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Topics - Deuzz

Pages: [1]
Hey there

I just followed the Tutorial for making a map from scratch but when I make the ADT files I'm running into a problem. Whenever I'm running the fix.bat script is just keeps opening the OffsetFix.exe up to infinite times and a friend has the same problem. I've tried to make it only go on one ADT file but that opens it infinite times as well.

How can we/I prevent it from happening?

Thanks in advance
Kind regards

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION:WotlK] removing Item arena rating
« on: August 24, 2015, 08:27:10 pm »
I've a question: How do I remove the personal/team arena rating from items?

Thanks for the answers.
Kind regards

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] Custom Race
« on: August 01, 2015, 06:51:58 pm »
I have a Problem with custom races.
A friend added 4 races into the Server for me and I want to add some more using a tutorial from emudevs.
After I edited the Client and Server files (yes, I edited the SharedDefinition.h) and added them to the patch, I always get an error after going to the character selection.
This is the error which I always get:

And now I don't know what I've made wrong ;~;
This is the Code part from the CharacterCreate.lua around line 188-193.
   for i=1, select("#", ...), 3 do
      coords = RACE_ICON_TCOORDS[strupper(select(i+1, ...).."_"..gender)];
      _G["CharacterCreateRaceButton"..index.."NormalTexture"]:SetTexCoord(coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4]);
      _G["CharacterCreateRaceButton"..index.."PushedTexture"]:SetTexCoord(coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4]);
      button = _G["CharacterCreateRaceButton"..index];
Please help me :c

Kind regards

Recruitment / cyk23 app
« on: July 23, 2013, 07:06:55 pm »
Accountname: cyk23
Language: English and German
Age: 16
Skypename: jaina141


Brief introduction of yourself: I started to create maps in May 2013. First I tried to create some villages, cities and co. And with the time I had a small land. Now i have summer holidays and I don't know what i can do.

List of skills you have: Mapping ,a bit DBC editing and Lore writing.

What do you want to do: I want to do on an island a wintertauren area or to write some lores.

Have you worked on other projects: No, I haven't worked on other projects yet.

#Edit: forgot something ._.

Tutorials / [TUTORIAL] Custom achievement
« on: July 21, 2013, 11:56:38 am »
I want to tell you, how you can create a custom achievement.
(Sorry for my bad English ._.)

You need:
-The files Achievement.dbc, Achievement_Category.dbc and Achievement_Criteria.dbc

Let's start with the category (Achievement_Category.dbc).
After you opened the file, you click on "Edit" -> "Insert Line...".
Enter an unused ID and hit "OK".
You have to edit the rows:
- 1 - ID
- 2 - ParentID - If it's a sub category, enter the ID of the main category.
- 6 - Name
- 20 - ui_order

In row 2, we enter '-1'. That means, that our category is a main category.
In row 6, we enter the name. Choose what you want.
In row 20, we enter a 13. Our category will appear at the last place.

Save the file.

Now we open the Achievement.dbc file.
We create again a new entry ("Edit" -> "Insert Line...")
Enter an unused ID and hit "OK".

You have to edit the rows:
- 1 - ID
- 2 - Faction - Alliance or Horde
- 3 - Map
- 4 - Previous achievement
- 8 - Name
- 25 - Description
- 39 - Category
- 40 - Points - 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,50
- 41 - Order
- 42 - Flags
- 43 - Icon
- 47 - Reward text
- 61 - Demands
- 62 - Referenced achievement

That are many things, but it won't take much time.

NOTE: -1 is both, 0 is Horde and 1 is Alliance

Let's start:
I want that both factions can get this achievement.
I enter '-1'.
In the field map we enter '-1'. The -1 means, that you get the achievement on every map.
In the 4th row we write '0'. 0 means, that you don't have to complete another achievement before.
Now the name in row 8.
In row 39, we enter the ID of our custom category, that we created before.

I want that the achievement will give the players some points.
So, i write the amount in row 40.
NOTE: You can only use the amounts: 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,50

Now, in row 41 you write '1' in the field.
1 means, that the achievement is on position one in our category.
When you add another achievement, use the value '2'.
NOTE: You can only have 111 achievements per category.

In row 42 (flag), you can enter the numbers 0-768.

NOTE: 256 - one person per realm can get the achievement.
           768 - one raid per realm can get the achievement.

I'll enter '0'.

Now choose an icon and tip the ID in row 43.
I use 1927, that is the icon of the Al'ar achievement.

In row 47 you can enter the name of the reward.
I leave the field blank, because my achievement don't have any rewards.
In row 60, you enter (if your achievement has a reward) the amount and the item ID.
Example: 2,1234  -  You will get the item 1234, 2 times. (<AMOUNT>,<ID>)

The next step is important:

In the row 61 (Demands) you enter the amount of criteria that the player have to complete.
In my case it's just 1 criteria.

In the row 62 (Referenced achievement) you enter '0'.

Don't forget to save it.

Now, our achievement is created.
You can insert it already into the client and the server, but then you can only get the achievement by the gm command.
We don't want that only the gms can have it, so we open the Achievement_Criteria.dbc file.

Add a new entry.
You have to edit the rows:
- 1 - ID
- 2 - Achievement ID
- 3 - Type
- 4 - asset_id - What you need to kill or to get ...
- 5 - quantity - How much you have to kill or to get ...
- 13 - Description
- 31 - ui_order - Set it to 1 and it will be at the first position

I think that i don't have to say anything about row 1 and 2.
I want that the player have to kill 2 times the same creature.
So, I enter in the row for the type '0'.
(For a list with the types, look below)

In row 4, the ID of the creature and in row 5, I enter '2'.
Now the description, you can enter what you want.

Set the value of row 31 to '1' if it's the first criteria.

Save the file.

Add the achievement to the core:
Go into the Core folder and open DBC folder.
Insert and replace the DBC files with the existing ones.
Start the server.

Code: [Select]

- 0 - Kill creature
  - row 4 is the ID and row 5 the amount
- 1 - Win battleground
  - row 4 is the Map ID and row 5 the amount of needed wins
- 5 - Reach level
  - row 4 is unused (enter '0') and row 5 the level
- 29 - Cast spell
  - row 4 is the spell ID and row 5 the amount of needed casts
- 46 - Reputation
  - row 4 is faction ID and row 5 the amount of needed reputation (42000 - exalted)

- 36 - Own item
- 41 - Use item
- 42 - Loot item
- 57 - Equip item
  - row 4 is item ID and row 5 the amount of needed uses/loots/equipped or owned item

Have fun with your own achievements ^-^

Miscellaneous / [QUESTION] custom achievement
« on: July 18, 2013, 11:00:49 pm »
I tried to create a custom achievement.
I created the category and the achievement and it worked.
Then I added the achievement_criteria.dbc file and wow crashed with the error:
"DBFilesClientAchievement_Criteria.dbc has wrong number of columns (found 28, expected 31)"
And now, I don't know what I can do, to remove that error.
Please, can someone help me?

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