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Topics - eratoc

Pages: [1]
Miscellaneous / [Question] DBC editing, anyone good at this?
« on: January 29, 2014, 10:57:48 pm »
I'm requesting someone with good skills in .DBC editing WoW files. Please PM me, and I will describe my problem. I will reward you somehow. :-)

Thank you,

/ Eratoc

Modelling and Animation / [HELP] Skybox Change. Scholo to ED sky.
« on: December 09, 2013, 11:09:09 pm »

I've been messing around with Lightmapper and Taliis Editor, currently I've opened up Light.dbc and I'm following this guide: viewtopic.php?f=61&t=673

But I get stuck at the Table with all the columns. I'm not sure what to edit and such. Don't really get it.

I want to edit these:

Code: [Select]
ED ID: 188 (169)
188 169 681133.0 -3835.0 699542.0 31902.0 41354.0 189 188 10 11 4

SCHOLO ID: 335 (289)
335 289 610565.0 -1609.0 610565.0 38597.0 38597.0 324 325 10 11 4

Anyone who can help me out?

Edit: Update
To implement the Emerald Dream-skybox into Scholomance, should my "new" column look like this?

Code: [Select]
188 (skybox ID-ED) 289 (map ID-scholo) 610565.0 -1609.0 610565.0 38597.0 38597.0 324 325 10 11 4 (Scholo coords)

Miscellaneous / [SOLVED] New to model editing - tips, help?
« on: December 05, 2013, 02:30:35 am »

I wasn't really interested in model editing back in 2006, now I play on a private 1.12 server and the idea to create "my own" world in the game makes me very excited.

Anyhow, so far I've been reading up on alot of old guides and such. Spending hours on failing and some succeeding aswell. But I only know the basics so far.

My latest project is areatriggering, my first intention was instance swapping which would also work. But I keep on failing.

So I don't want spoonfeeding, but any kind of help (mini-guide?) in this specific topic would mean alot to me. I've been trying to edit Scholomance so that when I enter the instance, it sends me to Emerald Dream. And I want to learn how to do this, but I cannot find any proper guides for neither this or 'simple' instance swapping.

Thank you,

Pages: [1]