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Messages - Tuskeh

Pages: 1 [2]
Hey there, Modcraft!

I come to you with a question. I have just downloaded Nicepant's Cata Goblin to WotLK 3.3.5 stuff (I'd post a link but my account can't do that yet) and I've popped the DBCs into my core folder and put the model files into the common.MPQ file, and the result is a Goblin with the animations and sound just fine, but lacking any ears, nose, eyes or hair of any kind. Ack!

As you can tell, this isn't quite right. Just as a note, I'd like to point out that I'm not trying to make a playable race out of this. I just want the files to work for NPCs.

I'm after a tutorial of some kind to properly implement this. I really hope I don't have to go into LUA editing or I have to recompile, because unfortunately I don't have much experience with either of those things. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Absolutely awesome, thank you very much for this stuff.

That being said, I have a quick question! I'd like to use Vashj'ir as part of my server, but upon exploring it in-game, after going down to a certain level within the zone, my character starts to fall and I die, much like when you fall off of Outland and into the nether.

Is there some way to disable this, so that I might be able to use all of Vashj'ir rather than just the higher up parts?

Thanks again for this awesome release!

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