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Messages - Insanity

Pages: [1] 2 3
Miscellaneous / Re: Smartai Question
« on: August 15, 2017, 03:04:47 am »
I believe that is what action 50 does.  Give it a try.  Set the npc with an 10 sec OOC time and then set the despawn parameter for action 50 to 5 sec.  Don't forget that smartai uses millisecond or else you will have a ton of GOs floating around.

Miscellaneous / Re: Smartai Question
« on: August 13, 2017, 03:55:55 am »
I think you are looking for action type 50 (SMART_ACTION_SUMMON_GO) on your npc, tied to whatever trigger event you want.  Action 50 has a despawn parameter you can use.  From there you just need to script the GO. 
I’m not familiar with spell id 7777 (if that is the actual spell id and not just a placeholder) but if the spell already has a built effect (like a damage aura) then you could just use action 12 (cast), if the spell activates the aura, or action 75 (add aura) if the spell is already an aura.  Again pending on how the spell works you can either use the in-combat (event 0) , out-of-combat (event 1), range (event 9), or Summoned_Unit (event 17) event to trigger.  Don’t forget that GO use source_type 1. 
I haven’t done a lot of GO scripting so you might have to use a timed action list to get things to work right.  Could you use an untargetable npc instead of the GO, smartai has better support for creatures?
Trinity’s Smart AI page is fairly detailed and should help.

Resources and Tools / Re:  [TOOL] [WotLk] ADTForge
« on: March 13, 2017, 05:52:59 pm »
No need to explain, life likes to pile it on (especially if there is a pile there to begin with.)  Thanks for the reply.  Let us know if the unskilled masses can help.

Resources and Tools / Re:  [TOOL] [WotLk] ADTForge
« on: March 12, 2017, 08:43:25 pm »
@ Scytheria

How is the development going?  I'm really looking forwarded to the updated version. Would you be willing to re-post a link the previous version in the meantime (I thought I had a copy but I can't seem to find it)?  Thanks

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [RELEASE] [WotLk]  Legion Creatur Models for Wotlk
« on: September 23, 2016, 09:14:51 pm »
People are here because they like doing this, not because they are paid to.  These guys are putting out content that speaks to them or to their needs.  

If they have the time I’m sure they would help, in fact given that there are 4 pages of comments it looks like people are trying.  Many aspects of this work are very, very time consuming.  Keep in mind people may not want to share all of the info in their DBCs, and creating a patch for just this data take time as well.

Modcraft is a forum for learning, some people are kind enough to post their work but it is not a requirement.  If you like the models and want to use them it looks like you’ll have to do some investigation and it has been my experience many people here will help point you in the right direction, if you willing to look for answers, ask questions, and are willing to follow their advice.  

Hey, at least you are not starting from scratch.

Noggit / Re: [Release] Noggit SDL 3.1021 BETA
« on: June 02, 2016, 03:03:19 am »
Quote from: "Kaev"
You probably have to deactivate/deinstall your tablet driver if you want to work with your mouse instead of your tablet.
Spot on Kaev.  Thanks for point that out.  I has completely forgot that I had loaded my tablet onto this computer.

Noggit / Re: [Release] Noggit SDL 3.1021 BETA
« on: June 01, 2016, 03:07:59 am »
Should there be a Tablet control toggle for Blur/Flatten and 3-D Paint?  I can't seem to change the Blur radius or 3-D paint pressure values.  Or am I missing the obvious, somewhere.  I did turn off the tablet function under the Raise/Lower Panel, and the parameters in that panel are all adjustable but that doesn't seem to transfer to the other 2.

Maruum / Re: Noggit lifeseed
« on: May 13, 2016, 02:47:24 pm »
Very interesting…I have to admit I’ve found it time-consuming to fine tune waypoints and this seems much more efficient.  I like what I’m seeing.  I do have a few questions:
Can the add-on input values into the waypoint “point_comment” field (so it could be flagged, in case you want to easily find the new entry and export a sql backup)?
Can existing waypoints be modified or is it just for creation of new points?
Currently are there any other commands that are active, like adding creatures/gameobjects or modifying their positions?

Impressive, I give you 2 thumbs up.

Level Design / Re: Old Outland
« on: July 08, 2015, 05:18:32 am »
If I understand you question right try looking in the map/expansion01 folder of expansion.mpq.  You might need a WotLK or BC client, I'm not sure what is in the cata mpqs.
Unless you are asking about the actual portals. Those should be located in each capitol.  It was in the Magic Quarter for Undercity, but that was on the live server.  You might want to post on the trinity forum for more accurate info.  You could try using the go xyz command and just teleport there.

By organic flow I just mean that mirrored looked; same angles and same shapes.  Like that concept that you need to offset parallel lines so that the eye doesn’t pick up that perfect spacing and the brain discards it as artificial.  Sorry that explanation may not have been anymore enlightening.

I can say for certainty don’t expect to create similar content straight out of the gate, a lot of people here are very, very talented.  I’ve been trolling around this site for a few years and still my work is rudimentary.  It’s all about the time and effort you put in.  Between Modcraft and Youtube there is a ton of helpful people and tutorials to help you along but you need to put the time in…how do you make the time, well that’s another story all together .

Quote from: "PhilipTNG"
Quote from: "Insanity"
how many faces?

It was just under 2000 faces prior to triangulating the quads.  I could probably shave off 1/4 of them since there is a bunch of small topography going on and I could simulate it with the texture instead.  
Thanks for the encouragement guys.  I haven’t quite got that organic flow down yet, I’m still working on getting comfortable with asymmetry.

Just a simple tower, originally intended to make a lighthouse but re-purposed it mid-creation.  I haven't moved it in-game yet so we'll see if it works under closer scrutiny.

"Retro-Porting" / Re: [Question] Azeroth's second moon?
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:08:49 am »
Quote from: "spik96"
I think the question was about a multiple skyboxes case.
That was my main question but the answer does infer that there are at least 2 levels to work with: the skybox and the sky background itself.  Time to start messing around with it an see.  Thanks for the responses.

Resources and Tools / Re: [TOOL] [DBC] Lightmapper
« on: May 17, 2015, 01:41:45 pm »
Wow my apologizes. I completely overlooked those.

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