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Messages - Quincent

Pages: [1]
"Retro-Porting" / [QUESTION] Legion Spell Animation/Visuals In Wotlk?
« on: March 15, 2016, 01:43:34 pm »
Hi, I'm not quite experienced with porting stuff from newer expansions into older ones. The new animations introducted in Legion are without a doubt better than the ones we have in Wotlk. Is it possible to downport these animations? has anyone tinkered with this?

Also, if so. For someone who has never really exported anything, could i still do it? are there any guides i can follow?

Thank you in advance!

Serverside Modding / [3.3.5] [Question] Change Stats Order.
« on: August 06, 2015, 02:10:51 am »
Basically, I want to change to order to how Mop has it:

MoP has it as following: stats then gems.
While Wotlk has it primary stats , gems, secondary stats:

I managed to remove 'equip' text and replace it with '+', but i still have the socket slots in between.

Has anyone ever tinkered with something like this? where would i need to go to change this?

Serverside Modding / [HELP] Remove Talent Point Requirement
« on: May 09, 2015, 07:52:04 pm »
I edited my talent.dbc and changed 'PLAYER_TALENTS_PER_TIER = 5 to 1 in 'Talentframebase.xml, but it looks like a missing a step. I cant click the second tier spells.

I'm Look For A Patch That Has Cata/MoP Item Displays, Found one with up until 5.3. If anyone can help me out with this, would be awesome.

Is there anyway i can Make these work on 3.3.5?

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