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Messages - XxXGenesisXxX

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Quote from: "Alastor"
recunstructing one legendary sword from Blizzcon .... idc i dont want to wait until they release it i have screen shot thats all i need ....

Looks great, what's the poly count on it?

General / Re: Modcraft community
« on: August 07, 2015, 08:29:50 pm »
Quote from: "schlumpf"
Ugh, please, no, no, no and no. Videos are horrible. I will never understand why everyone thinks that doing anything in video helps at all. It always results in 30 seconds of worthless intro, 30 seconds of worthless outro and hugely blown up content, which most of the time is two paragraphs max.

Please, don't do video tutorials. Ever. For anything but pottery.

Bahaha, the funny thing is, your pottery example fits well. I could not see myself learning Autodesk Maya from a wall of text if I was to make 3D model of some pottery. However I feel a video tutorial for a visual medium would make a lot more sense. xD

Although, yeah it's not for everything and some things can be explained in a great deal less time with written text.

General / Re: Modcraft community
« on: August 07, 2015, 08:05:46 pm »
Ok, so a few things from my perspective on what has been mentioned so far (read a lot, skimmed some):

The problem I have with both tutorials and especially auto-mated process is that they do not promote lateral thinking, which is more important than having the skill sets required in WoW modding. Yes, if you want to write some code to do something you should learn some programming, that is obvious, but as mentioned there are countless places on the internet to learn that. Same with 3D modelling, texturing and even tool development. However it isn't easy to learn to think laterally without practicing it.

When I started to get into WoW modding back in 2012 there was some documentation and tutorials, but not too much, let alone a time before that when some members of this community came started. The main thing that veterans all have in common is an interest in exploration and learning. About 10% of everything I learned was from tutorials (and that was still a fair bit), the other 90% was from experimentation, exploration and memorizing my own form of documentation in my head based upon what I found. Furthermore, it's motivational to know you figured something out on your own.

That said, I do believe tutorials are a good thing, but to rely on them is a fault. That goes double for automation for people who should be learning (as opposed to people who already know but want to speed up the process).

The second thing I wanted to touch on was Modcraft itself as an identity. I joined this site in 2012. At that time both AC-Web and MMOWNED/OwnedCore were flourishing and highly populated, unfortunately, that was exactly why I came to Modcraft. I never liked AC-Web personally, as to me it was what OwnedCore became; a dumping ground for tutorials. I remember thinking to myself, holy crap if I see another crappy tutorial on how to compile a core I'm going to shoot myself.

Then there was Modcraft. When I joined Modcraft, to me it was where the skill level per member significantly exceeded that of other sites. But more importantly it was almost like a filtered society where people were generally interested in growing the modding community, not just themselves. Well, for the most part at least... I don't mind information for new modders, but I believe we should teach them how to teach themselves, not teach them exactly what to do.

The last thing is more personally towards myself, but I know others are the same. I'm over WoW... I am sick of it, plain and simple. I have played that fucking game since beta. All it has done in my eyes has gone downhill. The modding community was the only good thing it had left. But there is only so much one can enjoy working with a severely limited client. Given the lack of people interested in quality custom content for WoW, it makes me question "why don't I just make my own content in Unity Engine instead?"

A big part of that thinking is that my learning curve has plummeted, I used to be learning so much everyday and so quickly, now I look at the WoW cores and it's all rinse and repeat, or stuff I am simply not interested in. In terms of WoW I am completely without goals or targets to achieve that I am interested in. This wasn't as bad back in the day because I was self-motivated through learning, I would be halfway through completing a goal and would find a new one to do after I was done. Long story short, WoW as a game and evolution of a game is stagnant in my eyes. Feel free to disagree, hell I'd like to be convinced otherwise, I could of course be completely wrong as I am severely out of touch with WoW modding.

ANYWAY! On to the productive side of this post:

I like the idea of a formal tutorial system that would require approval and proper structure before it is accepted and published. If you think about how .wikia pages are structured by default (ignore custom templates), they are simple, clean and force you to structure your content. Something along those principles would be great.

Personally I have gotten used to video tutorials, perhaps video implementation would be nice.

Though it shouldn't be the goal of the tutorials an incentive would be nice. I wouldn't go as drastic as paid Tutorials like Method suggested, but perhaps a competition per month for the best tutorial of the month with a small prize. Promoting quality over quantity.

On the idea of competition, something I would considering coming back into the WoW community for is a challenge competition. For example similar to art forums: Once per month a challenging task is set that everyone can try and see who does the best job at. Perhaps one month it's a best custom boss script (or custom boss), another it is who can find the full limits of the custom factions (there are a few bugs I could never resolve), who can squash a well know bug that many have tried before. Even a who can write the best tutorial on a set topic commonly requested. Basically just some form of challenge and friendly competition that again promotes quality and learning.

Small time collaboration - people collaborating for small projects. So instead of an entire server with custom classes that would take 4 people 6 months to make, why not have 4 people spend 2 weeks developing 1 custom class for release (with documentation for people to learn with).

This is a huge stretch but a suggestion none the less... Why not make a brand new game with an engine like unity? There is so much talent on this site, why not do something more with it. What if Maruum was it's own game? Free from the limitations of the WoW client. That would be incredible.

Honestly, I just don't want this site to ever turn into quantity over quality. Quality should always be Modcraft's highest prerogative, be it for releases, learning, tutorials or even collaboration.

While I agree with normal sized boobs, everyone has their own tastes in what they like. Many Anime artists started out as Hentai artists under a pen name.

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] - I'm looking for help.
« on: April 01, 2014, 11:40:06 pm »
My TrinityCore is over a year old and it should still has this just in the config:

Rate.Health            = 1
Rate.Mana              = 1
Rate.Rage.Income       = 1
Rate.Rage.Loss         = 1
Rate.RunicPower.Income = 1
Rate.RunicPower.Loss   = 1
Rate.Focus             = 1
Rate.Energy            = 1
Rate.Loyalty           = 1

Check that your co-ordinates are correct. It is possible that you are out of bounds for the associated blp.

Does it work if you use the coordinated of different existing races?

Please don't bump your own post after less than 2 hours, we will see it.

Also, this is specifically to do with the specified Lua file, I think I know the problem but I don't want to download the patch. Can you please just copy the CharacterCreate Lua and XML files to instead and link it.

Random / Re: Sunburns.... OUCH!
« on: March 19, 2014, 10:33:32 pm »
Didn't happen to me, but I was there and got to laugh at it:

To preface; New Years in Australia is Summer and our summers a very hot. As in we can have up to a week of over 45C (113F).

So every New Years some friends and myself all go out camping at this specific place we like known as Coopers Creek. This one particular year my mate got into Kayaking and decided to bring it as he wanted to go down the river. Sure enough him and his Dad went on a Kayak trip while the rest of us did the more preferable get drunk at camp while swimming.

Anyway, my mate decided to not wear a shirt and he hates the slimy feel of sunscreen. However he didn't realize the trip they planned took 4 hours with no shade on a reflective river, during a 40ish degree day. Next day he refused to leave his tent, he basically couldn't move thanks to sunburn and heatstroke. Was hilarious for the rest of us (minus his girlfriend).

This was in one of my tutorials, it's my personal WoW.exe. It's cracked to skip GlueXML, FrameXML and to read through folders.

If this doesn't work then the problem is elsewhere:

Also, the IMO the reason people haven't replied, is because a problem like this is almost always human error, not the guides themselves. How can we answer a problem that for everyone else worked perfectly fine?

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] TDM Battleground
« on: February 27, 2014, 01:24:28 pm »
Firstly, for the love of god, please stop double posting, there is an edit button for a reason. It really helps keep the forums cleaner and makes it easier to navigate threads.

However on-topic: Depends on how you want to do it?

You could do it with cameras, but good luck with that lol. Would be a nightmare.
You could do something using vision control, as in similar to mind control spells, but without having the control. And the spectator switches between players they are viewing.

The method I would say is easiest and would recommend though, would probably be through the use of Phases. Have it so the players are in the default Phase, while the spectators are in another Phase. For examples sake (and lack of memory), we'll say the default Phase is 1 and the spectator Phase is 2. You would make it so that Phase 1 is active on players, and Phase 2 is active on spectators. Then you would make is so people in Phase 2 can see people in Phase 1, but Phase 1 people can only see people in Phase 1 and not Phase 2. Afterward you have to make it so that while in Phase 2, objects are non-intractable.

The problem with all of these is whether or not without a delay on the spectator mode, will people cheat or not? As in have a friend spectate and relay information to the enemy team.

No matter what you do, it won't be that small of a task, but these are some basic ideas to go on.

Recruitment / Re: [PROJECT] Skarn - The Home of Quality WoW Modding
« on: February 27, 2014, 04:02:25 am »
Quote from: "Skarn"
Genesis, thanks for tips.
You cannot open my MPQs cuz their listfile is removed and the structure is different. all the file names look like sd42tsg234.smth. And even extensions are changed. We have .sdf (Skarn Database File)  files instead of .dbc. However, the name will be changed before the release. The exe is encrypted, so you can't open it in hex editor and search for file names. So, if it's still possible it's going to be really hard to decrypt and extract our work.


But seriously, that does sound good. Just remember that WoW is not our game, and emulation servers are built by people who have shown prowess in deconstruction and decryption of software. Although overall, it's not a big deal to some, it may be to you or others about it's level of protection. Just be weary of overestimating the protection or underestimating the community is all I'm just trying to say :p

Also, removal of listfile can mean squat for some MPQ unpackers.

Recruitment / Re: [PROJECT] Skarn - The Home of Quality WoW Modding
« on: February 26, 2014, 10:21:09 pm »
Quote from: "Skarn"
I don't prevent client to read it. But the archive will be useless on other servers. It will just crash there. There's a lot of ways of protection beside using data editing. The system I'm talking about already works for at least 2 big projects.

I think what Schlumpf is referring to as protection and what you are is completely different. Protection isn't for people using the patch on one server to another (wtf would be the point?): It's about preventing the MPQ from being opened so the files are exposed. For example, I could easily open your "protected" patch, and pick it apart for files I want to look at, or even use.

Another example would be with my recent guide on making a custom character create screen. It's simple XML/Lua scripts, if you put that into the patch, sure people couldn't use it on another server with your patch... But they could just open the patch and take the files and have it anyway.

Preventing that, would be more my definition of protection.

But anyway, back on-topic. Your project seems very ambitious like many others, however again like many others, you may need more shown incentive. Even posting things like current number of staff or current staff positions filled, shows progress on management side of things.

Good luck with it though, sounds like a good finished product.

Serverside Modding / Re: [QUESTION] TDM Battleground
« on: February 26, 2014, 10:08:16 pm »
Done this in the past personally and as Schlumpf said, you just copy a base script (WSG for example). Remove or comment out the objective stuff (flags). Modify the OnKill function so that when you get a kill it also adds to the team score. Can't remember if you need to modify the victory conditions outside of score limit.

As for respawning... It's a BG that already has graveyards, it already uses the basic WoW respawn system. You don't need to change anything to do with it, what were you going for with respawns that's different?

After all that, you need to modify the UI a bit, I never got round to doing that though, so you will have to figure that out more on your own.

Other than that, you need to make it so the Battleground shows up in the Battlemaster Battlegrounds list. From memory this is done with DBC and the database. Can't remember if more serverside is needed...

You may also need to make it so the script can be activated in the first place, but again I can't remember. Sorry it's been almost 2 years and I had a look on one of my storage hard drives, but can't find the script anywhere. I stop and start things a lot, so I clear files out a fair bit.

Random / Re: [QUESTION] Most popular Expansion?
« on: February 25, 2014, 11:08:45 pm »
Well said amberwell. Well said.

Random / Re: [QUESTION] Most popular Expansion?
« on: February 24, 2014, 04:15:09 am »
Vanilla. Although I am torn between pre-BWL or post-BWL.

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