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Topics - björn

Pages: [1]
Level Design / [QUESTION] Extracting Vmaps from custom ADTs
« on: April 19, 2014, 02:24:03 am »

So I've been trying to extract vmaps from my own maps for quite some time now, but without any real success.

My maps consist of a WDL, a WDT and the ADTs of course. My patch is named patch-enUS-4.MPQ and is located in DataenUS...

I'm using the 4.1 vmap extractor, and yes I have extracted the maps without any issues. The vmap extractor finishes without any errors, but once in-game there is no LoS at all, not M2s, WMOs or even the terrain.

I tried copying a few blizzard ADTs and put them on one of my own maps. When I do this I get a little bit of LoS working, but only on WMOs. It's still not working with M2s or with the terrain.

Any help or pointers would be deeply appreciated since I've been stuck with this problem for far too long.

Thanks in advance!

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