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Messages - Afrowalrus03

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Okau, long period of absence, been a very busy time of my life for me. Anyway, looking to finish this up before christmas. Haven't found a solution for:
-The female helm issue
-The white neck (though someone has kindly pm'd me about a possible solution)
-Some male worgen faces that are all still thinking that they have the night elf textures
-Sounds are still Night Elf sounds (despite placing worgen sound files into an mpq)

Despite this, after just starting up again today, I've changed the ghost wisp form to a rough ghost wolf, the nightsaber textures have been given a tryout, and I've gotten the worgen bear form into the game, and working well (hair colours don't align perfectly, but that's what the barbershop is for) :P

Here's an image of a character I've playtested with:

Will upload more as I progress more (you'll have to excuse my on/off laziness)

Not much recently, been highly busy with life stuff. Been trying to figure out how to fix the helmet issues, or at least finding some compromise for them. Thought of using female tauren helmets for the female worgen, but it seems that won't work. Hope to work in more depth, when I''m more free. (I've also been trying to replicate a nightsaber reskin patch I saw online from years ago, going very well. Will release that alongside this when done).

Welp, just checked the auction house with a female worgen, and it seems that they might be using the male helmet files by accident. Though, it might be because they are the alpha/beta worgen rather than the "chihuahua" model in retail.

Okay, after much trial and error, I have (for the most part it seems) gotten the helmet files converted. It seems to work for most of the time, though after a quick search through the auction house dressing room, the northrend helmets are invisible. Everything else works, as can be seen:


And (sort of) here - Bit odd on the female worgen. Not sure if that's for every female worgen atm

Any solutions?

I'll release them when I'm done.

Also, would anyone know how I would approach fixing helmets for the worgen?

Everything else seems to work fine, however helmets just float in the middle of their face.

Example (Some Worgen Rogue wearing the Defias Mask)

Did as you said, and there's no more odd colouring on the worgen's face. Only issues that I don't know how to solve for them currently, is a lack of any kind of texture on the neck. (Male) (Female)

 I compared the worgen texture paths, and the night elf ones together. However, when I tried to "reroute" the paths to the corresponding model, the game crashed upon launch.

I can live without this, though if I were to release the patch file I'd prefer if that were fixed.

I have another gribe I've been trying to solve, and that is the sound files. I've imported a number of the worgen's voice files, and renamed them in the style of "NightElfMale_Chicken01", for example. But, when I try it out in game, there's nothing but silence. So, again, suggestions?

Thank you for the help so far, greatly appreciate it. :)

I've worked on it, and have now wroked out how to get the model into the game. The only problem I have now, is this weird issue with the facial hair from the night elves. I tried changing some texture files around as I did before, but now when ever I have anything to do with Worgen clicked in the login screen then my game freezes. I'll keep trying a workaround, however, posting this up here, just in case anybody knows how to solve it, and wants to lend a hand.

(Ignore the High Elf face on the alliance side, that's from another patch that I downloaded).

Hi there, I've been trying for a small while now to change the night elf race from 3.5.5 (both male and female) to the Cataclysm Worgen race. This is my first attempt at any sort of model editing myself, so a lot of it so far has been trial and error, however I reached a bit of a stump. The textures from the worgen are on (most) of the night elf models, so I know they are (in a sense) working. However, I have no idea how to make so that the worgen models themselves are actually used by the game.

Here's a picture to better describe what I've done so far.

So, any clues to what I should do from here? The help would much appreciated, and I'd upload the patch file for download afterwards.

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