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Messages - rakeson

Pages: [1]
Texturing and 2D Art / Re: [QUESTION] Texturing Specific Display IDs
« on: April 09, 2015, 11:53:54 am »
I believe I got it fixed now, I was using the CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc from my misc.mpq that I extracted through MWS. Extracted it with WMV, and now it works! Thanks for trying to help, will notify if I need any more help in the future!

Texturing and 2D Art / Re: [QUESTION] Texturing Specific Display IDs
« on: April 08, 2015, 03:18:35 pm »
Quote from: "PhilipTNG"
only thing I can come up with for getting unexpected row sizes is if you are trying to use a dbc file from another version or expansion of the game on a version it didn't come from.  if thats the case, there is your problem.

what are you using to edit your dbc files? secondly you're not really clear in what you're referring to replacing.... are you making new textures with something like photoshop? or are you just trying to re-assign stuff?

if no one answers you, it's most likely because no one has a clue and because your post was pretty vague, there's not much to go on either.

I will try to be more clear, and give an example:

There is a pink succubus display ID, say, 666. And there is another display ID of the same pink skin and model, though different scale size for example, 999. I know how to import and replace a skin, and by doing so both 666 and 999 would get their textures replaced with my own (edited through GIMP or PS). I'd like to replace the texture for only -one- of these, not all. 666 would be the original succubus skin, while 999 would be my own, edited version. Sorry if this is still confusing, I tried to explain it the best as I can.

The CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc should be MoP, I'm pretty sure, but I will look into it later.
I use MWS to extract and make the MPQs. I am told it is very outdated, though I am unable to work properly with Ladik's MPQ Editor for some reason, whereas MWS works fine for me when doing simple things like replacing textures. Also, I used MyDBCEditor to try and edit the CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc to include my custom texture path on one of the display IDs.

Didn't mean to look as if I was impatient, sorry for that.

Texturing and 2D Art / Re: [QUESTION] Texturing Specific Display IDs
« on: April 08, 2015, 11:21:23 am »
Bump. Anyone?

Texturing and 2D Art / [SOLVED] Texturing Specific Display IDs
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:26:44 pm »
Fairly certain this hasn't been asked before, went through the whole forums just to be sure.
I've only recently learned how to replace textures for 5.4.8., but I really need help with this:

I'd like to re-texture a specific display ID, instead of completely replacing the original texture for all display IDs. I thought that editing the CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc would help, but either I did something wrong, or it's not the way to do it. (I get error #121 when entering name and password, row size is 76, expected to be 80, or something along the lines)
If anyone can help me with this (saying the actual way to do it), I'd greatly appreciate it. Like I mentioned before, I'm new to this, so a bit of patience would be nice as well if you are willing to help. Thanks in advance, and sorry if I messed something up by posting it here!

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