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Messages - Devwaza

Pages: [1] 2
Level Design / Re: [QUESTION] How to remove these from the map?
« on: January 17, 2013, 07:40:08 am »
For the squares - try: left shift + crtl + rightclick. cleares texture.
For the black stuff: wierd that you see it in-game, since I have the exact same black stuff here and there on my maps in noggit, but not ingame.

Well, I believe I've got a better understanding for these two matter, so summing up the discussion from what the original post is about and what's been stated in the thread:

the MOP and cata tilesets does not need to be converted - simply extracted, and then re-instated in a patch wich you list in the noggit.conf, so noggit knows they exist, correct?

And the doodads (m2) needs to be converted since the m2-format changed since wotlk. But is there any information you could provide regarding the actual converting? Forum thread, tutorial, anything?

Quote from: "schlumpf"
Quote from: "Devwaza"
Quote from: "schlumpf"
Quote from: "Devwaza"
Quote from: "schlumpf"
Noggit loads tileset names from aggregated MPQ listfiles, thus you need to pack them once so their name exists, while the actual data may be on disk.

Great, I'll go ahead and try this in a couple of  hours. But what about porting .m2's? you dont happen to be able to explain that to? ^^

Anyhow, thanks for the help.
I don't see how that's related.

The thread is about both doodads and tileset "converting" to make it usable in 3.3.5. If you got knowledge about this and decide to post in this thread answering to one of the two matters, I believe if you are able to explain the other matter, its is related and relevant to this thread. But if you want to share that information or not is your call, but help would be appreciated.
Oh, sorry, I was only reading one post, not the whole thread, thus did not see the original question, so your question about m2s seemed out of context.

There are enough  threads about "converting" models with guides.

I see. Yes, I thought there would be topic(s), but I cant seem to find them. I'm not very femiliar with the "terms" and such in wowmodding. As in the difference between porting and converting? if there even is a difference. I'll keep looking I guess  ;)

Quote from: "schlumpf"
Quote from: "Devwaza"
Quote from: "schlumpf"
Noggit loads tileset names from aggregated MPQ listfiles, thus you need to pack them once so their name exists, while the actual data may be on disk.

Great, I'll go ahead and try this in a couple of  hours. But what about porting .m2's? you dont happen to be able to explain that to? ^^

Anyhow, thanks for the help.
I don't see how that's related.

The thread is about both doodads and tileset "converting" to make it usable in 3.3.5. If you got knowledge about this and decide to post in this thread answering to one of the two matters, I believe if you are able to explain the other matter, its is related and relevant to this thread. But if you want to share that information or not is your call, but help would be appreciated.

Quote from: "schlumpf"
Noggit loads tileset names from aggregated MPQ listfiles, thus you need to pack them once so their name exists, while the actual data may be on disk.

Great, I'll go ahead and try this in a couple of  hours. But what about porting .m2's? you dont happen to be able to explain that to? ^^

Anyhow, thanks for the help.

Quote from: "Ascathos"
The main problem with ground doodads converting is simple, <lk does not support animated doodads. These animations are automatically blocked. Tilesets can just be switched over and should work.

Is there no way of removing animation then? And if you would, could you explain how converting is done, please? I really would want to have converted cata and mop doodads for the weekend :)

First off, I'm sorry to bring up this since I'm sure it's been brought up before. But I've searched around some tonight, and can't seem to find any tutorial or enough information to figure this stuff out.

So to clarify, I want to convert doodad .m2's and tilesets - not item/character/creature .m2's.
Yeah, I also know people have shared what I'm looking to accomplish. But all of these four patches containing the wanted files got broken links.

So if I could get some help here either with tutorial for converting or someone sharing the patches, I would really appreciate it :)

Resources and Tools / Re: All MOP world m2s to WOTLK
« on: January 10, 2013, 02:40:29 pm »
Would you please, provide a new link? both broken :/

Random / Re: [QUESTION] Where do you host your server?
« on: January 09, 2013, 03:38:54 pm »
Quote from: "Ascathos"
Note: I find this to be a proper area.

To your question, you should look for a hoster in your respective language. Where are you from ? Also, there are more questions you should ask. What operation system ? What server do you want to run ? How large should it be, like <100 players (if at all ?) or a private one (<20, maybe even less by far).

There are more questions than this.

Well, I'm swedish, and live way up north. I would definitly want windows, but I dont know anything about their server os. And for starters about 50 players as maximum. I have no idéa what kind of dedicated server I would need for that, like ram, processor, like brandwidth with how many gb of traffic per month? and such. So, some advice would be very much apprieciated.

Best regards

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] WMV character to mysql database?
« on: January 09, 2013, 01:58:58 pm »
Quote from: "Steff"
Yes and I simple gave overview what he msut do all to get it work :) Even if he will use an DB editor for MySQL ;)

Well, actually I did not even know that there was any dbc editing necessary. For a long time ago when i used a repack called "ac web ultimate repack", I only used a db editor. So, i guess creating a character and exporting it in some format or something like that cannot result in a custom npc with any tool there is yet?

Would be one hell of a way to create npcs though, like designing the npc in modelviewer -> export to object file, load in a tool, and fill in the npc properties -> done  ;)

Random / [QUESTION] Where do you host your server?
« on: January 09, 2013, 01:37:43 pm »
So, to people who is paying for a dedicated server, who is your provider and what is your experience with them? Please include name and a website :)

Mod: Sorry if i've misplaced this post, im not quite sure if this is supposed to be in general or here.

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] WMV character to mysql database?
« on: January 08, 2013, 10:47:13 pm »
Well, I was wondering if there is a way to select a character in Modelviewer, equip it with weapons and gear, and then somehow make the character design become a "entry id" for me to use in TrinityCore Manager's database editor?

Since I'm pretty new to all of this, I can't really elaborate but hopefully someone understands what it is that I'm trying to acomplish here.

Best regards

Noggit / Re: [SOLVED] Noggit SDL1.2 - Instant shutdown.
« on: December 14, 2012, 02:53:54 pm »
Quote from: "Steff"
Are you shure that you dont mean administrator mode?

Yes, very sure. On my PC, with a original windows 7 ultimate 64, Noggit requires the compability mode to start. Else the program starts, shows a blank white screen inside the noggit window, and then shuts down.

Noggit / Re: [SOLVED] Noggit SDL1.2 - Instant shutdown.
« on: December 11, 2012, 10:13:39 am »
Quote from: "Steff"
ran Noggit in Win XP SP2 compability  <<< DONT!
Not needed! I also have Windows 7 64bit.

For the rest. NIce that it works now.

Well, if its supposed to be 64bit compitable, thats wierd! It only starts if I run in compability. I must be doing something wrong I guess ^^.

Noggit / Re: [QUESTION] Noggit SDL1.2 - Instant shutdown.
« on: December 10, 2012, 04:33:50 pm »
Quote from: "Steff"
DirectX: 9.0c - June 2010, 10.0
Visual Express 2008 & 2010
NET Framework 4.5

Nothing of this is needed. You only need the c++ runtime.

#Path = D:World of Warcraft

Path = D:World of Warcraft

Thank you Steff for taking the time to answer such a noob question. I removed the #, unpacked a fresh and untouched wow 3.3.5:12340 just for noggit and set the path to D:World of Warcraft Noggit, and ran Noggit in Win XP SP2 compability mode, and now its running! :)

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