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Messages - Sprucey

Pages: 1 [2]
Hi guys!

I just started visiting and messing with my own patches only the other day, and gotten to a point where I'm relatively familiar, however I hit a snag when making and exporting my own models.

I'm following the process from the excellent tutorial, and can get my models in fine, however smoothing isn't being carried out properly, from what I assume is MirrorMachineQT, for whatever reason (I'm likely missing something, being new to this!)

I can get very simple smoothing exported by disabling MMQT's own and exporting the .obj from Blender with auto-smooth and the additional options ticked, and while that looks good in Blender, it comes through to the game smoothed, but without the auto-smoothing adjustments.

Is there anything special I have to do to get this working properly?


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