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Topics - Shruik

Pages: 1 [2]
Deutsch / 00 - Einführung und Übersicht
« on: February 21, 2013, 12:55:55 am »
Dieses Tutorial befindet sich noch im Entwicklungsstadium. Ihr könnt bereits die ersten Teile lesen und ich denke, dass diese euch recht hilfreich sein sollten. Bitte gibt ein wenig Feedback und sagt es, falls ihr Teile dieses Tutorials nicht versteht.

WoW Modding ist ein herausforderndes und weitläufiges Gebiet. Genau deshalb werdet ihr einiges an Text lesen müssen um wirklich hinein zu finden und um all zu leichte Fehler zu vermeiden. Ich werde versuchen euch im Laufe des Tutorials alle wichtigen Infos zu geben, die ihr zum WoW modden braucht; nach Möglichkeit mit wenig Text. Ich weiß, dass es hart sein kann aber wenn ihr wirklich ins WoW modden einsteigen wollt, solltet ihr euch die Zeit nehmen und den Tut´s folgen. Es wird euch helfen dumme Fehler zu vermeiden und in Zukunft viel Zeit zu verschwenden.

Bitte lest auch die Textformatierungshinweise nach der Übersicht.


    * 00 - Einführung und Übersicht
    * 01 - Übersicht, wie das WoW modden funktioniert
    * 02 - Die nötigen Programme einrichten
    * 03 - Einen Trinity Testserver aufsetzen
    * 04 - Eure erste Insel in Noggit
    * 05 - Die erste patch.MPQ erstellen, sowie der Ingame-Test
    * 06 - Texturieren mit dem vordefinierten 4-Schichten-System
    * 08 - Die Löcher- und Unpassierbarkeitsfunktion
    * 09 - Detailiertes Wasserskript


Im Folgenden werde ich euch die Formatierungen erklären, die ich im Tutorial verwende. Dies soll das ganze besser organisieren und natürlich verkürzen.

Zwei Spitzen am Anfang einer Linie markieren eine Benutzeraktion (da seid ihr gefragt!).
>>Öffne deine Tür und geh raus, wenn die Sonne scheint :)

Ein Pfad auf eurer Festplatte wird in einer Linie und fettgedruckt sein:

Wenn ihr eine Option in einer Anwendung bzw. einem Programm auswählen sollt, so ist dies wie folgt markiert. Gehen wir einmal davon aus, dass ihr das Menu öffnen sollt und dort die Option "File" und dann "New" auswählt:
MENU > File > New

Technische Informationen sind als Zitat enthalten
Es ist gefährlich eure Socken an Bett oder Couchecken aufzubewahren, da sie dort oft in die schlechte-Socken-Dimension eintreten; und alles, was da einmal drin ist, ist für immer verloren. Deshalb solltet ihr einzelne Socken immer in eurem Schrank aufbewahren. Also passt auf, wo ihr euren Kram ablegt!

Für XML, LUA oder c++ code gibt es Code-Boxen
Code: [Select]
function WorldMapFrame_Update()
   local mapFileName, textureHeight = GetMapInfo();
   if ( not mapFileName ) then
      if ( GetCurrentMapContinent() == WORLDMAP_COSMIC_ID ) then
         mapFileName = "Cosmic";
         -- Temporary Hack (Temporary meaning 2 yrs, haha)
         mapFileName = "World";

Taken from original Blizzard file. Read the comment ;)

Und nun lasst uns mit dem Tutorial beginnen!

Level Design / [SOLVED] [QUESTION] Mdx not shown
« on: October 30, 2012, 02:02:08 pm »
Hi everyone,
i spawned some .mdx in order to form a little cave but i can only see them from a special ankle ingame:

note: i only rotated my view by 180 degree in these two screens... any idea about what could be wrong there?

Tutorials / [TUTORIAL] Worldbuilding Preamble
« on: October 30, 2012, 01:30:09 am »
Chapter 1: Installing Noggit and the Modelviewer
As it´s usual for a Preamble we´ll start with the real basics. That means that within this tutorial we´ll install everything a future king of (his own/the) world needs.

I´ll focus on 4 basic things:
1) World of Warcraft with patch 3.3.5a
2) Noggit
3) The World of Warcraft Modelviewer
4) A very userful collection of tools better known as Crycettools

The haters will already have closed this tutorial or having created a post like "lol shruik the f*cking noob doens´t know a shit about worldbuilding" by know because i didn´t use Taliis but in my opinion the crycettools totally suffice and on the other hand I´m using them and not Taliis (sorry Tharo).

But let´s go on. Basicly you don´t have to do anything with your world of warcraft folder except having it somewhere on your harddrive. Nevertheless i´d conceil you to make at least one copy of your World of Warcraft folder. At the one hand this prevents of a rude awake once you crash your common.mpq and at the other hand the modelviewer and noggit overlap so that you can´t run both of them at the same time when they use the same World of Warcraft directory.
Well after having copied the 16,3gb with chilled 2mb/s we´re finally getting at the installation of noggit. Therefor you simply extract the archive you downloaded before and open the noggit.conf

At the very top the question is for the path to your wow.exe. At my example screenshot this looks a little crazy but on your pc this might look like C:Program FilesWorld of Warcraft .
Note: Only the path until your wow.exe is relevant; not the path until your MPQs.
Afterwards they ask for your Project Path. I´ve disabled this (# is a comment; what means that everything behind that # is ignored by the program). When the Project path is disabled the adt´s are saved to the World of Warcraft path you´ve given above and to the subfolded /world/*insertcontinentnamehere*/
If you´re working on multiple projects on the same continent it totally makes sence to use different project paths ;)
Then we´re searching for an importfile, what means a location from where noggit retrieves its models. As you can see the path to your World of Warcraft Modelviewer is enough (this also prevents us from typing douzens of paths to all of those mpqs.).
Finally there is the FarClip function. As shruik only has an old and crappy pc that is just good  enough to run noggit i´ve got this at 2048.
Who ever wants to may increase this value by 1024*n steps and view further in noggit by this. As you can see the actual adt and the 8 surrounding it 2048 should totally be enough.

Well as some of you may have recognized I already let you insert the path to the modelviewer even though you don´t even have installed this programm.
Therefor you have to unzip the .rar file and open the world of warcraft modelviewer folder and it´s subdirectory Usersettings and there in the config.ini

As you can see there is a huge wall of text of that only one single line is relevant for us (marked red in the picture).
Insert the path to your (second) World of Warcraft folder here but this time exactly to the folder with the mpqs located in it - usually *Data
Note: It´s very important that you note down this path with a \ and not with a  as in the noggit.conf

The crycet tools you may simply unpack and be happy about having them on your pc - they´ll get important with the next steps on your way.

If everything went fine you should now be able to open Noggit and the Modelviewer at the same time and to move in these:

If there are any questions go ahead :)
P.S. Sorry for raping your language english speaking folks :P

Random / Halloween contest
« on: October 13, 2012, 07:56:50 pm »
How about a little halloween contest?
Topics could be: Scary area (with a max scale of 3x3 adts so that it´s possible to finish until halloween ;))
                           Deadful storywriting
                           Reskinn of doom
Yeah my names are shitty but i guess everyone understands what i mean. As i´m a poor student i couldn´t offer anything as price but it would be funny to see what comes out.
What do you think about this?

Serverside Modding / Custom Alertbox Text
« on: October 03, 2012, 09:47:42 pm »
Hello everybody,
well i tried to fullfill this tutorial: viewtopic.php?f=61&t=778 and i got stuck at a point... first i had to add the alertbox because in my version of the "cracked" wow.exe it was disabled but it works now BUT the box is empty...
You can check out my loginscreen here. I exactly followed steffs tutorial but the message doesn´t show up. For those who want to see the .html file as well go to this page.
Thanks for reading

Noggit / own wdt --> map missing
« on: October 13, 2011, 03:24:50 pm »
Hey noggit team,
when i edit a wdt using taliis and put the wdt to my wow/world/maps/*mapname* the map isnt shown in noggits "continent" menu any longer :O don´t know weather all my wdts are corrupted or it is a noggit error... I´ll add the wdt as attachement here ;)

Level Design / [SOLVED] Patchs don´t work
« on: October 10, 2011, 09:13:28 pm »
Hi guys,
specially for noggit r104 i downloaded a clean wow 3.3.5a and started nogging as soon, But when i put my adt in a patch (created with mpqediten32) i don´t see anything ingame...
My wow "reads" the adt because i cannot delete it while wow is running so there must be an other error...
I hope that you can help me
P.S. I added the patch as attachment

Miscellaneous / 4.x.x. content on wotlk
« on: November 29, 2010, 08:24:50 pm »
Hi folks (hope this word exists :P),
today I was thinking about adding the 4.0.3 content (such as textures , models , adt´s etc.) to my 3.3.5 client in order to watch all these regions on my wotlk homeserver and maybe use some interesting models for worldbuilds. Well I´d not manage to make it work... First I just renamed the world.MPQ to patch-7.MPQ and moved it into wotlk´s data archive --> crash
Secondly I watched in the MPQ and saw some tex.adt files which I deleted because I thought they would make my wow crashing. It crashed again.
Then I wanted to edit one of the adt´s and googled for about 45minutes by testing several programms and reading about 20 pages of google entrys for "opening adt file". It didn´t help.
So finally I hope you to have a hint for me:
Is it possible to edit the adt files in any way so that I could change their structure to wotlk?
Or did you ever make anything like this?

In the hope of some answers

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