightFloatBand.dbc"
2019 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientGroundEffectDoodad.dbc"
2036 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientGroundEffectTexture.dbc"
2037 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLiquidType.dbc"
2392 - (Video.cpp:202): [Debug] GL: Version: 4.4.0
2392 - (Video.cpp:203): [Debug] GL: Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
2392 - (Video.cpp:204): [Debug] GL: Renderer: GeForce GTX 470/PCIe/SSE2
2407 - (Noggit.cpp:477): [Debug] Creating Menu
2440 - (World.cpp:157): World 451: development has no WDT file!
2464 - (World.cpp:157): World 582: Transport176244 has no WDT file!
2464 - (World.cpp:157): World 584: Transport176231 has no WDT file!
2465 - (World.cpp:157): World 586: Transport181645 has no WDT file!
2465 - (World.cpp:157): World 587: Transport177233 has no WDT file!
2465 - (World.cpp:157): World 588: Transport176310 has no WDT file!
2465 - (World.cpp:157): World 589: Transport175080 has no WDT file!
2466 - (World.cpp:157): World 590: Transport176495 has no WDT file!
2466 - (World.cpp:157): World 591: Transport164871 has no WDT file!
2466 - (World.cpp:157): World 592: Transport186238 has no WDT file!
2466 - (World.cpp:157): World 593: Transport20808 has no WDT file!
2466 - (World.cpp:157): World 594: Transport187038 has no WDT file!
2467 - (World.cpp:157): World 596: Transport187263 has no WDT file!
2475 - (World.cpp:157): World 610: Transport_Tirisfal _Vengeance_Landing has no WDT file!
2475 - (World.cpp:157): World 612: Transport_Menethil_Valgarde has no WDT file!
2475 - (World.cpp:157): World 613: Transport_Orgrimmar_Warsong_Hold has no WDT file!
2475 - (World.cpp:157): World 614: Transport_Stormwind_Valiance_Keep has no WDT file!
2477 - (World.cpp:157): World 620: Transport_Moa'ki_Unu'pe has no WDT file!
2477 - (World.cpp:157): World 621: Transport_Moa'ki_Kamagua has no WDT file!
2477 - (World.cpp:157): World 622: Transport192241 has no WDT file!
2478 - (World.cpp:157): World 623: Transport192242 has no WDT file!
2480 - (World.cpp:157): World 641: Transport_AllianceAirshipBG has no WDT file!
2480 - (World.cpp:157): World 642: Transport_HordeAirshipBG has no WDT file!
2481 - (World.cpp:157): World 647: Transport_Orgrimmar_to_Thunderbluff has no WDT file!
2483 - (World.cpp:157): World 672: Transport197347 has no WDT file!
2483 - (World.cpp:157): World 673: Transport197348 has no WDT file!
2483 - (World.cpp:157): World 712: Transport197349 has no WDT file!
2483 - (World.cpp:157): World 713: Transport197350 has no WDT file!
2484 - (World.cpp:157): World 718: Transport201834 has no WDT file!
2486 - (Menu.cpp:380): [Debug] No bookmarks file.
2731 - (Noggit.cpp:480): [Debug] Entering Main Loop
4587 - (World.cpp:243): [Debug] Loading world "Parasorm".
6033 - (Video.cpp:133): [Debug] resize(1360, 705);
14735 - (Model.cpp:88): [Debug] Unloading model "interfacegluesmodelsui_deathknightui_deathknight.m2".
14746 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 26, 25 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_26_25.adt") from disk.
14822 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 26,25.
14827 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 27, 25 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_27_25.adt") from disk.
14891 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 27,25.
14895 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 28, 25 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_28_25.adt") from disk.
14961 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 28,25.
14965 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 29, 25 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_29_25.adt") from disk.
15032 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 29,25.
15036 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 26, 26 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_26_26.adt") from disk.
15103 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 26,26.
15107 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 27, 26 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_27_26.adt") from disk.
15173 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 27,26.
15177 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 28, 26 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_28_26.adt") from disk.
15244 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 28,26.
15248 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 29, 26 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_29_26.adt") from disk.
15316 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 29,26.
15320 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 26, 27 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_26_27.adt") from disk.
15387 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 26,27.
15391 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 27, 27 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_27_27.adt") from disk.
15458 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 27,27.
15462 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 28, 27 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_28_27.adt") from disk.
15529 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 28,27.
15533 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 29, 27 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_29_27.adt") from disk.
15600 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 29,27.
15602 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 26, 28 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_26_28.adt") from disk.
15647 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 26,28.
15649 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 27, 28 ("WorldMapsParasormParasorm_27_28.adt") from disk.
15663 - (errorHandling.h:64): [Error] There was an exception of type "SIGABRT"
"Abnormal termination, such as instigated by the abort function. (Abort.)".
Please excuse the inconvenience. You may want to report this error including the log to the developers.

15665 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] OS-Version: 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1
15845 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 0022FA3C (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
15845 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 001D009C (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
15845 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 722F3254 (MSVCR110): (filename not available): abort
15845 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 002446C0 (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
15845 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 74DC966D (KERNELBASE): (filename not available): UnhandledExceptionFilter
15845 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 770F366D (ntdll): (filename not available): LdrSetAppCompatDllRedirectionCallback
15845 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 7709A8A1 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [HELP]Custom Map Crash
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2014, 12:12:02 am »
This is relative to your issue.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


  • Registred Member
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Re: [HELP]Custom Map Crash
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2014, 10:08:55 pm »
Thanks for replay but Noggit works well only 2 edited adt´s don´t work i can fly arround the custom map but when i hit the adt noggit crash.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [HELP]Custom Map Crash
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2014, 08:58:21 am »
First tip: Backups.  Use a repository like git or hg.  Then you are able to restore your files at any commit you made.

Second: recreate your adts with futa and loadinfo fileinfo into a new clean adt.

Perhaps someone did this already can make a tutorial.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
Please mark as solved if solved.
Don't ask if you could ask a question... JUST ask the Question.
You can send me also offline messages. I will answer if I get online.
Skype: project.modcraft
Discord: steff#6954


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Re: [HELP]Custom Map Crash
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2014, 03:21:25 pm »
Quote from: "Steff"
First tip: Backups.  Use a repository like git or hg.  Then you are able to restore your files at any commit you made.

Second: recreate your adts with futa and loadinfo fileinfo into a new clean adt.

Perhaps someone did this already can make a tutorial.

Thanks for the answer.
I installed now Git to prevent the destroyed adt's and the Second step is not working tried futa and my adt is empty i need to restart this and must be more careful next time.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [HELP]Custom Map Crash
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2014, 09:17:37 pm »
Ok i got again this error, i created a new map and crash again on the texturing step. Always the same error Noggit and wow crashes instantly after tp or open this map, i can only model the terrain this is working and the textures give me the error:

1 - (Noggit.cpp:444): Noggit Studio - 3.166
2 - (Noggit.cpp:250): Using config file.
2 - (Noggit.cpp:453): Game path: C:WoWModdingClient335
2 - (Noggit.cpp:457): Project path: C:WoWModdingCraftpatch
2 - (Noggit.cpp:295): Locale: enUS
354 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/common.MPQ
526 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/common-2.MPQ
576 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/expansion.MPQ
642 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/lichking.MPQ
807 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/patch.MPQ
855 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/patch-2.MPQ
867 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/patch-3.MPQ
867 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/patch-4.MPQ
906 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/enUS/locale-enUS.MPQ
908 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/enUS/expansion-locale-enUS.MPQ
909 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/enUS/lichking-locale-enUS.MPQ
928 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/enUS/patch-enUS.MPQ
937 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/enUS/patch-enUS-2.MPQ
940 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive C:WoWModdingClient335Data/enUS/patch-enUS-3.MPQ
1757 - (MPQ.cpp:89): [Debug] Completed listfile loading.
1758 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientAreaTable.dbc"
1759 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientMap.dbc"
1760 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLoadingScreens.dbc"
1761 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLight.dbc"
1762 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightParams.dbc"
1762 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightSkybox.dbc"
1789 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightIntBand.dbc"
1800 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightFloatBand.dbc"
1801 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientGroundEffectDoodad.dbc"
1816 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientGroundEffectTexture.dbc"
1818 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLiquidType.dbc"
2109 - (Video.cpp:202): [Debug] GL: Version: 4.4.0
2109 - (Video.cpp:203): [Debug] GL: Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
2109 - (Video.cpp:204): [Debug] GL: Renderer: GeForce GTX 470/PCIe/SSE2
2124 - (Noggit.cpp:477): [Debug] Creating Menu
2155 - (World.cpp:157): World 451: development has no WDT file!
2177 - (World.cpp:157): World 582: Transport176244 has no WDT file!
2177 - (World.cpp:157): World 584: Transport176231 has no WDT file!
2178 - (World.cpp:157): World 586: Transport181645 has no WDT file!
2178 - (World.cpp:157): World 587: Transport177233 has no WDT file!
2178 - (World.cpp:157): World 588: Transport176310 has no WDT file!
2178 - (World.cpp:157): World 589: Transport175080 has no WDT file!
2178 - (World.cpp:157): World 590: Transport176495 has no WDT file!
2178 - (World.cpp:157): World 591: Transport164871 has no WDT file!
2178 - (World.cpp:157): World 592: Transport186238 has no WDT file!
2178 - (World.cpp:157): World 593: Transport20808 has no WDT file!
2179 - (World.cpp:157): World 594: Transport187038 has no WDT file!
2179 - (World.cpp:157): World 596: Transport187263 has no WDT file!
2187 - (World.cpp:157): World 610: Transport_Tirisfal _Vengeance_Landing has no WDT file!
2187 - (World.cpp:157): World 612: Transport_Menethil_Valgarde has no WDT file!
2187 - (World.cpp:157): World 613: Transport_Orgrimmar_Warsong_Hold has no WDT file!
2188 - (World.cpp:157): World 614: Transport_Stormwind_Valiance_Keep has no WDT file!
2189 - (World.cpp:157): World 620: Transport_Moa'ki_Unu'pe has no WDT file!
2190 - (World.cpp:157): World 621: Transport_Moa'ki_Kamagua has no WDT file!
2190 - (World.cpp:157): World 622: Transport192241 has no WDT file!
2190 - (World.cpp:157): World 623: Transport192242 has no WDT file!
2192 - (World.cpp:157): World 641: Transport_AllianceAirshipBG has no WDT file!
2192 - (World.cpp:157): World 642: Transport_HordeAirshipBG has no WDT file!
2193 - (World.cpp:157): World 647: Transport_Orgrimmar_to_Thunderbluff has no WDT file!
2195 - (World.cpp:157): World 672: Transport197347 has no WDT file!
2195 - (World.cpp:157): World 673: Transport197348 has no WDT file!
2195 - (World.cpp:157): World 712: Transport197349 has no WDT file!
2195 - (World.cpp:157): World 713: Transport197350 has no WDT file!
2196 - (World.cpp:157): World 718: Transport201834 has no WDT file!
2198 - (Menu.cpp:380): [Debug] No bookmarks file.
2230 - (Noggit.cpp:480): [Debug] Entering Main Loop
4287 - (World.cpp:243): [Debug] Loading world "Craft".
5721 - (Model.cpp:88): [Debug] Unloading model "interfacegluesmodelsui_orcui_orc.m2".
5728 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 10, 10 ("WorldMapsCraftCraft_10_10.adt") from disk.
5903 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 10,10.
5905 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 11, 10 ("WorldMapsCraftCraft_11_10.adt") from disk.
5978 - (MapTile.cpp:300): [Debug] Done loading tile 11,10.
5981 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 10, 11 ("WorldMapsCraftCraft_10_11.adt") from disk.
6118 - (errorHandling.h:64): [Error] There was an exception of type "SIGABRT"
"Abnormal termination, such as instigated by the abort function. (Abort.)".
Please excuse the inconvenience. You may want to report this error including the log to the developers.

6121 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] OS-Version: 6.2.9200 () 0x100-0x1
6297 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 00DAFA3C (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
6297 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 00D5009C (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
6297 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 73163254 (MSVCR110): (filename not available): abort
6298 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 00DC46C0 (noggit): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
6298 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 76E2966D (KERNELBASE): (filename not available): UnhandledExceptionFilter
6298 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 773F366D (ntdll): (filename not available): LdrSetAppCompatDllRedirectionCallback
6298 - (StackWalker.cpp:1133): [Error] 7739A8A1 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain

I create a backup from my map i change the edited adt with the old adt and now it works again but i get a big problem with the texturing idk why this always crash  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(

With clear textures it works well can place m2´s wmo´s everything works fine.

My steps for this map:
Moddeling: FINISH
Textures:  [     HELP    ]
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [HELP]Custom Map Crash
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2014, 11:27:02 pm »
I Found out something new, after i save my map the texture are white and after close and start noggit it crashes :
Edited Map:

Saved Map:

Another Information:
I don´t change anything on the paint tool and it worked.

WoW Crash but the map works in noggit i dont know why this crash in wow i use the Elwynn Tileset... always the same what can i do ?
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [HELP]Custom Map Crash
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2014, 05:10:38 am »
Got the same problem, changed my noggit from B22 to SDL1.3 (old version that i downloaded months ago) a few days ago all works fine but then i got an error i cant spawn WMOs, so i updated my Noggit and since then i got an crash on my Map when i hit a specific ADT.
So seems to be an error of that Version.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [HELP]Custom Map Crash
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2014, 11:14:25 am »
Quote from: "AgeofCraft"
I Found out something new, after i save my map the texture are white and after close and start noggit it crashes :
Edited Map:

Saved Map:

Another Information:
I don´t change anything on the paint tool and it worked.

WoW Crash but the map works in noggit i dont know why this crash in wow i use the Elwynn Tileset... always the same what can i do ?

You're using an old version of Noggit. Try the SDL 1.3 version.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [HELP]Custom Map Crash
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2014, 02:36:31 am »
It was the 0x007B31F8 read 0x00000010 Error i added 4 textures to every adt and the crash is solved.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »


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Re: [HELP]Custom Map Crash
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2014, 12:48:29 pm »
Thats why i have writen the 4 layer texture system tutorial :)

Working this way is much easyer then creat all texturing every time from scratch. I did not use the texture delete function for 2 years now.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 am by Admin »
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