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Messages - detonatorss

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16]
Resources and Tools / Re: [TOOL] [MPQ] FuckItUp
« on: April 07, 2012, 10:05:09 am »
and how to decrypt with this tool my own patch because i lost the decripted patch XD

more easy you can "cojerlos" of the cata alpha version and i have a cata worgen alpha working but have a lot of bugs XD but work good i am sorry for mi spanish word, because i don't know a lot of english and darkkang stay in my staff and is spanish

for when i posted i not this tool need another scripts in python

Miscellaneous / Re: New class?
« on: April 07, 2012, 08:19:08 am »
yes it's Possible i have a guide but in spanish made by khanx but i dont public it if you want it i transalte for you but nothing else :P

Skype: Detonatorss

Modelling and Animation / Re: [Question] I need help with this script
« on: April 04, 2012, 04:26:54 pm »
How I Use the Script ?

Modelling and Animation / [Question] I need help with this script
« on: April 04, 2012, 11:42:12 am »
hello to everyone i nned help for this script that i founded into pastebin can anyone help me ¿?


import four.m2 as CataM2
import as CataSkin
from pym2_3.m2 import *
from import *

cata = CataM2.M2File("Male\GoblinMale.M2")
cataskin = CataSkin.SkinFile("Male\")

wotlk = M2File()
wotlk.hdr = cata.hdr
#change header version
wotlk.hdr.version = 264 =
wotlk.gSequ = cata.gSequ
wotlk.animations = cata.animations
wotlk.anim_files = cata.anim_files
wotlk.anim_lookup = cata.anim_lookup
wotlk.bones = cata.bones
wotlk.key_bones = cata.key_bones
wotlk.vertices = cata.vertices
wotlk.colors = cata.colors
wotlk.textures = cata.textures
wotlk.transparency = cata.transparency
wotlk.uv_anim = cata.uv_anim
wotlk.tex_replace = cata.tex_replace
wotlk.renderflags = cata.renderflags
wotlk.bone_lookup = cata.bone_lookup
wotlk.tex_lookup = cata.tex_lookup
#wotlk.tex_units = cata.tex_units #no
#add texunit
tu = Lookup()
tu.Id = 0
wotlk.hdr.tex_units.count += 1

wotlk.trans_lookup = cata.trans_lookup
wotlk.uv_anim_lookup = cata.uv_anim_lookup
wotlk.bounding_triangles = cata.bounding_triangles
wotlk.bounding_vertices = cata.bounding_vertices
wotlk.bounding_normals = cata.bounding_normals
wotlk.attachments = cata.attachments
wotlk.attach_lookup = cata.attach_lookup =
wotlk.lights = cata.lights
#wotlk.cameras = cata.cameras #no
for i in cata.cameras:
   t = Camera()
   t.Type = i.Type
   t.FOV = i.UnkAnim.KeySubs[0].values[0]
   t.FarClip = i.FarClip
   t.NearClip = i.NearClip
   t.TransPos = i.TransPos
   t.Pos = i.Pos
   t.TransTar = i.TransTar
   t.Target = i.Target
   t.Scaling = i.Scaling
wotlk.camera_lookup = cata.camera_lookup
wotlk.ribbon_emitters = cata.ribbon_emitters
wotlk.particle_emitters = cata.particle_emitters

wotlkskin = SkinFile()
wotlkskin.header = cataskin.header
wotlkskin.indices = cataskin.indices
wotlkskin.tri = cataskin.tri
wotlkskin.prop = cataskin.prop
wotlkskin.mesh = cataskin.mesh
wotlkskin.texunit = cataskin.texunit
for i in wotlkskin.texunit:
   i.texunit = 0


con you upload the new script please i need it for pas my cata models to my wow wotlk custom expansion TT

can anyone help me with porting the worgen male  and female from wow 4.0.6a ¿? thank you or anyone .m2 model from wow cata 4.3.x ¿?

Tjank You ^^  ;)

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16]