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Topics - srvory

Pages: [1]
Hi everybody! after 2 weeks working on my server, these are the little things I 've done. the server have new races and we can leveling to level 90.

The first days, i focused on making the core acceptable for the new races and make us leveling to level 90, with the XP bar and the correct stats for class/race.

Then, i decided to edit the interface with the help of another customer in another comunity:

The last steps is easy.. Then its the time to the most difficult thing.. The races.. In 1 week only made the basics things, i still need to do more and more dbc edits like charstartoutfit and moore.

I recopiled the zones of kezan and gilneas, and adapted better for a little crash.

This is all for the moment, please tell me your suggestions.  --> t is not the final ,is a teaser, it will be in its own domain
P.S: The wow crash when for example human see worgen :| Someone can help me?
P.P.S: Sorry for my english :D

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] Charstartoutfit.dbc error
« on: May 05, 2015, 01:41:15 am »

Noggit / Noggit crashes when i try to save
« on: April 26, 2015, 09:41:15 pm »
hi all, when i try to save in noggit, the program crashes and i don't know why..

This is my conf file and the log file:

Code: [Select]
#This is a config file template. To use it rename into noggit.conf and set your options
#Edit this to your WoWFile!!!
Path = D:WoW'sMy_WOW

#Edit this to your Project-Directory and uncomment if you want to use it!
ProjectPath = F:3.3.5noggitSavedFiles

#Set this to the file where you will import models from (the model viewer log for example :) )
ImportFile  = C:WoWModdingToolsWoWModelViewer7userSettingslog.txt

#The far clipping value. Set to 2048, 3072, 4096 etc. for a further look. Higher values need more 3d power.
#1024 is the standard value and will be taken if you do not set this value.

Log file:

Code: [Select]
1 - (Noggit.cpp:449): Noggit Studio - 3.Archive
1 - (Noggit.cpp:250): Using config file.
1 - (Noggit.cpp:458): Game path: D:WoW'sMy_WOW
1 - (Noggit.cpp:462): Project path: F:3.3.5noggitSavedFiles
2 - (Noggit.cpp:295): Locale: esES
184 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/common.MPQ
276 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/common-2.MPQ
302 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/expansion.MPQ
335 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/lichking.MPQ
425 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/patch.MPQ
449 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/patch-2.MPQ
455 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/patch-3.MPQ
481 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/patch-4.MPQ
519 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/patch-5.MPQ
519 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/patch-a.MPQ
561 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/patch-b.MPQ
562 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/patch-m.MPQ
563 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/patch-w.MPQ
580 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/esES/locale-esES.MPQ
581 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/esES/expansion-locale-esES.MPQ
581 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/esES/lichking-locale-esES.MPQ
595 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/esES/patch-esES.MPQ
599 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/esES/patch-esES-2.MPQ
601 - (MPQ.cpp:47): [Debug] Opened archive D:WoW'sMI WOWData/esES/patch-esES-3.MPQ
1136 - (MPQ.cpp:89): [Debug] Completed listfile loading.
1139 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientAreaTable.dbc"
1140 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientMap.dbc"
1140 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLoadingScreens.dbc"
1140 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLight.dbc"
1141 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightParams.dbc"
1141 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightSkybox.dbc"
1155 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightIntBand.dbc"
1161 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLightFloatBand.dbc"
1162 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientGroundEffectDoodad.dbc"
1170 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientGroundEffectTexture.dbc"
1170 - (DBCFile.cpp:22): [Debug] Opening DBC "DBFilesClientLiquidType.dbc"
1826 - (Video.cpp:202): [Debug] GL: Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 347.88
1826 - (Video.cpp:203): [Debug] GL: Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
1826 - (Video.cpp:204): [Debug] GL: Renderer: GeForce GTX 760/PCIe/SSE2
1834 - (Noggit.cpp:482): [Debug] Creating Menu
1849 - (World.cpp:158): World 451: development has no WDT file!
1858 - (World.cpp:158): World 582: Transport176244 has no WDT file!
1858 - (World.cpp:158): World 584: Transport176231 has no WDT file!
1859 - (World.cpp:158): World 586: Transport181645 has no WDT file!
1859 - (World.cpp:158): World 587: Transport177233 has no WDT file!
1859 - (World.cpp:158): World 588: Transport176310 has no WDT file!
1859 - (World.cpp:158): World 589: Transport175080 has no WDT file!
1859 - (World.cpp:158): World 590: Transport176495 has no WDT file!
1859 - (World.cpp:158): World 591: Transport164871 has no WDT file!
1859 - (World.cpp:158): World 592: Transport186238 has no WDT file!
1859 - (World.cpp:158): World 593: Transport20808 has no WDT file!
1859 - (World.cpp:158): World 594: Transport187038 has no WDT file!
1859 - (World.cpp:158): World 596: Transport187263 has no WDT file!
1862 - (World.cpp:158): World 610: Transport_Tirisfal _Vengeance_Landing has no WDT file!
1862 - (World.cpp:158): World 612: Transport_Menethil_Valgarde has no WDT file!
1862 - (World.cpp:158): World 613: Transport_Orgrimmar_Warsong_Hold has no WDT file!
1862 - (World.cpp:158): World 614: Transport_Stormwind_Valiance_Keep has no WDT file!
1863 - (World.cpp:158): World 620: Transport_Moa'ki_Unu'pe has no WDT file!
1863 - (World.cpp:158): World 621: Transport_Moa'ki_Kamagua has no WDT file!
1863 - (World.cpp:158): World 622: Transport192241 has no WDT file!
1863 - (World.cpp:158): World 623: Transport192242 has no WDT file!
1864 - (World.cpp:158): World 641: Transport_AllianceAirshipBG has no WDT file!
1864 - (World.cpp:158): World 642: Transport_HordeAirshipBG has no WDT file!
1864 - (World.cpp:158): World 647: Transport_Orgrimmar_to_Thunderbluff has no WDT file!
1865 - (World.cpp:158): World 672: Transport197347 has no WDT file!
1866 - (World.cpp:158): World 673: Transport197348 has no WDT file!
1866 - (World.cpp:158): World 712: Transport197349 has no WDT file!
1866 - (World.cpp:158): World 713: Transport197350 has no WDT file!
1866 - (World.cpp:158): World 718: Transport201834 has no WDT file!
1885 - (Noggit.cpp:485): [Debug] Entering Main Loop
2901 - (Video.cpp:133): [Debug] resize(1366, 706);
4720 - (World.cpp:244): [Debug] Loading world "Azeroth".
5833 - (Model.cpp:88): [Debug] Unloading model "interfacegluesmodelsui_orcui_orc.m2".
5836 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 23, 40 ("WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_23_40.adt") from disk.
5929 - (MapTile.cpp:301): [Debug] Done loading tile 23,40.
5929 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 24, 40 ("WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_24_40.adt") from disk.
5968 - (MapTile.cpp:301): [Debug] Done loading tile 24,40.
5969 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 25, 40 ("WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_25_40.adt") from disk.
6007 - (MapTile.cpp:301): [Debug] Done loading tile 25,40.
6007 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 23, 41 ("WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_23_41.adt") from disk.
6046 - (MapTile.cpp:301): [Debug] Done loading tile 23,41.
6061 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 24, 41 ("WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_24_41.adt") from MPQ.
6156 - (MapTile.cpp:301): [Debug] Done loading tile 24,41.
6158 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 25, 41 ("WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_25_41.adt") from MPQ.
6195 - (MapTile.cpp:301): [Debug] Done loading tile 25,41.
6198 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 23, 42 ("WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_23_42.adt") from MPQ.
6236 - (MapTile.cpp:301): [Debug] Done loading tile 23,42.
6239 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 24, 42 ("WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_24_42.adt") from MPQ.
6276 - (MapTile.cpp:301): [Debug] Done loading tile 24,42.
6278 - (MapTile.cpp:53): Opening tile 25, 42 ("WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_25_42.adt") from MPQ.
6315 - (MapTile.cpp:301): [Debug] Done loading tile 25,42.
6321 - (Video.cpp:280): [Error] OpenGL: (at Model::draw:: after the draw list): GL_INVALID_VALUE
10448 - (MapTile.cpp:571): Saving ADT "WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_23_40.adt".
10448 - (MapTile.cpp:572): [Debug] CHANGED FLAG 2
10448 - (MapTile.cpp:708): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetwetlandswetlandsdirt01.blp".
10448 - (MapTile.cpp:822): [Debug] Added 0 doodads to MDDF
10448 - (MapTile.cpp:870): [Debug] Added 0 wmos to MODF
10465 - (MPQ.cpp:393): [Error] Is "F:/3.3.5/noggit/world/maps/azeroth/azeroth_23_40.adt" really a location I can write to? Saving failed.
10465 - (MPQ.cpp:399): Saving file "F:/3.3.5/noggit/world/maps/azeroth/azeroth_23_40.adt".
10471 - (MapTile.cpp:571): Saving ADT "WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_24_40.adt".
10471 - (MapTile.cpp:572): [Debug] CHANGED FLAG 2
10471 - (MapTile.cpp:708): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetwetlandswetlandsdirt01.blp".
10471 - (MapTile.cpp:822): [Debug] Added 0 doodads to MDDF
10471 - (MapTile.cpp:870): [Debug] Added 0 wmos to MODF
10487 - (MPQ.cpp:393): [Error] Is "F:/3.3.5/noggit/world/maps/azeroth/azeroth_24_40.adt" really a location I can write to? Saving failed.
10487 - (MPQ.cpp:399): Saving file "F:/3.3.5/noggit/world/maps/azeroth/azeroth_24_40.adt".
10491 - (MapTile.cpp:571): Saving ADT "WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_25_40.adt".
10491 - (MapTile.cpp:572): [Debug] CHANGED FLAG 2
10491 - (MapTile.cpp:708): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetwetlandswetlandsdirt01.blp".
10491 - (MapTile.cpp:822): [Debug] Added 0 doodads to MDDF
10491 - (MapTile.cpp:870): [Debug] Added 0 wmos to MODF
10507 - (MPQ.cpp:393): [Error] Is "F:/3.3.5/noggit/world/maps/azeroth/azeroth_25_40.adt" really a location I can write to? Saving failed.
10507 - (MPQ.cpp:399): Saving file "F:/3.3.5/noggit/world/maps/azeroth/azeroth_25_40.adt".
10511 - (MapTile.cpp:571): Saving ADT "WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_23_41.adt".
10511 - (MapTile.cpp:572): [Debug] CHANGED FLAG 2
10511 - (MapTile.cpp:708): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetwetlandswetlandsdirt01.blp".
10511 - (MapTile.cpp:822): [Debug] Added 0 doodads to MDDF
10511 - (MapTile.cpp:870): [Debug] Added 0 wmos to MODF
10527 - (MPQ.cpp:393): [Error] Is "F:/3.3.5/noggit/world/maps/azeroth/azeroth_23_41.adt" really a location I can write to? Saving failed.
10527 - (MPQ.cpp:399): Saving file "F:/3.3.5/noggit/world/maps/azeroth/azeroth_23_41.adt".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:571): Saving ADT "WorldMapsAzerothAzeroth_24_41.adt".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:572): [Debug] CHANGED FLAG 1
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:708): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetemeralddreamdreamgrass01.blp".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:708): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetemeralddreamdreamsand02.blp".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:708): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetemeralddreamolddreamrock02.blp".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:708): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetemeralddreamolddreamsand02.blp".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:708): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetexpansion02grizzlyhillsgh_dirta.blp".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:708): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetexpansion02howlingfjordhfjords_bushyc.blp".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:708): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetexpansion02howlingfjordhfjords_grassyd.blp".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:708): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetmullgoremullgorebasegrasshighlight.blp".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:708): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetungoroungoromossroot.blp".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:708): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetungoroungororock.blp".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:708): [Debug] Added texture "tilesetwetlandswetlandsdirt01.blp".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:728): [Debug] Added model "worldazerothswamposorrowpassivedoodadswaterhutswaterhut01.m2".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:728): [Debug] Added model "worldazerothswamposorrowpassivedoodadswaterhutswaterhut02.m2".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:728): [Debug] Added model "worldgenericbuildingshumantentmediumhumantentmedium.m2".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:728): [Debug] Added model "worldkalimdorashenvalepassivedoodadsashenvalerocksashenvalerock01.m2".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:728): [Debug] Added model "worldkalimdorashenvalepassivedoodadsashenvalerocksashenvalerock02.m2".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:728): [Debug] Added model "worldkalimdorashenvalepassivedoodadsashenvalerocksashenvalerock03.m2".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:728): [Debug] Added model "worldkalimdorashenvalepassivedoodadsashenvalerocksashenvalerock04.m2".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:728): [Debug] Added model "worldkalimdordurotarpassivedoodadstreesdurotarpalm01.m2".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:728): [Debug] Added model "worldkalimdordurotarpassivedoodadstreesdurotarpalm02.m2".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:728): [Debug] Added model "worldkalimdordurotarpassivedoodadstreesdurotarpalm03.m2".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:728): [Debug] Added model "worldkalimdorferalaspassivedoodadsfernferalasferns01.m2".
10532 - (MapTile.cpp:728): [Debug] Added model "worldkalimdorferalaspassivedoodadstreeferalastree01.m2".
10533 - (MapTile.cpp:728): [Debug] Added model "worldkalimdorferalaspassivedoodadstreeferalastree02.m2".
10533 - (MapTile.cpp:728): [Debug] Added model "worldkalimdorferalaspassivedoodadstreeferalastree03.m2".
10533 - (MapTile.cpp:728): [Debug] Added model "worldkalimdorferalaspassivedoodadstreeferalastree04.m2".
10533 - (MapTile.cpp:728): [Debug] Added model "worldkalimdorferalaspassivedoodadstreeferalastree05.m2".
10533 - (MapTile.cpp:822): [Debug] Added 35 doodads to MDDF
10533 - (MapTile.cpp:870): [Debug] Added 0 wmos to MODF

PD: I try to edit a new zone of a custom patch. This is the error?

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] I can't see the names of any race
« on: December 18, 2014, 02:26:01 am »
Hi everybody and sorry for my english.

I created 2 races and i have a few problems.

I can't see the names of races.. Someone?

I think the error is in charactercreate.lua but idk what is the problem :|

Someone can help me? i need a big help and i dont have any idea what is the problem :|
Thanks all.

Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] Need some help to make my server Level 90
« on: December 16, 2014, 02:20:58 am »
Hello everyone and sorry for my english!

I'm looking for someone who can tell me which files i need to edit to make my server 3.3.5a up to max level 90 and see the XP bar.

I need to know which files need to modify in the core and db (appart of player_xp_for_level) and how i can see de XP bar.

when i modify reputationframe.lua and insert into a patch wow crash and say an error on interface/framexml...

I have the last trinity core repo.
Thanks so much everyone!

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