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Messages - Darkkang

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Modelling and Animation / Problem Vrykul HD Legion to Wotlk/Cata
« on: February 02, 2017, 06:54:57 pm »
Hi, we are trying to get the Vrykul Legion model and use it on Cataclysm. We used BLPConverter 6 to get the .m2i from the .m2 file, importing it on Blender, creating the UV-map, reducing the model triangles below 21845, deleting some geosets and resizing the textures, we used BLPConverter 8 to get the new .m2.
So we can see the Vrykul in-game but for some reason the hair is seen in the legs, some parts of the legs are green and hair in the face. When we change the hair in the character selection, the legs change too.
We tried everything, resizing and trying other textures but nothing works. How we can fix it? If you can help me, I will share my work, thanks :)

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] Final fix for Legion helmet
« on: December 23, 2016, 07:10:45 pm »
What are the coordinates of the Pandaren?

How to convert these models to 3.3.5? ¿Any Script or program?
I need to know how to convert all models to 3.3.5 (The model converter doesn't work me)


"Retro-Porting" / [QUESTION] Script M2 convert for Cata/Wotlk
« on: August 10, 2016, 05:51:46 pm »
Hi! I need a script that converts the M2 from MoP, WoD and Legion to Cataclysm or Wotlk.

This is because i convert creatures without problems, but the items, spells and some objects of the world have problems with textures, wow error or do not work.
Obviously not work the script to convert 3.3.5, it works only with creatures

I would like to get that script to convert all models folders with a click, is it possible?

If so, this script includes to fix particles? This would be very useful, as it would serve to Cataclysm and Wotlk, could pass all items, maps and even spells.

¡Please help me!
¡Thanks! :P

¿Somebody help me? Please, i need Draenor and Pandaria for 4.3.4
I have custom races, mounts custom and from MoP and Wod converted and more, i can make a trade.
Sorry for my english.


¡Hi!, I have a problem, I'm looking for a way to put the maps of draenor, pandaren or anyone custom map of the 3.3.5 on cataclysm, but I have problems. I tryed put on the map of MoP and WoD, removing obj1.adt, I tasted the draenors of WoD and draenors of 3.3.5, which it is in modcraft, also i tried edit the file WDT and change its flag. Lastly I tried two different converters, Mjollna and PhilipTNG, the first didn't convert any adt, then failed, the second converts them but it takes a lot of time, hours or days, also the maps take up too much, 130 gbs.

The results have been the following: I could enter if I don't put on the m2, wmo or texture of draenors,though everything looked green and pink, due to the absence of objects, then if I moved, it causes a WoWError, of course if I put the obj and WMO, when I access it caused WoWError immediately. I obtained to put on a map edited of emerald dream. I know that is impossible to edit Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms in cataclyms, but I know that can be created new continents and moved others maps, i need to know how do it.

Exist a reliable way to move maps of MoP, WoD or Wotlk, for pass the customs maps reliably, simply and without errors?
Please help me, if I can get that it working I could share it ,if it needed and if someone does it for me I would be very grateful.

Thank you so much :P

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] Wod Models [4.3.4]
« on: February 05, 2015, 02:35:54 pm »
If you convert the model of Draenei and Undead to 4.3.4 With UV-Maps, textures and all the basics, we can try to fix errors there.

We would greatly appreciate if you share, I'm still learning to UV-maps and takes me a long time
Another model that would do us good to all, is the Ogre. If someone shares a playable model Ogre WoD, I can put as race and share it, also for MoP or 3.3.5

Thank you very much.

Noggit / Re:  [RELEASE] [BETA] Noggit SDL 1.4
« on: February 02, 2015, 03:15:49 pm »
I say that if we could get ADTs structure of Mjollna Converter Cataclysm, and enter it into the code of Noggit... Wotlk converter to Cata does not work, There is no way to convert maps?
Sorry for my english

Noggit / Re:  [RELEASE] [BETA] Noggit SDL 1.4
« on: February 01, 2015, 11:58:36 pm »
Hopefully Noggit soon ADT of Cataclysm opened or converted :(

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] Wod Models [4.3.4]
« on: February 01, 2015, 11:54:09 pm »
Have this patch all the hairstyle and beards? ( In all the races except Bloodelf)
I just need to fix the hair, fix the Draenei and the Undead and finally the Ogre WoD. No one has passed the Ogre WoD and fully accessorizable as a mission both one, two and three heads and would be very useful.
If someone shares, I will really appreciate it, I can give a lot of WoD and MoP mounts, even I could pay to have it to the 100%

Sorry for my english, thanks.

Yes, if the models have them open in Blender and modify them and put them in Blender. Already in Wotlk getting done with the M2Mod3 but is not the same edit or uv-maping to edit the triangles that are not as done xD.

A good tutorial or Blender video tutorial could really for beginners.
Thanks also

That is precisely what I do not understand xD.
I open 010Editor the M2 and Skins and I've searched the StartTriangles and NTriangles not understand about submesh.

I opened the M2 in blender and 010editor like the .skin but can not find anything.
I am very basic Hex language, I can transfer models, make small changes and little else.

Edit: The BloodElf / High Elves that have put a bug in the Dks, when I have time I solve it.

Yes, but with that files, they can save time to do the Charsection and some lines of dbc files, so I shared it.
I'm looking at the .skin in 010Editor for hairstyles and beards, but I find the triangles and vertices needed.
If someone shares it, I appreciate it: P

Here you have the High Elves of WoD I did thanks to BloodElf of Quillerk, which also come included to 4.3.4 (Use CatatoLKM2.exe to turn 3.3.5). Hope you like!xdlg2ApB!U9GKqk8Gy ... 1iufwAy2Ic

Does anyone know how to fix hairstyles all races of WoD? They only have half the hairstyles or beards most races.
If anyone has the hairstyles and beards of all races character of WoD or Draenei / Renegade u Equip Ogre WoD for Cata 4.3.4 with textures and models I give whatever, I can give change mounts, models or other things, but only those races left me with no way to pass them.

Thanks to Quillerk, Konatchi, and others patches races to 4.3.4 :P
Sorry for my english

Oh thanks, i try remake the uv-maps;
if someone wants to help me, I give the models of Wod :P

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