Going to test if works for all races. Till now gnomes and Undeads was busting balls until i could align them correct . If this works GREAT PIECE of WORK MATE !***UPDATE :Tested on female undead, doesnt position correct.The coordinates Iniko provides are for humans. Else did i made a mistake ?
Quote from: "Uthil"Going to test if works for all races. Till now gnomes and Undeads was busting balls until i could align them correct . If this works GREAT PIECE of WORK MATE !***UPDATE :Tested on female undead, doesnt position correct.The coordinates Iniko provides are for humans. Else did i made a mistake ?Yes you are right, i attached a file here for modify the coords. Just change it to match the cords of the race. For example for gnome i used a.x = float(-0.0227258)a.y = float(0.0)a.z = float(-0.18623257)Run it only after the first two files in the first post.Edit: just tested every race and gender, these are the right coords:HUMAN (male and female), NELF (male and female), DRANEI (male and female), ORC (male and female), TAUREN (male and female), TROLL (male), BELF (male): a.x = float(-0.0587258) a.y = float(0.0) a.z = float(-0.18623257)TROLL (female): a.x = float(-0.0887258) a.y = float(0.0) a.z = float(-0.08623257)BELF (female): a.x = float(-0.0087258) a.y = float(0.0) a.z = float(-0.18623257)UNDEAD (male): a.x = float(-0.0959258) a.y = float(0.0) a.z = float(-0.12623256) UNDEAD (female): a.x = float(-0.0019258) a.y = float(0.0) a.z = float(-0.15623257) GNOME (male and female), DWARF (male and female): a.x = float(-0.0227258) a.y = float(0.0) a.z = float(-0.18623257)
Have you converted m2 to wotlk
try with this
Hi,I tried an other thing, since I'm using races models from Legion, I have an other issue, every helmets from previous version are misplaced on my chars, do you know how to adapt vanilla, tbc, other versions helmets to my models ? I haven't touched python for a long time and I'm kinda... lost :?