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Texturing and 2D Art / Issues with Noggit texturing
« on: August 21, 2015, 01:55:09 pm »
First of, I wasn't sure where to post this. If this is the wrong section, feel free to let me know and to move this.

Anyways, here is my issue.
When I retexture something with Noggit, two things happen in game (only when I test the patch ingame, this doesn't show on Noggit.)

- The color of the texture may change drastically sometimes.

The very bright part is the same color as the "pathway" on the left, but somehow it shows very differently.
Also as you can see, there are the ugly lines from the chunks that show for some reason.

- The first texture I used on the chunk shows up ingame, thus drawing lines.
(you willl understand better with this screenshot.)

Edit : Another illustration of the random colour changes.
Noggit screenshot

Same screenshot, but ingame

If you know how to fix this, I would gladly hear it ;)

Hello there, i've been working lately (nearly for a day), on this project, i thought i'd share it with you to get some constructive feedback and criticism to help me improve, this is my very first build ever, so please don't be harsh ^^

So i was fooling around and found this cool little place in the mountains, because it was already "sheltered" by the mountains for most of it, i decided to use this as a starting place since i litteraly am the WORST with mountains and such.

I then added some water after struggling for ages to make it right (yeah i'm bad), and then just let my imagination go.

It is also far from being finish, although i kinda nearly finished about 1/3 of it, i decided to wait for some feedback before continuing, just to know what's good and what's not.

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