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Messages - lyn

Pages: [1]
Modelling and Animation / Re: Exporting animated models?
« on: October 09, 2015, 05:57:02 pm »
Thanks for the info! Hm, so I should look for a conversion tool / script or smt for a supported unity format (.m2 to X). Any advice there :P ?

Modelling and Animation / Exporting animated models?
« on: October 09, 2015, 03:33:50 pm »
Is there anyone out there who might have *complete* information on how to achieve this? I've found bits all around the interwebz, but nowhere a fully working / complete solution. I am not even picky about a specific version, just would like to achieve in getting the models exported with animations (purpose is for unity3d).

Resources and Tools / Re: [TOOL] Spell Editor GUI V2
« on: April 01, 2015, 04:14:18 pm »
This app almost made me jizz my phants, thought I'd have to manually enter all the values into the dbc. Saved me from tons of work. Thank you very much!

Recruitment / Re: WoW Heroes
« on: April 01, 2015, 03:28:12 pm »

I've gotten the idea a few days before this topic was created, in case anyone will track the progress.
So far I've been doing most of the basic DBC editing and configuring the server so it can work all together.
Also modified some of the interface and achieved a decent starting point to begin adding planned features.

Character selection
- free of errors, all heroes properly appear for selection and you can log in
- needs further work on design (also missing logo and many icons) and filling in the placeholder info

--- previews to follow, cant post imagesbecause of spam filter atm

Recruitment / WoW Heroes
« on: April 01, 2015, 03:27:32 pm »
About the Project

The main goal is creating a miniature version of the game's PvP aspect. By throwing out all unnecessary (unused) files, the client ought to be less than 1 GB in size. Battleground and arena maps could be re-used, but additional, custom ones, are mandatory. Heroes will reuse existing, specific character models.

Instead of the classic character creation process, gearing up with items and leveling, you would play predefined  heroes based on famous WoW characters. There wouldn't be any items nor leveling, thus diversity would be offered through different hero specializations and talents.

Unlike the original character specialization concept in tanking, dealing damage or healing, everyone would be a damage dealer. The amount of potential damage dealing would depends on the type of the hero and chosen talents. Less damage potential would basically mean more utilities for your allies (for more see below).

A lot of the inspiration was drawn from Heroes of the Storm, with the idea of applying the concept to WoW's arena and battlegrounds. Achieveing that would already be a great success, but why not expanding further and implement MOBA elements as additional game modes ?!

Game Concepts

As it was already mentioned, everyone would be a damage dealer, tho the actual numbers would vary between the hero type. Each type would be either melee or ranged, which is predifined.

- notable HP, which allows fighting in front lines
- continuous damage dealing
- notable defensive abilities (stronger in melee ones)
- no burst
- harder time retreating (at least the melee ones)

- moderate HP, easy to kill if caught
- opportune damage dealing
- weak and few defensive abilities
- great burst
- escape artists if they play their cards right

- moderate HP
- continuous damage dealing
- many utilities for self and allies


Since it is a standard client - server architecture, there is always work needed on both ends. So far I have the server end handled. I am using TrinityCore, which doesn't require much work. Nevertheless, in case you think you could contribute, feel free to contact me.

As for the client, there is a lot of work ahead, and expertise in following are especially welcome:
- visual 2D design (custom skins for the interface, icons, etc.) ... photoshop
- advanced 3D tool users ... we will need to port some cata/mop character models to wotlk
- 3D artists ... some models need missing animations (like Arthas is missing jump, mount)
- Noggit users ... this will be the most time consuming part
- WoW interface modders (knowledge with XML & LUA)
- spell designers and creators

On top of the mentioned, there will be a lot of work to balance everything out once we have the infrastructure done. In case you think you could contribute in another way, feel free to contact me.

Feel free to contact me via PM on modcraft forums,
or add me on skype: reno-lulz

Pages: [1]