First of all you have to make sure that the modified dbcs are in the server folder and in the custom patch (called something like patch-x.MPQ) have to be the dbcs (DBFilesClientmap.dbc etc.) and the maps (worldmaps"mapname""mapname".adt (and of course the .wdt)There should be a tutorial on how to create it correct if you have trouble doing it.If you have everything correct with the position of the files and the error still occurs on you have a mistake in your files.
The adts should be okay.There could be two sources of problems:1.) When you created the adts in adt adder, did you give them a basic alpha layer (=texture)?2.) With what program did you create the wdt?Btw: thanks for so much information
this file dont work
Quote from: "ferreon"this file dont work link seems to be down....may anyone has a mirror?