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General / [CONTEST] FFA Zone creation.
« on: August 17, 2011, 03:34:25 pm »
NOTE: This contest will NOT grant you any prizes or anything. This is made by me, who's not authorized to give you anything, so there wont be any prize, unless moderators decides there should be.
This is JUST for fun.

Hey guys!

So basically I was thinking, there might be more people who was able to world build in here, than texturing, so I was thinking we should have a zone creating contest. So well... Basically, here's the "rules":

  • Can be, but suggestion is, not more than 3x3 ADTs.
  • Zone type can be anything from an island, to a battleground, to an arena. Anything you'd see fitting the room you use to build it ;)
  • Any kind of models and textures and skyboxes and... Well, anything you can do, is allowed. However, there will not be granted extra "points" for custom models or textures, seeing as this is no model/texture contest ;)
  • Alpha-mapping is allowed, but seeing as it doesn't matter whether you post it tomorrow, or in the 31 of August, I won't suggest doing it, since usually doing the area by hand is a bit prettier. Its up to you what you wanna do :p
  • Anyone is allowed to join in the competition. (Yes, including you Eluo ;D)
  • Display of world must be in a maximum of 3 screenshots here, 10 screenshots as a diashow link, or a 2 minute video.

Now, should people feel like there should be added any more rules, leave a comment or PM me about it and Ill consider it.

Once again, this has nothing to do with the staff, or w/e, of Modcraft, its purely to show people your World Building/Zone Creating skills. So I cannot increase your rank here, for a first place x)

This competition will end on the 1st of September, so you got 2 weeks from this date.

Let the creating begin!


Serverside Modding / [QUESTION] VB DBC converter source
« on: August 15, 2011, 08:26:53 am »
[center:4nfmo8vn]Hello Modcraft![/center:4nfmo8vn]

I was hoping someone on here might be able to help me with this little project I've begun. Would there by any chance be someone who'd be able to help me in scripting a Visual Basic program to be able to convert DBC data into maybe just lines of numbers, like the DBC -> CSV does. Even if you just have the sourcecode for his program it'd also be nice :) Its just, I don't really know how to approach this, since I don't really understand the structure of the DBC files. I mean, they don't make sense if just changed from .dbc to .txt, and they don't make sense either, if viewed in Hex so... Anyone, please? x)


Random / Some Subforum's being removed
« on: August 14, 2011, 03:06:32 pm »
[center:jz38y5ez]Hey Modcraft[/center:jz38y5ez]

Alright, so I thought I might make this topic so people and give out their thoughts about the subforums being deleted. Cause I'd just like to ask why? Its not like I use those forums, but some people might, and when people starts searching for something, its easier to just go in to the subforum according to what they're looking for, instead of going into Miscellaneous :p But that might just be me, I dunno. Anyways, people can post their thoughts here and maybe Steff or Schlumpf will answer them :p We'll see ;)


Tutorials / [TUTORIAL] Adding skyboxes
« on: July 10, 2011, 09:16:57 pm »
[center:2kegcu2c]Greetings dear Modcraft users
And welcome to a (Wow Patch 3.3.5a(Build 12340)) tutorial on how to make Skyboxes for new worlds.[/center:2kegcu2c]

Now, it has come to my attention that there is but only a few tutorials out there on how to actually ADD a skybox to a completely new world. In this tutorial, I shall show you a way.
Note: This is just one of many ways.

First of all, you need the following tools to accomplish it, the way its done in this tutorial:

- Ladik's MPQ Editor
- Taliis
- LightMapper
- OffSetFix.exe ('Cryects Tools' tool)

(Credit goes to the rightful owners of these tools. Thanks guys :D) - Complete package

Alright, so you start off by extracting Light.DBC with Ladik's MPQ Editor from your *World of WarcraftDataenGBpatch-enGB-3.MPQ

Doesn't matter whereto.

Second, open up LightMapper.

Now, doubleclick one of the worlds that contains the Skybox you so deeply desire :D I've chosen the Shadowmoon Valley one for this tutorial. And once you move over the red dot, it should represent a rather big circle surrounding the red dot.

Notice the ID. In my case its 519. Its probably different in your case, unless you follow me completely xD
Now, remember that number. Open up notepad and put it there, or open StickyNotes or something.

Alright, now you open Taliis up, load in the Light.DBC file you extracted earlier and go into the second tab called "Table" (No cogwheel).

Now, glance down row #0 untill you see the row where #0 is the same as the ID you got from LightMapper. (Mine was 519, so I stop at 519 :>).

In the top there is a button which shows 2 documents, one of top of the other. Thats the 'Copy' feature. Make sure you got your row selected, and copy that entire row and go to the bottom. Here's what all those columns means:
Code: [Select]
Column #0: ID of the Skybox
Column #1: MapID of the world you want the skybox in.
Column #2-4: Coords . (Cannot be changed)
Column #5-6: Noticed back in LightMapper that there was a big dark ring, and a bit lighter ring outside the dark one? Column 5 is the darkest rings radius, whereas column 6 is the lighter of them.
Column #7-11: The different settings of the weather. Not sure how to modify, so just copy from an already working row xD
Column #12-14: Unknown. Seems to be 0 in all row.

Anyways, back to the tutorial.
Change the rows available columns according to what you want it to look like. Here's what mine looks like:

Puzzled? xD Ill explain...
Column #0: Just the next ID in the row :P Doesn't mean anything x)
Column #1: The world I want the Skybox placed in.
Column #2-14: got that from the Shadowmoon Valley skybox I copied above :P

Code: [Select]
Now, only thing left to do is, get the ADT numbers for the areas that holds the original skybox. In my case I have to choose _28_38.ADT and _29_28.ADT, since I have made a _0_0.ADT and a _1_0.ADT, I changed the name of those 2 files to _28_38.ADT and _29_38.ADT. Then I did an OffSetFix on them (Drag EACH of them, ONE AT A TIME, onto OffSetFix.exe) and edited the WDT file to now fit their new location, and boom.
Let me explain: I had to choose 28_38 and 29_38 because that is some of the ADTs which the original Shadowmoon Valley skybox covered in Shadowmoon Valley. So now, after changing names and done OffSetFix.exe on them both, they got new coords, which the skybox covers :)

Do the same thing according to your skybox choice.

[center:2kegcu2c]Edit: Steff has convinced me that it'd be a good idea to rewrite this last part (The part inside the code). Its still possible to do it that way, but not as "professional" ^_^. Instead of changing the ADT numbers, you can also change the coords of the skybox inside Taliis. However, that is done in the 'Table' column with the cogwheel. The coord of the skybox should be according to either the servercoords, or clientcoords displayed in Noggit. Not sure which one. Try it out ;D[/center:2kegcu2c]

Alright, now save the Light.DBC file, patch it up along with your custom world (WDT and the ADTs you might have), go to the place on your localhosted private server and check out the skybox :D If you did it correctly, it should look like what you wanted =D

Thank you for reading my tutorial, please leave comments and stuff in the comment section bellow. And please do let me know if I've made a mistake somewhere.


Tutorials / [TUTORIAL] Adding new taxi routes + flightnodes
« on: June 25, 2011, 04:02:54 am »
[center:hlzpeuse]Hello there Modcraft!
Note: Somewhat noob friendly[/center:hlzpeuse]

Now, it has come to my attention that there is quite a lot of doubt and confusion, regarding how to actually edit the DBC files to create new custom taxi routes. (I.E. Blizzards ingame gryphon/bat/Wyrwen taxies). To make things clear, this is not quite too easy either. Well, depends on your sense of common knowledge xD Anyway, we'll start off at step 1.

Step 1: Get the tools! (Skip if you already have the tools)
     - - Taliis
     - - Ladik's MPQ Editor
     - Database editor (HeidiSQL, Navicat, etc. Own choice)

Step 2: Get the correct DBC files extracted
Allright, start off by extracting the newest DBC files you can find in your MPQs, using Ladik's MPQ Editor named:
Code: [Select]
To where, is of your own choice, as long as you remember it ;D


Step 3: Open all DBC files in Taliis
Open all the DBC files in Taliis, and go into TaxiNodes.DBC and open the second tab called "Table" (No cogwheel).


Step 4: Pick any row and duplicate
Pick any row and duplicate it, and go to the bottom, edit row #0 to one above the (now second) last row. In my case, as shown on the picture, its 441 I'm gonna change it to.


Step 5: Make a new string, fitting the location.
Now, go into the strings table, make a new string containing the name of the new flight node your making. Ill be making Pyrewood Village since I think Alliance should have a flight node there, since they are already friendly xD Anyways, enough of my opinions. We're here for facts, not opinions :D


Step 6: Adding name + editing coords
Now remember the number of the row with your flight node name, you got in Strings. We're gonna use that now. Go back into Table (WITH cogwheel) and scroll down to your row. Edit coords, fitting your taxi node, and now edit the name ID to your new one.
Quick note:
The coordinates (in this row) is sort of like the last flight node, before reaching the location. Its also the location of the "boot" on the minimap, when talking to a flightmaster. When taking a trip to that specific location, you will get "teleported" (in this case, moved, since your so close to the coord), to the coords you've provided here, when there is no more flight coords.
So, here's my row:


Step 7: Flying mount model
In the end of the row, you'll see 2 different numbers. First one represents the display ID of the mount horde players will ride on, when flying FROM this location. Second number, is the display ID of the mount alliance... -||-. Ill leave mine, because I copied from an alliance node already. But feel free to change yours, if you feel like it.

Step 8: Moving onto TaxiPath.DBC
So, now we got the row for TaxiNodes.DBC done. Lets move on to TaxiPath.DBC. This is the easiest one. All we gotta do here is, pick a row, copy, edit the column #0 to one above the highest. Now go back to TaxiNodes.DBC and look for the first number on 2 flight nodes. one of them will be the new one you just made, and another will be maybe a current one, or a new one, if you've made 2 new nodes? Anyway, remember those, go back to TaxiPath.DBC, and put for column #1, the node from which you travel FROM, and in column #2, you put the ending location. column #3 is gold cost, in copper. This will lower, depending on your reputation ingame with the flight master. So, this is how my TaxiPath.DBC file looks now ;D

I've now linked the flight node Southshore (Thats the 14) to my node in Pyrewood Village, Silverpine Forest.

Step 9: TaxiPathNode.DBC
Now, here's to the boring part. Remember the number from TaxiPath.DBC. The one from #0. Well, now you gotta find any row in TaxiPathNode.DBC and duplicate it, and for each turn you want on your flight route (usually you have quite a lot), you gotta add another one.
First row, make that a unique number. I'd suggest just keep moving upwards with the last number used.
Second row, here you put your number from TaxiPath.DBC. In my case 1979.
Third row, is the order of each flight point. Start with 0, and move upwards until you have all the points you want.
Fourth row, is pretty much just map ID. Edit that according to the place your making your flight node in. I make it 0, because Eastern Kingdoms (Azeroth) has the map ID 0.
Fifth, sixth and seventh row is coords.
The last 4 rows, you don't need to worry about.
This is how my DBC file ended up looking like.

Save all the DBC files, and lets continue

Step 10: Finishing touches
This was the hard job. Now, go into your database, copy a flightmaster and possibly change the name of him. Go to your new flight node location, and spawn the flightmaster there. Doesn't have to be on the exact spot, but somewhere nearby. Now, go into your core folder, and where ever the extracted DBC files are, which the core's using, add these 3 new there (The one we've edited), and overwrite the existing ones.
Now, make a patch, containing these 3 files too. Now, restart the server, go in game, and try the flight path ^_^ If you did everything correct, it should show up, and work as intended ;D

Keep in mind, you need to make another row in TaxiPath.DBC in order to make the flight route possible to fly, from both places, to the other :) Same counts for TaxiPathNode.DBC. Also needs to make another path.

No sound


PS. Not sure if I've missed anything regarding to the rules on the forum. Its 4 in the morning when I'm making this, so if a moderator spots something, feel free to edit it ;)

Serverside Modding / [DBC] Making custom (new) taxies?
« on: June 07, 2011, 10:03:54 pm »
Hello there Modcraft!
(Warning, wall of text)

So... I've been working a bit with the three taxi DBC files, TaxiPath.dbc, TaxiNodes.dbc and TaxiPathNodes.dbc. Its working all right, but when I want to add new flight paths to my server, its beginning to get buggy. You see, making them is no problem... Problem is, they don't show up in-game on the flightmasters minimap (the map where you choose the location you want to fly to). And I've been thinking, it could be due to 2 things. First one I've come to think, its not that likely. Anyway, here they are, nonetheless.

1) It might be due to the fact that, for example, when you fly from say Ironforge, to Westfall, you have to fly past Stormwind first. So I'm assuming it is because Westfall is linked to Stormwind, but not Ironforge, but it calculates the route from Ironforge to Westfall by including Stormwind as "checkpoint". I'm not sure how that makes sense, but it seemed to make sense inside my head x) Anyway, on to number 2.
2) I've also been thinking it might be because, as we all know, the world, and maps, isn't the same. They have 2 different coordinates. So I've been thinking, that each of those small boots, (), which represents a flight path, might have some different coords, than those displayed in the 3 DBC files I named above. This will then result in either, not displayed the flight location on the map, or displaying it in coord 0,0 (Which I assume is outside the map or something xP). Keep in mind, this is just my theory. A reason for why I  think so, is that even though I edited the coords of an already-made one (Northshire Abbey), it still showed the flightpath down at Northshire Valley on the flight master map.

So I'm thinking, (which is also very likely), that there are 2 sort of coordinates for one flight point. The location of the boot/flight point, (), and the actual end location when done with the flight route. Problem is just... I assume the location of the flight points are also somewhere in (apparently) some other DBC files, but I just haven't seem to been able to figure out the whole deal... So basically I'm asking all and any of you, to simply provide me with any knowledge about this custom taxi "mystery", and I shall try my utterly best to assemble and connect all of this, and hopefully be able to figure out the whole deal.


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