This is a read only copy without any forum functionality of the old Modcraft forum.
If there is anything that you would like to have removed, message me on Discord via Kaev#5208.
Big thanks to Alastor for making this copy!

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Topics - Valkryst

Pages: 1 [2]

I've only recently noticed that, in the keep on Caer Darrow, there seems to be a chat channel separated from the rest of the zone. Because of the extensive world-edits that have been done to this area on my server, we need to remove this chat channel area so that the player's general chat stays connected to the zone instead of switching.

I've looked through a number of DBC files, but I've so-far found nothing. Does anyone know how to remove chat channel areas or whatever it is that I should be looking for?

Thanks in advance for any ideas/help.

Tutorials / [Tutorial-Trinity-SAI] Responding to, and Playing, Emotes
« on: June 26, 2014, 08:30:09 pm »
Before I start typing out this guide, I will admit that I’m no expert on SAI and that some of this information may be incorrect. If you know of any additional information, notice an error, etc.. just comment and I’ll do my best to keep this post updated.

There are a few things that you’ll need before creating and editing your smart scripts. I've seen a handful of different programs for editing smart scripts, but only one of them seems to be updated and does everything that I require. I’ll only be recommending the programs that work for me. So, before you continue reading, please download this and this; the first link contains the majority of programs which I most commonly use, and the second is the SAI editor which I've found to work best. These programs will only work on Windows as far as I know.

Just in case anyone wants to know what I’m running:

  • Windows 8, x64 — Home
  • Debian 7 x32 — Server
  • TrinityCore — Latest version as of 15/June/2014
  • WoTLK 3.3.5a


In this tutorial I will assume that you have knowledge of how to view the contents of both the Emotes.dbc and EmotesText.dbc files which we will be using. If you do not know how to do this you may view these converted files. The Emotes.dbc file contains all of the emotes for player characters and the EmotesText.dbc file contains all of the emotes for non-player characters, keep this in mind when working with emotes and SAI!

Assuming that you have opened up SAI-Editor, logged in, and are ready to edit a human NPC, using the id 80000, which you have already created, lets begin.


Valkryst's SAI-Editor Preferences:

  • Lock -- CHECKED
  • List actionlists too -- CHECKED
  • Use phase colors -- CHECKED
  • Show basic information -- CHECKED
  • Allow changing static info -- UN-CHECKED
  • Use permanent tooltips - CHECKED

The first thing you should do is set the Source type: to SCRIPT_TYPE_CREATURE and then  type in the ID of the NPC we're working with, which is 80000, into the Entry or guid: field. This tells the program and script that this script should apply to all creatures that have the ID 80000. The next step is to set the event, action, and target, but before you do this you need to click the New Line button to create a new script piece. In the case of this tutorial we will be using EVENT_RECEIVE_EMOTE, ACTION_PLAY_EMOTE, and TARGET_SELF. These are all fairly obviouss, but I will note that the third one tells the NPC to do the action, ACTION_PLAY_EMOTE, on itself.

Now that we have our Dynamic script information: set, we can move onto the script Parameters. As you can see there are three tabs under the parameters section and each handles a separate piece of the script. In the Event tab you will set the Emote id to whatever emote you want the NPC to respond to. The ID for this emote can be found in the EmotesText.dbc file, but for this tutorial just put in 5 for the Emote id. The next two fields, RepeatMin & RepeatMax, can be set to 5000. I haven't fiddled around too much with the repeat fields, but my best guess is that they control the amount of time, in milliseconds, until the NPC will respond to the emote again. If my guess it true, then setting this too low and having a lot of players interacting with the NPC through emotes may cause some lag on your server. Now switch to the Action tab and enter 66 for the Emote id. You can find the proper IDs for the Emote id field of the Action tab in the Emotes.dbc file. Because the target is set to TARGET_SELF, we don't need to worry about the Target tab.

One last thing to note before we finish up this SAI entry... If you use the Generate comments button with an emote script such as this, it will only comment something along the lines of  "Receive emote 5 - Play emote 66". Because of this I strongly recommend using your own comment writing convention. For this sort of SAI entry I would write "NPC NAME -  Received Emote APPLAUD - Play Emote SALUTE". After you write up your comment just click the Generate SQL button, then Execute script, and finally click Ok and exit the program.


When creating a new SAI entry, I believe you need to restart world for it to be used. After that you can edit the entry all you like and then use the .reload smart_scripts command to test your edits. If something doesn't seem to work after using the .reload command, just to a server restart and it may begin working again.

If you wish to add another emote response just follow the tutorial, but remember to leave the Link to: and Link from: fields of the Dynamic script information section as it's default value and None respectively. This just says that each SAI entry can be triggered without requiring the previous SAI entry being executed.


Before I end this tutorial I feel it best to mention that any complex questions you have should be asked in this thread on the official Trinity forums. I also suggest that you always use this page as a reference when creating any and all of your SAI scripts.


If you want to stay up-to-date with my latest tutorials or if you just want an easier way to view all of my tutorials and releases in one place then take a look at my blog.

Recruitment / Recruiting for a small project.
« on: June 08, 2014, 02:33:08 am »


Over the past eleven months both the team and I have been working on what began as a small project. Although work was slow, the speed at which we've progressed in the last two months has overshadowed everything done in the months before.
Although we can't wait for the server to be playable, we do respect this as a fun hobby and because of this, we don't ask anyone to do more than they want or press for deadlines.

I won't go into too much detail here, but we plan on removing the vast majority of in-game content and replacing it. This includes zones, factions, achievements, some spells, reworking all of the professions, adding new dungeons, etc... Many of these things are still in the planning stage, but a good deal is starting to show up on the server as we continue development. So-far everything has been fairly lore-based, with some modifications, but we try to keep with the lore as much as we can while maintaining the freedom to do what we want in some areas. The storyline is set after WotLK and we're ignoring Cataclysm, MoP, and WoD lore for now. If you want more information about the lore and some ideas you can see my blog post here.

We're currently finishing the first zone which only needs quests, items, and some other basic things. The next three zones are also underway, but two of them still need minor/major worldeditng work.
Hopefully the first zone will be playable within the next month, but that heavily depends on the number of quests are written up and submitted for implementation.

If you would like more information on the project you can either view our wiki here, or my blog here. The wiki has a few articles, but nothing major, and my blog has various posts with screenshots from the project along with a number of development-log posts. Other than that I'll say that we're running on patch 3.3.5a with Eluna-Trinity.


If you're interested in helping out with the project, or if you'd like to ask a few questions about it, you can reach me on here or on Skype. If you don't have any of the skills below, but still want to help, then send me a message.

DBC Work:
  • You'll be working everything from new factions to revamped professions to learning more about DBC files with me.
  • Work Load - Light
  • Training Provided - Yes
  • Positions - 1/1

  • Doing everything from new textures to creating bread and ancient tombs.
  • From time to time we'll request models for use in worldbuilding and in in-game decorating.
  • Work Load - Medium
  • Training Provided - No
  • Positions - 1/3

Item/Creature Creation:
  • Creating customized NPCs using Rotchet2's DressNPCs patch.
  • Creating items based off of descriptions from Valkryst.
  • Work Load - Light.
  • Training Provided - Yes
  • Positions - 4/6

In-Game Worldbuilding:
  • Decorating the insides of houses, inns, barns, various places in the world, etc... with gameobjects.
  • Work Load - Light.
  • Training Provided - Yes
  • Positions - 4/5

Scripting (Eluna):
  • Quests, gossip, mob mechanics, etc...
  • Work Load - Medium
  • Training Provided - Partially
  • Positions - 2/2

Quest Writing/Proofreading:
  • Writing quest text, NPC speech, etc...
  • Proofreading all quest text, NPC speech, gossip menus, etc...
  • Work Load - Light.
  • Training Provided - No
  • Positions - 3/6

Gameplay QA:
  • Testing content as it's completed. This involves running through the same content multiple times on each class, giving feedback on how to fix or improve game-play, helping with balancing, etc...
  • Work Load - Light
  • Training Provided - N/A
  • Positions - 4/Unlimited

Examples of your previous work, for any position except for QA, are requested, but not required. Everyone on the team is able to handle a number of the tasks listed above, so you're not restricted to one role.





Thanks for taking the time to read through this.


I've just been studying for one of my exams tomorrow by making a bunch of SQL queries, views, and stored procedures. I expect that those who may use the procedure already have knowledge of SQL/MySQL and know how to use stored procedures. If you have no idea how to use it, but you're using Rotchet2's DressNPCs patch and would like to use the procedure anyway, then just ask what you need and I'll see if I can answer your questions. ;)

The Stored Procedure:
Code: [Select]

entry INTEGER,
gender INTEGER,
hairColor INTEGER,
facialHair INTEGER,
shoulders INTEGER,
chest INTEGER,
waist INTEGER,
wrists INTEGER,
hands INTEGER,
tabard INTEGER,
mainHand INTEGER,
offHand INTEGER,
ranged INTEGER

INSERT INTO `creature_template_outfits` (`entry`, `race`, `gender`, `skin`, `face`, `hair`, `haircolor`, `facialhair`, `head`, `shoulders`, `body`, `chest`, `waist`, `legs`, `feet`, `wrists`, `hands`, `back`, `tabard`)
VALUES (entry, race, gender, skin, face, hair, hairColor, facialHair, head, shoulders, body, chest, waist, legs, feet, wrists, hands, back, tabard);
INSERT INTO `creature_equip_template` (`entry`, `id`, `itemEntry1`, `itemEntry2`, `itemEntry3`)
VALUES (entry, 1, mainHand, offHand, ranged);

creature_template_outfits.race AS raceID,
creature_template_outfits.gender AS genderID, AS skinID,
creature_template_outfits.face AS faceID, AS hairID,
creature_template_outfits.haircolor AS hairColorID,
creature_template_outfits.facialhair AS facialFeatureID,
creature_equip_template.itemEntry1 AS mainHand,
creature_equip_template.itemEntry2 AS offHand,
creature_equip_template.itemEntry3 AS ranged
FROM creature_template_outfits JOIN creature_equip_template ON creature_template_outfits.entry = creature_equip_template.entry WHERE creature_template_outfits.entry = entry;


Here's a query to use the stored procedure.
Code: [Select]
You can use either the displayID of the item or the spawnID of the item.
The majority of good looking items will not have a spawnID, so just use
the displayID in almost every case.
When using a displayID, you need to make the displayID negative.
When using a spawnID, you do not make the spawnID negative.

To use this query, just type in the numbers and execute it into the world datbase.

@NPC_ENTRY_ID := putNumberHere,
@NPC_RACE_ID := putNumberHere,
@GENDER := putNumberHere,  -- 0 = male  1 = female
@SKIN_ID := putNumberHere,
@FACE_ID := putNumberHere,
@HAIR_COLOR_ID := putNumberHere, -- Applies to head and facial hair.
@HAIR_ID := putNumberHere,
@FACIAL_FEATURE_ID := putNumberHere, -- Beards, earrings, etc...
@HEAD := putNumberHere,
@SHOULDERS := putNumberHere,
@BODY := putNumberHere, -- This is  for shirts.
@CHEST := putNumberHere,
@WAIST := putNumberHere,
@LEGS := putNumberHere,
@FEET := putNumberHere,
@WRISTS := putNumberHere,
@HANDS := putNumberHere,
@BACK := putNumberHere,
@TABARD := putNumberHere,
@MAIN_HAND := putNumberHere,
@OFF_HAND := putNumberHere,
@RANGED := putNumberHere;

CALL createNPCModel(


If you want to stay up-to-date with my latest tutorials or if you just want an easier way to view all of my tutorials and releases in one place then take a look at my blog.


  • Optimized the SQL query.

  • Updates the bonus query.


After setting up an account creation page for my server and writing up this stored procedure to create the accounts, I thought that it would be a good idea to release the query along with a few other queries that you can use for account creation.
You should only use one of these procedures unless you know SQL and can alter them to work as you wish. They need to be executed on the auth database.

Stored Procedure #1 - Creates a player account for the WotLK expansion.
Code: [Select]


CREATE PROCEDURE create_account (usrName VARCHAR(12), pssWd VARCHAR(32))
SET @shaPass := SHA1(CONCAT(UPPER(usrName),':',UPPER(pssWd)));
INSERT INTO account(`username`, `sha_pass_hash`, `expansion`) VALUES(usrName, @shaPass, 2);
SELECT @accID := `id` FROM account WHERE username = `usrName`;
INSERT INTO rbac_account_permissions(`accountId`, `permissionId`, `granted`, `realmId`) VALUES(@accId, 195, 1, -1);


Stored Procedure #2 - Creates a player account for the specified expansion.
Code: [Select]


CREATE PROCEDURE create_account (usrName VARCHAR(12), pssWd VARCHAR(32), expacType INTEGER)
SET @shaPass := SHA1(CONCAT(UPPER(usrName),':',UPPER(pssWd)));
INSERT INTO account(`username`, `sha_pass_hash`, `expansion`) VALUES(usrName, @shaPass, expacType);
SELECT @accID := `id` FROM account WHERE username = `usrName`;
INSERT INTO rbac_account_permissions(`accountId`, `permissionId`, `granted`, `realmId`) VALUES(@accId, 195, 1, -1);


Stored Procedure #3 - Creates an account, with the specified GM level on all realms, for the WotLK expansion.
Code: [Select]


CREATE PROCEDURE create_account (usrName VARCHAR(12), pssWd VARCHAR(32), rbacGMLevel INTEGER)
SET @shaPass := SHA1(CONCAT(UPPER(usrName),':',UPPER(pssWd)));
INSERT INTO account(`username`, `sha_pass_hash`, `expansion`) VALUES(usrName, @shaPass, 2);
SELECT @accID := `id` FROM account WHERE username = `usrName`;
INSERT INTO rbac_account_permissions(`accountId`, `permissionId`, `granted`, `realmId`) VALUES(@accId, rbacGMLevel, 1, -1);


Stored Procedure #4 - Creates an account, with the specified GM level on all realms, for the specified expansion.
Code: [Select]


CREATE PROCEDURE create_account (usrName VARCHAR(12), pssWd VARCHAR(32), expacType INTEGER, rbacGMLevel INTEGER)
SET @shaPass := SHA1(CONCAT(UPPER(usrName),':',UPPER(pssWd)));
INSERT INTO account(`username`, `sha_pass_hash`, `expansion`) VALUES(usrName, @shaPass, expacType);
SELECT @accID := `id` FROM account WHERE username = `usrName`;
INSERT INTO rbac_account_permissions(`accountId`, `permissionId`, `granted`, `realmId`) VALUES(@accId, rbacGMLevel, 1, -1);


I haven't tested procedures 2-4, but I don't see anything wrong with them so they should work. Just post below if they don't and I'll fix them up.

If you want to stay up-to-date with my latest tutorials or if you just want an easier way to view all of my tutorials and releases in one place then take a look at my blog.

Tutorials / [Website] Creating an Account Creation Webpage
« on: June 04, 2014, 06:50:51 pm »
I apologize for any strange formatting. I'll be going through all of my tutorials posted here and fixing any major issues after posting all of the tutorials.
This tutorial looks to be fairly messed-up at the moment so I'll get to it first when I'm done.


Just as the rest of my tutorials have begun, I spent many hours trying to figure this out for myself and, in the end, it took a combination of my friend's and my knowledge to get this working properly. I cannot fully support any questions regarding php as I only know enough to get by, but I can answer most questions regarding HTML and CSS. If anyone notices an error in this guide or even some piece of code that can be optimized/changed, just comment and I'll do my best to keep this thread updated. Special thanks to InternetExplorer and stoneharry for their help in pointing out vulnerabilities and helping to fix them.

Just in case anyone wants to know what I'm running:
Windows 8, x64 -- Home
Debian 7 x32 -- Server
TrinityCore -- Latest version as of 13/Apr/2014
WoTLK 3.3.5a

As this guide is quite a bit more advanced than the simple DBC editing guides I've written before, I'm going to assume that anyone reading this has at least a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, have a web server up and running with php, are running MySQL for your servers database, and have a webpage already ready for the code I'm going to supply you with. I will not be going too in-depth with this guide as it only requires a few simple (not if you had to figure it out from scratch) steps.

I'll apologize in advance for any weird code indentation. When I copy-paste the code from my editor into this it gets a bit messy, but it's still fairly neat.


The first thing you should do is open up the .PHP file of the webpage where you want your account creation form to be. Now go to the section of the code where you wish to have the account creation form. Now copy and paste the code below into that section.

At the top of your HTML document, please include this short statement.

Now open up the style.css file of your page and add in the code below at the very end, or wherever you want if you like to keep your .CSS files organized like me.

The next step is very important. Create a file named and paste the following code within it. Make sure to edit all of the lines properly or else the php code for the account creation form will not be able to connect to your database. I'm assuming that you know enough to be able to fill out this information, if you're having trouble just post in the comments.

You can now upload style.css,, and the webpage .PHP file back onto your server. The last step is to log into your database using a program such as HeidiSQL and execute the query below onto the auth database.

The account page should now be up and running. ;)

Link to the fullsized image. The typo in the first error message has been corrected.

Link to the fullsized image.


Thanks for reading! If you have any suggestions on how to improve this tutorial, just comment.

If you want to stay up-to-date with my latest tutorials or if you just want an easier way to view all of my tutorials and releases in one place then take a look at my blog.



Updated the register() function in the HTML file to better increase security against SQL injection. Credits to stoneharry for the suggestion to do so.

20/May/2014 - Modified the entire and large portions of the php code in the HTML file to close up some security vulnerabilities.

Tutorials / [MPQ] Changing the Login and Character Creation Screens
« on: June 04, 2014, 06:48:34 pm »

After spending a few hours, yet again, searching around for this information and coming up with absolutely nothing, I thought that it would be a good idea for me to share what I've learned as to quicken development on other servers. Before I start typing out this guide, I will admit that I'm no expert on DBC editing and that some of this information may be incorrect. If you know of any additional information, notice an error, etc.. just comment and I'll do my best to keep this thread updated.

There are a few things that you'll need before editing a DBC file. I've seen many different programs, and even more people recommending each program over every other program, but the vast majority either didn't work or corrupted the DBC files. I'll only be recommending the programs that work for me. So, before you continue reading, please download this; it contains everything that I use. These programs will only work on Windows.

Just in case anyone wants to know what I'm running:
  • Windows 8, x64 -- Home
  • Debian 7 x32 -- Server
  • TrinityCore -- Latest version as of 5/June/2014
  • WoTLK 3.3.5a

Assuming that you've followed my instructions and have downloaded the tools that we'll be using in this tutorial, lets begin!

The first question that you should ask yourself is "Which screen do I want to change, and to what do I want to change it to?". Pick out something and then refer to the bullet-points below to figure out where the files you will need are. I haven't tested the majority of these, but from the few I've tested I believe that these will all work.
  • Vanilla Login Screen - Interface/GLUES/MODELS/UI_MAINMENU/ within locale-enUS.MPQ
  • BC Login Screen - Interface/GLUES/MODELS/UI_MainMenu_BurningCrusade/ within patch-enUS.MPQ
    Also exists in expansion-locale-enUS.MPQ in the same location. I'm not sure if there is a difference between the two.
  • WotLK Login Screen (With Dragon) - Interface/GLUES/MODELS/UI_MainMenu_Northrend/ within locale-enUS.MPQ
  • Blood Elf Character Screen -  Interface/GLUES/MODELS/UI_BLOODELF/ within locale-enUS.MPQ
  • Draenei Character Screen - Interface/GLUES/MODELS/UI_DRAENEI/ within locale-enUS.MPQ
  • Dwarf Character Screen - Interface/GLUES/MODELS/UI_Dwarf/ within locale-enUS.MPQ
  • Human Character Screen - Interface/GLUES/MODELS/UI_Human/ within locale-enUS.MPQ
  • Night Elf Character Screen - Interface/GLUES/MODELS/UI_NightElf/ within locale-enUS.MPQ
  • Orc Character Screen -  Screen - Interface/GLUES/MODELS/UI_Orc/ within locale-enUS.MPQ
    Also exists in patch-enUS-2.MPQ in the same location. I'm not sure if there is a  difference between the two.
  • Tauren Character Screen - Interface/GLUES/MODELS/UI_Tauren/ within locale-enUS.MPQ
  • Undead Character Screen - Interface/GLUES/MODELS/UI_SCOURGE/ within locale-enUS.MPQ
  • Death Knight Character Screen - Interface/GLUES/MODELS/UI_DeathKnight/ within lichking-locale-enUS.MPQ
  • Unused Weapon-Mound Character Screen - Interface/GLUES/MODELS/UI_CharacterSelect/ within patch-enUS-2.MPQ

The only other file location that I can think of which is worth mentioning is Interface/GLUES/COMMON/ in locale-enUS.MPQ. This is where the blue WotLK and red Vanilla/BC button looks are stored. I'll add a short section on switching to the red buttons near the end of this tutorial.

When editing any files that can be packed into an MPQ file, you can just go into your Data/enUS/ folder and create a new folder, lets call it "patch-enUS-n.mpq", and place all of the files that you would place into the MPQ file in there. This is extremely useful if you don't want to keep on creating a new MPQ file every time you go to test new edits. When you release the edits you should place them into an MPQ file as it hides everything from the average user.

Credits to MyLilSuccy for this information.

If you already know how to open up the MPQ files, extract files, rename those files, and place them back into an MPQ file, then you can stop reading here and go have some fun changing the character/login screens. :)


Assuming that you've downloaded the tools that I linked to earlier, let's begin!

For the purpose of this tutorial I will be showing you how to change the login screen to the Orcish character creation screen. Near the end of the tutorial we will also be changing the buttons from blue to red and removing the WoW logo from the upper left-hand corner.

The first thing you should do is open up MPQEditor.exe within Tools/mpqediten64/. Next click Open MPQ(s), navigate to your Data folder, and open locale-enUS.MPQ. In the screen on the right-hand side, or in the main screen, double-click Interface, then GLUES, then MODELS, and finally UI_Orc. Now click on the main screen and select all of the files, right-click on one of them after they've all been selected, and click Extract, and then click OK. You can close the program now.

In the mpqediten64 folder you should see a new folder called Work. Double-click the Work folder, then Interface, then GLUES, then MODELS, then UI_Orc. Look at the bullet points below and rename the files just as I tell you to.

  • Rename UI_Orc.m2 to UI_MainMenu_Northrend.m2
  • Rename to
  • Rename to

Every single screen contains a .m2 file and a few .skin files that follow the naming convention that you can see in the bullet points above. To switch any screen with the WotLK login screen, just rename the files as I've already told you to. I haven't tried switching character creation screens yet, but I'm certain that you can follow the same steps as this tutorial, but with different file names. Hopefully this note makes sense to you. ;)

The next step is to change the buttons from blue to red. Reopen the MPQEditor and then open locale-enUS.MPQ, navigate to Interface/GLUES/COMMON/ and export the files Glue-Panel-Button-Down.blp, Glue-Panel-Button-Disabled.blp, Glue-Panel-Button-Highlight.blp, Glue-Panel-Button-Up.blp, and Glues-WoW-WotLKLogo.blp. Hopefully you've managed to remember the steps we took before and that you have successfully exported the files I said to.

Within the locale-enUS.MPQ in the Interface/GLUES/COMMON/ folder, there are two files with very similar names. So, when exporting Glues-WoW-WotLKLogo.blp, make sure that it's named exactly as I have it written here.

Just as we've done previously, go into the Work folder, then into Interface, then GLUES, and finally COMMON. For each .blp file, excluding Glues-WoW-WotLKLogo.blp, you need to add "-Blue" to the end of the filenames. When you're finished the files should have the following names:

  • Glue-Panel-Button-Disabled-Blue.blp
  • Glue-Panel-Button-Down-Blue.blp
  • Glue-Panel-Button-Highlight-Blue.blp
  • Glue-Panel-Button-Up-Blue.blp

The last thing that we're going to do before creating an MPQ and testing out all of these file-swaps is to get rid of the logo in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. You could replace it with whatever image you want, or even another one of the logos, but for this tutorial we will be removing it.

To do this we need to convert Glues-WoW-WotLKLogo.blp into a .png file and then edit it in a program such as GIMP,, or Photoshop. Don't use MS Paint, it can't edit the image in the way we need to. To convert Glues-WoW-WotLKLogo.blp into a .png file just copy Glues-WoW-WotLKLogo.blp into Tools/BLPConverter_8-4, and then drag Glues-WoW-WotLKLogo.blp onto BLPConverter.exe. There should now be a file named Glues-WoW-WotLKLogo.png, open it up using the image editor of your choice. Don't use MS Paint! You will need to select the entire image and delete it. The image needs to be completely alpha. After that, just save the file, delete Glues-WoW-WotLKLogo.blp, drag Glues-WoW-WotLKLogo.png onto BLPConverter.exe and then copy the new Glues-WoW-WotLKLogo.blp back into Toolsmpqediten64Modified FilesInterfaceGLUESCOMMON.

Phew, that sure was a lot to type. Don't worry though, we're just about done! :D

The final step, before testing, is to create the MPQ file. To do this you will need to open up MPQEditor, click New MPQ, type in a patch name such as patch-5 (which is what I'll be using), then click Next, select the option to build the MPQ from an archive or directory, click the little button to the left with three periods on it, then select your Work folder, press OK, click Next, click Finish, then exit the program. Now just copy your newly packed MPQ file into your Data folder and launch the game.

Link to the fullsize image. Please ignore the News box, that isn't part of this tutorial. For that you should refer to this tutorial.


Thanks for reading this guide, hopefully it doesn't bore you too much. I've tried to improve upon my previous guide by speeding up the steps and taking out a bit of the over-detailed explanations, but you should still understand everything that I'm trying to teach you after reading through the guide.

If you want to stay up-to-date with my latest tutorials or if you just want an easier way to view all of my tutorials and releases in one place then take a look at my blog.


Edit ~ 18/Apr/2014:
  • Edited a few sentences for clarity.

Tutorials / [DBC] Creating New Player Titles
« on: June 04, 2014, 06:46:25 pm »
Before I start typing out this guide, I will admit that I'm no expert on DBC editing and that some of this information may be incorrect. If you know of any additional information, notice an error, etc.. just comment and I'll do my best to keep this post updated.

There are a few things that you'll need before editing a DBC file. I've seen many different programs, and even more people recommending each program over every other program, but the vast majority either didn't work or corrupted the DBC files. I'll only be recommending the programs that work for me. So, before you continue reading, please download this; it contains everything that I use. These programs will only work on Windows.

Just in case anyone wants to know what I'm running:

  • Windows 8, x64 -- Home
  • Debian 7 x32 -- Server
  • TrinityCore -- Latest version as of 5/June/2014
  • WoTLK 3.3.5a

Assuming that you've followed my instructions to download the toolsthat we'll be using in this tutorial, lets begin!

The two questions that you should ask yourself before creating a new title are:

  • What will the title be? Will it be "Lord PlayerName", "Prisoner PlayerName", etc..?
  • How will the player get the title?

The most difficult part about creating titles is not the DBC editing. The most difficult part is figuring out how the player will get the title. If you're running a funserver then this doesn't apply too much, but if you're running a highly customized or blizzlike server then you need to give some thought as to how difficult the title should be to attain and how it will be attained (achievements, quests, custom events, etc...).

When editing any files that can be packed into an MPQ file, you can just go into your Data/enUS/ folder and create a new folder, lets call it "patch-enUS-n.mpq", and place all of the files that you would place into the MPQ file in there. This is extremely useful if you don't want to keep on creating a new MPQ file every time you go to test new edits. When you release the edits you should place them into an MPQ file as it hides everything from the average user.

Credits to MyLilSuccyfor this information.

If you already know how to edit DBC files, which I'm going to assume that most of the people reading this don't, then you can skip to the end of this post and check out my notes on the DBC files. Although I would recommend doing a quick read-through of the tutorial. :)

The rest of this will be a simple explanation of how to add a new title to the game.


Now that you've downloaded the toolsand have a folder of clean, unedited, DBC files to work with and revert to in-case of any unforeseen errors, lets begin!

Go to the folder containing your DBC files, copy the CharTitles.dbc file into the /Tools/DBCUtil/ folder, and then double-click on DBCUtil.exe. Now go to the /Tools/CSVed/ folder, double-click on CSVed.exe, select File then Open... and select /Tools/DBCUtil/CharTitles.dbc.csv. Now scroll to the bottom of the file, right-click on the last record, select Copy Selected Row(s) then right-click on the last record again and select Paste Record(s) below Cursor Position. The next step is fairly simple as you'll just be filling in columns so double-click on the row that you just copy-pasted in and fill in the following.

  • Column 1 - 178
  • Column 2 - 0
  • Column 3 - "King %s"
  • Column 19 - 0xFF01FE
  • Column 20 - "Queen %s"
  • Column 36 - 0xFFo1FE
  • Column 37 - 143

When you finish editing the fields just click Apply Changes in the bottom-center-right of the field editing window, exit that window, save the file by selecting File and then Save, and then close CSVed.exe. Now go into /Tools/DBCUtil/ and drag CharTitles.dbc.csv onto DBCUtil.exe (make sure that you've deleted the original CharTitles.dbc file first). Now copy the new CharTitles.dbc file into your /server/bin/data/dbc/ folder and then create the folder structure to paste CharTitles.dbc into /Tools/mpqediten64/Modified Files/DBFilesClient/. Don't stop here, we're almost done! Go to /Tools/mpqediten64/, double-click on MPQEditor.exe, ant then click New MPQ. The MPQ name must start with patch- and end with either a single number or letter. For the purpose of this tutorial we will call it patch-5. For the patch name enter patch-5, click Next, select Build the MPQ archive from a file or directory, point the folder to build from to /Tools/mpqediten64/Modified Files/, make sure the compatibility is for World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King, and then keep clicking Next/Finish until the window closes. Now close MPQEditor.exe and move the patch-5.mpq file from /Tools/mpqediten64/ to your /WoW/Data/ folder, restart your server, and test the new titles. If you did everything correctly you should see something similar to the images below.



  • Column 1 - Unique ID of the row.
  • Column 2 - According to the TinityCore documentation, this is never used. Unless this changes in the future, keep the value as zero.
  • Column 3 - The male title.
  • Column 19 - This is always 0xFF01FE. I haven't found any documentation on this field. For some information on this value see this page.
  • Column 20 - The female title.
  • Column 36 - This is always 0xFF01FE. I haven't found any documentation on this field. For some information on this value see this page.
  • Column 37 - Unique ID of something. The documentation I've seen only says that this is "Used in-game by the drop-down menu." The numbers don't seem to repeat and after a few tests they don't seem to indicate the order in which the titles will be sorted in the in-game drop-down menu.

When creating titles the only variable that can be used is %s. When using the %s variable you can place it anywhere in the title, although I'm not sure if you're able to do something such as "Grand Cr%susader". For example, you can type "Grand Crusader %s" and it will show up as "Grand Crusader Bob" if your players name is Bob. Take a look in the DBC file for more examples.

There are also separate titles for both male and female titles. The male title will only show up on male characters and the female title will only show up on female characters.


If you want to stay up-to-date with my latest tutorials or if you just want an easier way to view all of my tutorials and releases in one place then take a look at my blog.

Tutorials / [DBC] Creating New Factions
« on: June 04, 2014, 06:44:54 pm »

After spending a few hours playing around with the DBC files, scouring Google for information, and a lot of frustration, I've finally managed to create custom factions and have them work/behave as a normal faction would. I haven't tested everything about the custom factions yet, but I know enough to write-up this tutorial. Before I start typing out this guide, I will admit that I'm no expert on DBC editing and that some of this information may be incorrect. If you know of any additional information, notice an error, etc.. just comment and I'll do my best to keep this thread updated. Oh, one last thing to note, I haven't tested any of this with Horde characters or Horde-aligned factions, so some of this may be a bit different for them. If you encounter errors I suggest that you upload your Faction.dbc and FactionTemplate.dbc files somewhere and then post below with your problem and a link to the files.

There are a few things that you'll need before editing a DBC file. I've seen many different programs, and even more people recommending each program over every other program, but the vast majority either didn't work or corrupted the DBC files. I'll only be recommending the programs that work for me. So, before you continue reading, please download this; it contains everything that I use. These programs will only work on Windows.

Just in case anyone wants to know what I'm running:
  • Windows 8, x64 -- Home
  • Debian 7 x32 -- Server
  • TrinityCore -- Latest version as of 5/June/2014
  • WoTLK 3.3.5a

Assuming that you've followed my instructions to download the tools that we'll be using in this tutorial, lets begin!

The questions that you should ask yourself before creating a new faction are:
  • What will the new faction be called?
  • How can I describe the new faction?
  • Is the faction part Alliance, Horde, Neutral, or Monsters?
  • Who should the faction attack Horde players, Alliance players, or Monsters? Maybe all of them? Maybe just players?
  • Who should the faction be friendly with? (Same races as who they should attack.)
  • What is the faction comprised of? (Same races as who they should attack.)
  • Should this faction be under a category of factions? If so, what category?
  • Should the category of this faction, if there is one, be under another category?
  • There are many more questions, but you should be able to figure them out for yourself when you start making factions. =P

The most difficult part about creating a faction is not the DBC editing. The most difficult part of creating a faction is actually figuring out all of the questions listed above. The reason for this is because, once you create your factions and players start using them, any time you give a new MPQ patch to your players that updates and factions that the players have already encountered there is a very high chance that the reputation pane will bug-out and stop displaying the faction or in some other way to all players that have already encountered it. I haven't completely explored this issue, but in my experience this bug occurs quite frequently if not always. My best suggestion would be to create all of the factions, the faction hierarchy, and have everything tested so that it's perfect before you ever give the patch to your users.

When editing any files that can be packed into an MPQ file, you can just go into your Data/enUS/ folder and create a new folder, lets call it "patch-enUS-n.mpq", and place all of the files that you would place into the MPQ file in there. This is extremely useful if you don't want to keep on creating a new MPQ file every time you go to test new edits. When you release the edits you should place them into an MPQ file as it hides everything from the average user.

Credits to MyLilSuccy for this information.

If you already know how to edit DBC files, which I'm going to assume that most of the people reading this don't, then you can skip to the end of this post and check out my notes on the DBC files. Although I would recommend doing a quick read-through of the tutorial. :)

The rest of this will be a simple explanation of how to add a new faction category called New (Master Faction) and a faction called Test Alliance Faction.


Now that you've downloaded the tools and have a folder of clean, unedited, DBC files to work with and revert to incase of any unforeseen errors, lets begin!

The first thing that you need to do is copy Faction.dbc and FactionTemplate.dbc from your folder of clean DBC files into /Tools/DBCUtil/ and double-click on DBCUtil.exe. Next you must go to /Tools/CSVed/ and double-click CSVed.exe to open the program. You should open two instances of CSVed.exe to make this a bit easier. Now click File and then go open Faction.dbc.csv in /Tools/DBCUtil/, if you have a second instance of CSVed.exe running you should open FactionTemplate.dbc.csv in it. I'll be assuming that you have two instances of CSVed.exe open with one of the files in each, if you don't then you may need to read through this tutorial twice to complete it.

This next step needs to be repeated in both instances of CSVed.exe, do it twice in each instance. Scroll to the bottom of the file, right-click on the last row, select Copy Selected Record(s), left-click on the last row, now right-click on the last row, and select Paste Record(s) below Cursor Pos. Now we will proceed by editing Faction.dbc.csv, we will get to FactionTemplate.dbc.csv later on. For an explanation on what each column represents, please refer to my notes as I will not be explaining every value we're going to insert in this part of the tutorial. Double-click on the second-last row to open up the edit form window and type in the following values, for any columns not listed below just leave them blank. When you're finished editing the columns you need to click Apply Changes in the bottom-left corner of the edit form window.

  • Column 1 - 1161
  • Column 2 - 105
  • Column 3 - 1100
  • Column 4 - 690
  • Column 5 - 0x1
  • Column 17 - 0x10
  • Column 19 - 1162
  • Column 24 - Test Alliance Faction
  • Column 41 - Test Description - Test Alliance Faction

Now double-click on the last row and fill in these values:
  • Column 1 - 1162
  • Column 2 - -1
  • Column 3 - 1791
  • Column 24 - New (Master Faction)

Now click File, then Save, and then close this instance of CSVed.exe. In the remaining instance of CSVed.exe double-click on the second-last row and fill in these values:
  • Column 1- 2237
  • Column 2 - 1161
  • Column 4 - 3
  • Column 5 - 2
  • Column 6 - 12
  • Column 11 - 1162

Now apply those changes and double-click on the last row and fill in these values:
  • Column 1 - 2238
  • Column 2 - 1162

Save all of the changes above just like we did the first time and then exit CSVed.exe. Now go into /Tools/DBCUtil/ and, one-by-one, drag Faction.dbc.csv and FactionTemplate.dbc.csv onto DBCUtil.exe, if the .dbc files are still there delete them first. The second last step is to copy Faction.dbc and FactionTemplate.dbc into your server/bin/dbc/ folder and restart your server.

The final step is to create the MPQ file. Goto /Tools/mpqediten64/ and create a folder called Modified Files, then within that folder create another folder called DBCFilesClient, then paste Faction.dbc and FactionTemplate.dbc into /Tools/mpqediten64/Modified Files/DBCFilesClient/. Now go back up to /Tools/mpqediten64/ and double-click MPQEditor.exe, then click New MPQ, enter the name as patch-# (I'll use patch-5), then click Next, and then select Build the MPQ archive from a file or directory and enter the path to /Tools/mpqediten64/Modified Files/, now just keep clicking Next until the MPQ is created, then you can exit the program and copy patch-#.mpq into your /WoW/Data/ folder. After that just restart your server and test out the new factions.

Proof that this works:

Link to the fullsize image.

Link to the fullsize image. Please ignore the Scarlet Factions and New (Master Faction) parts of the faction hierarchy, they aren't currently part of this tutorial.

If you want to stay up-to-date with my latest tutorials or if you just want an easier way to view all of my tutorials and releases in one place then take a look at my blog.


My notes on the DBC files:

  • Column 1 - Unique row ID.
  • Column 2 - Unique rep ID, just make sure no other factions use the number and then forget about it. I haven't found any use for it, it just has to be unique. Use -1 if you don't want players to be able to gain reputation with the faction, this will also cause the faction not to show-up on the reputation pane.
  • Column 3 - Sets who the faction is allied with. If Horde-aligned use (Untested) 690, else if Alliance-aligned use 1100, else if Neutral use (Untested) 1791.
  • Column 4 - Sets who the faction is at war with. If Horde-aligned use (Untested) 1100, else if Alliance-aligned use 690, (Untested) else if Neutral use 0.
  • Column 5 - Use 0x1, I believe this says to show the faction name in the tooltip. You can only see the tooltip if you're allied to the NPC. (Ex: Horde only see faction names on Horde NPCs) For Horde try using 0x2.
  • Column 11 - Starting rep when faction is encountered?
  • Column 12 - Lowest possible rep?
  • Column 13 - Something to do with rep probably.
  • Column 15 - See notes further down the post.
  • Column 17 - See notes further down the post.
  • Column 19 - Parent faction, points to a row in Faction.dbc.
  • Column 24 - Faction Name
  • Column 41 - Description (Shows up in the reputation pane of the character screen in-game.)

  • Column 1 - Unique row ID.
  • Column 2 - Points to a row in Faction.dbc.
  • Column 4 - What type of faction are we? (For Alliance use 3. For horde use 5. For monsters use 8.)
  • Column 5 - What type of factions are we allied with? (For alliance use 2. For horde use 4. For monsters use 8 if allied with other monsters, else use 0.)
  • Column 6 - What type of factions are we at war with? (For alliance use 12. For horde use 10. For monsters use 7. If you don't want NPCs of the faction attacking monsters, subtract 8 from the number.)
  • Column 11 - Parent faction, points to a row in Faction.dbc.

All columns not listed in my notes were left at their default values. A few of the columns do certain things, but I don't want to spend another 8 hours trying to figure out how they work.

When editing your new factions to change names, data, etc... there is always a very high chance that any characters that had reputation/knew the faction before your latest edit will bug out and not show the faction in the reputation pane of their character screens. Be absolutely certain about what you're creating and what you have created before you release these patches to your users as it would be a terrible loss to have to delete an old character just for a small faction update.

When creating a faction hierarchy like I have in the second picture above, you just need to create a faction, in Faction.dbc, with a unique ID in Column 2, add in a name for the faction, and leave out the description as you can't view it in-game. Now just reference my notes on the Columns above and add the faction you just created as the parent of whatever factions that you want listed under the faction you just created.

Major Update:

After a solid three hours of trying to get the "At War" button on the reputation pane of the character screen to be unselect/unclickable I've managed do document the previously unknown Columns 15 and 17 of Faction.dbc. I cannot guarantee this information for a Horde-aligned faction or Horde characters, but I strongly believe that it is the same on both factions. Whenever I mention Humans just replace that with Orcs and whenever I mention the other races, just group them together and switch for the other faction's races.

It seems that Columns 15 and 17 only affect the reputation pane of the character screen, and that Column 15 applies to all non-human races whereas Column 17 specifically applies to humans. (The same should be true for Horde races)

Column 15:
  • 0x0 - Default Value
  • 0x1 - Faction shows up on character creation of Dwarves, Night Elves, Gnomes, and Draenei.
  • 0x2 - No change from 0x0 as far as I've seen.
  • 0x4 - Hides the faction, in the reputation pane of the character screen, from Dwarves, Night Elves, Gnomes, and Draenei.
  • 0x8 - Same as 0x4.
  • 0x10 - Greys out the "At War" button from the faction on the description pane of the reputation pane, for Dwarves, Night Elves, Gnomes, and Draenei.
  • 0x16 - Same as 0x4.
  • Any multiples above 0x16 such as 0x32 and above seems to be extremly buggy.
  • Other values probably exist, but I only went by multiples of two. You may be able to add them together like all other flags, but I haven't tested that. Ex: 0x1 + 0x10 = 0x11 Shows up on char creation & has "At War" greyed out.

Column 17:
  • 0x0 - Default Value
  • 0x1 - Faction shows up on character creation of Humans.
  • 0x2 - No change from 0x0 as far as I've seen.
  • 0x4 - Hides the faction, in the reputation pane of the character screen, from Humans.
  • 0x8 - Same as 0x4.
  • 0x10 - Greys out the "At War" button from the faction on the description pane of the reputation pane, for Humans.
  • 0x16 - Same as 0x4.
  • Any multiples above 0x16 such as 0x32 and above seems to be extremly buggy.
  • Other values probably exist, but I only went by multiples of two. You may be able to add them together like all other flags, but I haven't tested that. Ex: 0x1 + 0x10 = 0x11 Shows up on char creation & has "At War" greyed out.


Edit ~ 18/Apr/2014:
  • Added an additional note on faction hierarchies in the notes section.
  • Improved the pre-tutorial section of this post.
  • Confirmed my suspicions about a few Columns in Faction.dbc after finding this tutorial.
  • Added two notes below the images.
  • Edited a few notes, starting work on a rewrite of the tutorial.
  • Finished rewriting the pre-tutorial section.
  • Removed some incorrect information in my notes.
  • Discovered some previously, as far as I know, unknown information about Columns 15 & 17 of the Faction.dbc file. If someone could get in touch of the TrinityCore team and have them update their Wiki with this information, that would probably help out a lot of people. See my notes section for the documentation.
  • Editing the tutorial now, it should be ready for use in about an hour.

Tutorials / [DBC] Changing Area, Instance, and WMO names.
« on: June 04, 2014, 06:41:01 pm »

After spending a few hours searching around for this information, I thought that it would be a good idea for me to share what I've learned as to quicken development on other servers. Before I start typing out this guide, I will admit that I'm no expert on DBC editing and that some of this information may be incorrect. If you know of any additional information, notice an error, etc.. just comment and I'll do my best to keep this thread updated.

There are a few things that you will need before editing a DBC file. I've seen many different programs, and even more people recommending each program over every other program, but the vast majority either didn't work or corrupted the DBC files. I will only be recommending the programs that work for me. So, before you continue reading, please  download this; it contains everything that I use. These programs will only work on Windows.

Just in case anyone wants to know what I'm running:
  • Windows 8, x64 -- Home
  • Debian 7 x32 -- Server
  • TrinityCore -- Latest version as of 5/June/2014
  • WoTLK 3.3.5a

Assuming that you've followed my instructions and have downloaded the tools  that we'll be using in this tutorial, lets begin!

The first question that you should ask yourself is "What do I want to rename?". Pick out something and then refer to the bullet-points below to figure out what file you should edit.
  • WMOAreaTable - Buildings such as the Lion's Pride Inn in Goldshire and Scholomance (the instance and the keep above it).
  • AreaTable - Zones such as Western Plaguelands, towns such as Goldshire, and most other areas not in the WMO section.
  • Map - I've had no luck changing map names, does anyone have information on this DBC file?

When editing any files that can be packed into an MPQ file, you can just go into your Data/enUS/ folder and create a new folder, lets call it "patch-enUS-n.mpq", and place all of the files that you would place into the MPQ file in there. This is extremely useful if you don't want to keep on creating a new MPQ file every time you go to test new edits. When you release the edits you should place them into an MPQ file as it hides everything from the average user.

Credits to MyLilSuccy for this information.

If you already know how to edit DBC files, which I'm going to assume that most of the people reading this don't, then you can stop reading here and go have a great time playing with area names. :)

The rest of this will be a simple explanation of how to change the name of Scholomance(The dungeon, not the keep above).


Assuming that you already have the DBC files extracted I will recommend keeping a folder of unedited DBC files just so that you can quickly revert any errors you make or restart if you mess up. If you don't want to, that's fine, but I strongly recommend keeping a folder of unedited files.

Now, to rename Scholomance we will need to edit one of the DBC files. Think about this for a little while if you don't understand it, Scholomance is just a bunch of models combined together to make an instance. Each model (room) has its own area and area name. Because Scholomance, and all of the rooms that comprise it are models (specifically WMOs), we need to edit the WMOAreaTable DBC file.

Copy WMOAreaTable.dbc into the DBCUtil folder within the Tools folder that I you downloaded earlier. Now double click on DBCutil.exe, this will turn the DBC file into a CSV file to allow for editing. Next, you need to go to into the CSVed folder and double click CSVed.exe.

Click File, then Open, then go to the DBCUtil folder, and open WMOAreaTable.dbc.csv. Now scroll to Column 12 and click on the column name "Column 12". Press CTRL+F and type in "Scholomance". I've done a bit of the work for you by testing out which piece to edit, although I'm not entirely sure about the third Scholomance record. Press "Find Next" and when it finds the first record of Scholomance, click "Find Next" again, and again.

The first record with "Scholomance" as the area name is for the keep above Scholomance (in Caer Darrow). Although I'm not 100% sure about this, I believe that the second and third records with "Scholomance" as the name are both for the instance. The third record definitely is, but I haven't completely tested the second record. For the purpose of this tutorial, just change the third record.

To edit the row just double-click on it to open up the edit form window. To edit the area name just change the text in column 12 from "Scholomance" to "Party Central".  Now you just need to click "Apply Changes" in the bottom left-hand corner of the edit form and then save the file. That's it for this step, you can exit CSVed now.

Go to the DBCUtil folder and delete WMOAreaTable.dbc then drag WMOAreaTable.dbc.csv onto DBCUtil.exe to create a new WMOAreaTable.dbc file containing your area name edits. Make a copy of WMOAreaTable.dbc and put it into the DBC folder of your server, replace the WMOAreaTable.dbc file that's already in there.

I like to keep my edited DBC files in their own folder just as I do for the unedited DBC files. Again, you don't have to do this, but it helps to keep things organized.

Go to the folder mpqediten64 and double-click on MPQEditor.exe. This next step only needs to be done once; click the Tools tab, then click Compatibility and set it to "World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King". Now you're ready to make an MPQ file! Return to the Operations tab and click "New MPQ". Name it "patch-numberHere", I'll call mine "patch-5". You should see a little folder appear in the left-hand window, right-click on it and select "New Folder". Name this folder "DBFilesClient". Now click on "Add New File(s)" and select WMOAreaTable.dbc. You can exit the program now, it auto-saves.

In the mpqediten64 folder you should see a new file named "patch-numberHere.mpq", or in my case "patch-5.mpq". Copy this file into the Data folder within your WoW directory. Now restart your server, delete your cache, and go check out Scholomance... or should I say Party Central! :D

My last little tidbit of information is that, if you want to rename a zone such as Western Plaguelands, just follow the steps above, but with AreaTable.dbc. The area name will be in a different column in AreaTable.dbc, but I have faith that you will know what to do with your new-found knowledge. ^.^

Link to the fullsize image.


Thanks for reading this guide, hopefully it doesn't bore you too much, but I like to write out all of the steps instead of giving a few bullet-points on what to do for things like this.

If you want to stay up-to-date with my latest tutorials or if you just want an easier way to view all of my tutorials and releases in one place then take a look at my blog.

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