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Topics - Bazil

Pages: [1]
Level Design / 3.3.5. to Pandaria porting
« on: September 07, 2013, 10:16:57 pm »
Hello guys, I have a patch(.dbc, .adt wmo edits) that was created for WoTLK, but since it an too old I would convert it to current wow addon. Could I? I heard Pandarian .adt are the same as in Cataclysm, so my first question:
1. Does there are any tools that could convert 3.3.5 adt/wmo to cataclysm format?
And even is it so:
2. Does current branch of noggit/tallis able to edit MOP maps?
And last question:
3. Could I reuse my DBC edits? It would be hell to rewrite it.


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