Hi everyone! Im Orontes, customer of the server WoW Skulls (i was learning mapping and dbc and slowly some other things when i craft this map). First i need to say that i dont speak english very well, so, lets explain: "Long time ago, i dream with a land on wow to make Roleplay, create a kingdom and make another type of game, remembering the first version of wow, vanilla, and his rol and lore. When i was a gm on a all-gm server, actually off, i see that this can be possible to do using .gobjects, but now, with noggit, im more closer to create my rol kingdom: Veliria..." I was have many problems, because i dont know how to use the dbcs, some things of noggit, how to create custom wmos, etc. I want to post the procces of all the map, icluding my first lovely walks on my land, when every was bug, at now, using dbcs and adding music to my zones. I love the magic lands, so i want to create a magic school (no Howarts xd) called Casten. The map have many zones for any class, horde and alliance, and his villain city, and more.
So please, comments!
Here my first wiew of the map, every bug, every m2 model was deleted

Here i was started the magic school!

The first tower

The library - in beta

The fire hall

The prohibited chamber

The summon chamber 0.O

Selection of magic books

Palace of Thordiel, for bloodelf lords rolers

The Royal Palace of Veliria!!

Beta interiors of the palace

Detail of XVIII mirror decoration made in wow

Beta dance salon

Royal Throne of Veliria

Throne of the Archmage of the school

Full build Magic School Casten:

Necromancer city

Necromancer "death moon" fair

Have more, but at end, my last proyect: The dark labrynth...

Comments!! tyy :3